Status: completed.<3

Satellite Sing

Somewhere, We Live Inside

It was getting darker and darker with the passing minutes, but I barely noticed. The only thing that brought the hour to my attention was the wind that was growing colder. Still completely lost in my thoughts and the familiar beat of the rock music in my ears, I checked the time on my handy-dandy red iPod, noting that it was 9:08. Outside, it was pretty dark, but not fully pitch black yet, so I decided to remain out on the front porch for a little while longer. As I sat on the wooden porch steps to my house, I tapped my foot gently, my chocolate eyes staring at the ground before me. I wasn't paying attention to anything around me - only on the sound of "Dammit" by blink-182 as it played loudly in my ears. I started to murmur along with the lyrics out loud, envisioning myself in my mind playing the guitar parts. Slowly, my eyes closed as I got more lost in thought, and -

I yelped, instantly pulling the white earbuds out of my ears, tossing my still-playing iPod onto the grass a foot away from me. My right hand went to my forehead, which I'm sure was turning red and already forming a bruise. Eyes wide, I looked off to the ground on my right, seeing the neon yellow frisbee that had hit me smack in the forehead, sitting there. "What the hell?" I muttered to myself, wondering if it had been the annoying eighth graders that lived in my neighborhood who'd hit me. Shaking my head and removing my hand, I sighed, still staring at the frisbee. I was going to kill those pests later when I found them.

"Oh my god!" Blinking in surprise, I looked up to see agorgeous boy standing before me, a mixture of looks across his face: fear, guilt, shock. The boy looked about my age, maybe a year or so younger - he had auburn hair and from what I could see in the dark light, brilliant blue eyes. A white v-neck shirt was hugging his skinny torso in all the right places; the same with his black skinny jeans, which were ripped in one knee. On his feet were gray Converse, exactly like my pair, making me smile. "I'm so sorry," he continued, using multiple hand motions as he gazed at me with his mouth wide open. "I.. I didn't mean, Oh gosh! I'm sorry!"

Before he could continue babbling any more, I cut the boy off, "No, no. It's okay. Really. I'm fine - no blood, no foul. It's no big deal." To emphasize my point, I smiled genuinely at him, momentarily forgetting about the throbbing of my forehead.

"Hey, Garrett!" an unfamiliar voice called from across the street. My brow crinkled in slight confusion. The "FOR SALE" sign that had been in the front yard for the past two months had been removed, and two trucks were parked in the driveway. Had someone really moved in across the street from me.. without me noticing? The other boy remained across the street, standing in the front yard, waving one of his arms. "Did you seriously hit him or something?!"

At that phrase, the boy in front of me -named Garrett, I assumed- blushed a deeper shade of red, which was completely visible, though it was still getting darker outside. "I'm so sorry," the boy repeated, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Me and Kennedy.. Uh, my friend.. were just tossing the frisbee around 'cause we were bored and.. Gosh, I'm sorry!" Garrett bit down on his bottom lip, making him look ten times more adorable, and stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets, looking like a little kid who'd got caught stealing from the cookie jar.

"Nah, man, it's fine, like I said. I'm Alex. Alex Gaskarth," I introduced myself. I reached forward and grabbed the neon frisbee before standing up and handing it to the shorter boy.

He took it and smiled for the first time, though a nervous look still remained in his beautiful eyes. "I'm Garrett Nickelsen. I, uh, just moved in across the street.." Surprising me, he reached forward with the hand that wasn't grasping onto the frisbee, and took my slightly larger hand in his. At first, I was curious as to what he was doing, but then he just shook my hand.

My smile only grew bigger at how warm his hand was - it seemed to fit perfectly in mine. "Cool. Nice to meet you," I murmured, flipping my newly dyed brown-with-blonde-highlights hair out of my eyes. I was going to speak again, to welcome him to the neighborhood, but was cut off by the boy across the street yelling once more.

"Hey! Come on, Garrett! I wanna order pizza! Don't you have Domino's on speed dial or something?!" he whined, his arms hanging at his sides. With a sigh and a nervous giggle, Garrett dropped my hand and bit his lip once more.

"Well, I gotta go." He rolled his eyes, trying to seem nonchalant. "See you again.. some time.. I guess?" he stammered, averting his gaze to the ground before returning it to my face after a moment. Garrett's eyes had turned almost hopeful -but still held their nervousness- and I simply smiled.

"Of course."
♠ ♠ ♠
tried for another oneshot - sucky.
*note the sarcasm*
aha, kidding.
comments are lovely.