Just Another Day



Leaning forward I slowly slid my foot into the plastic shoe, the shiny material extending up and over my knee. Standing up on the heels I grab my gun and handcuffs, clipping them to the belt that hung loosely on my hips.

Snatching my badge I clip it to my outfit just above the false pocket, the glint of the metal flashing against the blue jumper.

Making sure the zipper was pulled up in the front I smooth the material and pull down the hem of the shorts.

Walking out of the dull locker room I slap the matching hat onto my thickly curled hair, the ends of the curls just reaching my shoulders.

As I walked into my office the sound of a high whistle forced me to look up.

“Damn girl, you sure do fill that costume out mighty fine!”

I glare at my partner, “Not another word, Detective.”

Joe smiled, his green eyes brightening, “Aw come on, Sloane. It’s not every day I get to see such a dangerous woman in such a hot uniform.”

My glare intensified, “Don’t make me practice my sharp shooting on you. I really don’t have time to train another partner.”

The tall Irishman laughed, his dark red hair flowing around his face, “Don’t be such a grouch, Wilmet. You should be happy you get to go in under cover.”

I walked past him to my desk, grabbing the yellow file the sat on the ancient wood.

“Under cover? I’m going to a Halloween party to look for a serial killer.”

Turning back to Joe I gesture to my shoes, “And I’m forced to wear heels! How am I supposed to chase down a runner?”

Joe ran his eyes over my legs, taking in everything, “I don’t think anyone would run for long. Not if they see those legs pumping after them.”

I roll my eyes, “Maybe I should give Caitlyn a call and she how she feels about your wandering eyes.”

Joe smiled, “She loves my wandering eyes, especially when they wander all over her.”

I sighed, “That’s just the whole newlywed phases. She’ll get over it in a few years.”

Joe’s eyes deepened with love for his new wife, “She’ll always love me and my eyes.”

I didn’t say anymore, instead focusing on the file in my hands.

“This guy’s good, Joe, really good. He’s managed to get away unscathed after four murders, three grand theft autos, and over a dozen kidnappings.” I study the Caucasian man’s picture, committing him to memory.

Joe read over my shoulder, “He’s practically a ghost.”

I nodded, “I’m just glad the last girl was able to escape before he killed her. She’s the only reason we know he’ll be at the party.”

“Yeah, which is why you’re perfect for this particular case.”

Sighing I inwardly admit he was right. This guy’s MO is dark skinned women.

So, while I’m not dark chocolate, I’m defiantly considered milk chocolate.

“I know, I know, but that doesn’t mean I have to like this costume.”

Joe’s eyes rolled over me once more, “It sure does seem to love you.”

Joe backed away laughing as I reached over to smack him.

Still laughing Joe walked out of my office, “Be careful how you move, Wilmet. Your boobs might fall out.”

Looking down I quickly straighten the top, trying to cover as much cleavage as I possibly could.


”Detective Wilmet? Do you hear me?” my boss’s voice echoed through the little mic in my ear.

Slowly walking through the crowd of people I continue to watch my surroundings, “Yeah, loud and clear.”

”Good, just blend in with the people. Remember, you’re just another partier having a good time.”

I mentally glared at my boss’s words, “10-4.”

With the mic now falling silent I resume my watch, looking for a man with long dark hair that would most likely be pulled back into a tail. He was of average height with a piercing in his left ear.

I was told that once I got close enough there would be a faint tattoo in the shape of a crow that wrapped around the right side of his neck.

But to see it I would have to get within touching distance of Emanuel Luis Juarez.

The serial killer I’ve been trying to catch for the past year.

Pushing through another group of drunken party goers I catch sight of a man who could be my target.

Moving faster I try to catch up to the man dressed as a biker when a hand falls on my shoulder, pulling me around.

As a reflex I start to palm my gun, but relax when I notice a drunken frat boy smiling at me.

“Hey there beautiful!”

I reach out to steady the boy as he stumbles on his feet.

The boy took in my outfit, his eyes settling on my cleavage, “God damn, but you must be a parking ticket because, baby, you’ve got fine written all over you.”

I so don’t have time for this.

