


I bet you’re all wondering why I’m thinking ‘yes’ like this huh? No, perverts, it has nothing to do with orgasms…well it could be one day, but for now it’s just about Cameron and tutoring.

Mr. Randson has informed me that he’ll do it! Cameron he’s…he’s all mine! We’re going to study together…alone. Can you give me a ‘fuck yes!’

This is possibly the best thing to ever happen to me. Well, besides for hitting puberty that is.

I grin from ear to ear the moment I step into the library Wednesday evening. Mr. Randson informed me earlier on that Cameron can tutor me Wednesday’s and Friday’s in the library as soon as classes are over and that my friends is kick ass.

I wish he could “tutor” me more often though…than again he has his own studying and personal things to do so I guess two days are just fine.

The doors shut behind me and I make my way inside to find Cameron near the back. I try to make myself less suspicious by hiding my grin, but I just can’t help it. Smiling is the one thing I do best!


“Don’t shout. We’re in a library,” he scolds just like a mother would her two year old child. I chuckle and do as I’m told though. I don’t want to get on his bad side, although I’m pretty sure I already am.

“Sorry,” I whisper with both my hands over my mouth. By the scowl on his face I can tell he isn’t amused, but I don’t know how to make that scowl turn into a smile. He’s just so complicated…but that isn’t going to stop me from trying.

“Mr. Randson has already included me on what you need to study…which is just about everything-”

You bet that was a shot at my intelligence! I am a lot smarter than he thinks though. I came up with this plan didn’t I?

“I guess we can start by getting to any homework you have…”

“Oh right! Yeah, I was looking at these problems earlier and man do they look hard! I don’t know if I can do them myself-”

“Isn’t that the reason you have me? Stupid.”

I whine. “You’re so cold.”

“Just get out your homework and can you please keep your voice down.”

“No one else is in here,” I mumble more to myself than him. I grab the homework that I was given earlier and lay it out in front of me to learn that Cameron really is good at tutoring. He explains things so clearly, he makes these subjects seem like it all comes naturally. If this is the way he sees anything than no wonder he’s so smart!

If this tutoring thing keeps up, I might actually start to make good grades! But that isn’t the real reason I did this. I came here to learn about Cameron and damn it, that’s what I’m going to do!

“So Cameron…why did you come to this school if you knew you’d get teased?” It’s the first question that really came to mind. I’m not sure why…I guess because I’ve always been curious. After all, he’s a great kid and in a normal school I’m sure he would be loved by everyone.

With a raise of his brow, the boy looks up towards me with a blank expression. I wait patiently for an answer, but he seems reluctant to answer. Finally, he sighs and decides to reply.

“It’s a good school and the fact that I made it here by grades alone will look amazing on a college resume.”

“That’s not really a good answer…I mean, what kid cares about schooling?” I laugh, but at the dark glare he sends my way I know that I just pissed him off. Not that I meant to! It’s just so easy to do it and he’s so…touchy.

“I obviously care.”

I want to ask why and somehow pry an answer from him, but it’s too late. He stands up and pushes his things into his bags. I go to speak, but he’s already moving out of the library while saying over his shoulder, “It’s late, go home. We’ll continue Friday.”


“Goodbye, Sage.” Is it just me or did he spit my name out like garbage?

The door slams behind him and I’m left with one thought; he really does hate me.

That just means I have to try harder next time!


“Man, he’s such a prick.”

“Who is?”


I laugh, because I can’t deny that he’s a douche bag even if I do have a little crush on him. He’s like that for a reason though. After all no one is nice to him here. Everyone is cruel and cold hearted and they treat him like trash. That is the reason why he is the way he is.

“You can’t blame him. Everyone here are douche bags to him,” I say, trying to stick up for that beautiful boy who is standing just down the hall. People pass him by, not giving him a glance, and if they do than it’s a glare, one full of hatred and envy.

“Dude, don’t stand up for him. He’s a slut,” Dale growls, but the moment he sees the normal happy smile on my face disappear and form into a scowl he shuts his mouth.

“Cameron. Is. Not. A. Slut.” My words are spit out like venom. My voice became low and deep, resembling a growling animal that’s ready to attack.

Dale backs off and mumbles, “Sorry…”

And the moment I hear him apologize I’m smiling again. It’s just the way I am. Once I get mad, I’m mad, but it’s easy for me to smile again. I like to look on the brighter side of things. It makes my life much easier and a hell of a lot more fun…

Now if only I could get Cameron to think the same way.

I really got my work cut out for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hot.Mess is lucky I love her or this would not have been posted
