Status: Hmmmn.

Stop My Valediction.

Babe, I know that it's your soul, but could you bottle it up?

Started as flicker, meant to be flame. Skin has gotten thicker but it still burns the same.

“Okay men the best woman is finally here, now we can officially party!” Max hollered as I stepped through the door. I rolled my eyes at his childish actions as he danced around like the French prostitute that he is.

“Glad you could make it Dem.” Kris said softly as that coy smirk appeared on his face. He reached in the give me a hug but I just through my arms around neck, squeezed once and went over to where Billy and Sidney where sitting.

“Dude this is a bachelor party and you are over here playing monopoly like a bunch of pansies!” I said as I stared down at Billy and Sidney who both held monopoly money in their hands.

“I don’t won’t to sleep on the couch tonight; Trish would kill if there was anything but monopoly going on.” Billy stated with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Who invited gramps? Where the hell are the strippers!?” Jordan called out as he slipped his arm around my waist. I laughed as I reached up and patted his smooth baby face.

“Easy there tiger, you’ve gotta pace yourself, I don’t want you to jump the gun too early like I here you do.” I said with a playful wink. A hushed silence soon fell over the room before Sidney started laughing which intern made everyone crack up. Jordan retracted his arm from around my waist and threw me a glare before he ventured over to the island where many bottles of colorful alcohol sat.

“Who planned this party? This isn’t real liquor, Kris does your fiancé know you like to drink cosmopolitans? Well of course she does you and her watch ‘Sex in the City’ every night together, don’t you?” I said batting my eyelashes playfully. Kris rolled his eyes as he snatched the bottle of liquor from my clutches. I don’t know what has gotten into me.

Somewhere between crying on the floor and then suddenly racing back into the reception hall for some scotch I had made up my mind that I was never going to have Kris, that he would never be mine. I knew I would always still want him, but he would never want me.

Why would he?

I mean he has this beautiful fiancé who was the nicest woman in the world. Everyone liked her no matter how much the boys tried to despise her for my benefit, hell I even liked her. Kris was a very lucky man, no matter how much it made my stomach churn with the thoughts of him being taken forever.

I watched on silently and sadly as Kris began to mix a drink in a cliche red plastic cup, no doubt Max’s idea.

I watched on sadly because I knew my next move would hurt Kris and pretty much everyone around me. I wasn’t going to be at the wedding tomorrow. I wasn't going because I wasn’t even going to be in Pittsburgh. By the time the lovely couple will be saying their I dos’, I will be on my way to Chicago, not that far away, but far enough.

“Here, now see if this is a cosmpolly-or what ever the hell you just said.” Kris stated as he shoved the drink towards me. My dark eyebrow shot up as I gave him a questioning look. I smelled the rim of the cup and immediately turned my nose up.

“Ew what the hell is this?” I screeched. Kris just laughed as he pushed the cup father into me.

“No, you have to drink it since you where talking shit from the moment you walked in.” he said with a cocky smile on his face. I eyed him for a moment and our eyes met for a second. I could feel my breath leaving through my parted lips as Kris took a step forward.

“Demi, we need your help, Sidney is cheating and Billy has him in a headlock!” Max said as he rushed into the room. Shock ran through my veins as I looked from Kris to Max before I just shook my head softly and threw my head back and tossed the drink down, the contents burning my thoat raw as it slide down.

“When I count to three and everyone is not settled down, someone will be getting a time out!” I hollered as I exited the kitchen quickly, the alcohol now racing threw my veins.



“Stop messing with her man.” I hissed at Kris. He looked up at me glared running his hands through his long hair.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Kris stated back to me matter of a factly. I soon found myself striding over to Kris quickly, taking the front of his shirt into both of my hands.

“Stop fucking with Demi, stop messing with her mind, stop leading her own, you know what you are doing.” I spat at him. Kris just smirked and shook his head, pushing me off in order to get my grasp off of his chest.

“Why, are you jealous?” Kris asked with a smirk. I wanted to knock him silly. I clinched my fist I looked at him with a dark glare.

“Very jealous because a son of a bitch like you has this amazing girl willing to give you her all and yet you spend your time screwing her over so yes Kristopher, I am very jealous.” I spat at him. Kris stayed quiet this time, no smirk, and no look at all, not even eye contact. He knew I was right. I shook my head and scuffed in disgust and made way back out into the open area where the rest of the men where.

“Seriously Demi, it wasn’t me who threw that car at you, it was Geno!” Jordan said as he pointed a finger accusingly over at Geno who sat with his hands behind his head. Demi’s large brown eyes shot over to Geno who just simply shook his head with a soft smile.

“I meant what I said earlier Jordan, corner for five minutes, right now.” Demi said sternly as she gave Jordan a disapproving look. Jordan’s shoulders slumped forward as he walked over dejectedly to the corner where Demi had summoned him. He turned around and gave Demi big sad puppy dog eyes.

“Nope, don’t give me that look Staal, turn around before I bend you over my knee and spank you.” She said with a small giggle. Kris soon entered the room right after that and I took this as my chance to wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me, Kris’s eyes burning into my back.

“I’ve been a bad boy too, don’t I deserve a spanking?” I said a little too loudly. I peered over my shoulder too see Kris glare at me. He began to mouth something but I just turned my head. I didn’t really give a fuck about what he had to say, he wasted his chance, it was my turn now.


Demi giggled loudly as she fumbled with her keys. She had a bit too much drink to night and Kris’s house and Max had been the first one to step up and offer to take her home safely, much to Kris’s dismay.

“Okay loopy, I think it’s my turn to try.” Max said with a laugh as he took Demi’s keys out of her hands after she attempted twice to shove her key into the keyhole without much success. Max opened the door with eyes as he threw a goofy grin to Demi who just began to giggle even more.

“Oh Maxime, I really am going to miss you when I leave.” Demi said as a drunken smile came onto her face. She had reached up and patted the side of Max’s face affectionately as the words slipped from her lips.

“What do you mean when you are gone Demi?” Max asked in a confused tone. Even though Max knew Demi was drunk he also knew that when alcohol was running through her veins that the truth always seemed to find it’s way from Demi’s mouth.

“Oh silly of me not to tell you, I am leaving tomorrow morning.” Demi said like it was the simplest thing in the world. She flipped on the light switch and Max’s eyes grew wide as he saw nothing but a few boxes was left in Demi’s apartment.

“I can’t be around Kris anymore you know? Especially when he is going to be married to someone that isn’t me, it just makes me sad like all the time, so I have to like leave.” Demi said as she busted out into another fit of giggles. She soon began to walk down the hallway and Max followed her. She opened up her bedroom door and kicked off her shoes quickly.

“You sleeping here tonight, you know one last sleepover?” Demi said with a sweet smile on her face. Max smiled at her and just shook his head. The only reason that Max staying for Demi because in the morning he was going try and convince her that this was anything but their last sleepover.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this is the second part of the three part installment. I hope you enjoy. Please leave some feedback. i have been having a lot of trouble with getting feedback. Updates won't come as fast. Roy. Comment!