“That’s nice, but I’m a bit busy right now.”

Turning I leave the boy to his alcohol, not wasting my time to try and find out if he’s of legal age or not.

I’ve got bigger fish to fry.

Moving a little faster now I search for the biker, finally spotting him talking to a woman dressed as a nurse.

I give a little thanks that she’s Caucasian and slow my pace as I get closer.

Pony tail? Check.

Piercing? Check.


Walking closer I pretend to stumble a little, blending in with the slightly drunk women.

When I’m close enough I fall into the biker, forcing him to catch me.

Tattoo? Defiant check.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I must have had one too many beers.” I explain, making sure to stay leaning against him.

The man smiled, his eyes roaming over me, “It’s alright. I don’t mind having a pretty officer in my arms.”

Continuing my charade I giggle, “Oh, well thank you for catching me.”

Pulling away I make my legs give out so that I fall back into his arms, “Damn these shoes. I think I twisted my ankle.”

Biker man smiled, the nurse already forgotten, “I’ve got a medical kit in my bike. Why don’t we go and see about your ankle?”

I smiled, “That sounds like a great idea.”

Quickly palming my gun before he noticed I allowed him to wrap his arm around my waist.

Just as he turned to walk forward I shoved my gun into his back and twisted his arm around, effectively shoving him against a wall.

“Hey! What’s the deal?” he screamed as I twisted his other arm closer.

“I’m Detective Wilmet and you, Emanuel, are under arrest.”

“What? No way!”

He began to struggle. Using his shoulders to push against the wall Emanuel fell back against me, causing me to slip on my heels. I lose my grip on his wrists as I land on the ground, but I make sure my grip stays on my gun.

Emanuel takes off, racing away from the crowd and into town.

Jumping to my feet I chase him down, practically screaming into the mic, “He’s a runner! God damn Joe I told you he’d run!”

”We’re on our way, Sloane. Don’t challenge him on your own again, wait for us!”

Ignoring Joe’s last comment I continue to pursue Emanuel.

But these stupid heels slowed me down.

Making a quick decision I pull up my gun, take aim, and flex my figure against the trigger.

I watched as Emanuel screamed, tripping over his feet and falling to the ground.

Coming up to his side I try to slow down my breathing as I straddled his back.

“Now, let’s start this part over. Emanuel, you are under arrest.”

He tried to pull his arm away from my grasp, but I just twisted it more, “You stupid bitch! You shot my ass!”

“Yes,” I mutter as I place the handcuffs on him, “it was an easy target.”

Hearing Joe and the other back up cops getting closer I lean back and stand, leaving Emanuel to suffer on the ground.

“Damn it Sloane! I told you to wait for me!”

I smiled, “Even with these shoes I’m still faster than you.”

Joe smiled and looked down at Emanuel as the other officers read him his rights and loaded him into a car.

“Great job, Wilmet.”

I turn to see the mayor, dresses as a Roman gladiator, walk up to me.

Reaching for my hand he gave a strong shake, “I was worried he was going to get away again.”

I smiled, “I wasn’t going to let that happen.”

He laughed, his dark eyes crinkling, “That’s why I trust you to keep our town safe.”

Still smiling I watch as the mayor walks back to his petite wife, giving her a kiss and rejoining the party.

“Detective Wilmet?”

Turning back around I look at the cop in front of me, “Yes?”’

“The boss wants you in for the questioning. He thinks you’re the only one who’ll get a confession out of the guy.”

Nodding I walk to a car, but before I get in I look for Joe.

“Hey,” I wait until my partner looks at me, “There’s a frat boy dressed as a college vampire, looks to be around the age of twenty.”

Joe nods, signaling me to continue, “Look for him and check his age. Maybe you can get him for underage drinking and teach him a lesson.”

I slide into the car and signal the cop to drive, putting on my seat belt.

Sighing I think about what happened today.

One thing stuck out the most.

It was just another day in the life of Detective Sloane Wilmet.
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There's one thing I want to point out because I don't know if I got the whole idea through...

There's nothing romantice between Joe and Sloane. They just have a close relationship because they're partners.

So, with that said...

What did you think?