I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


“I know you’re pissed about going on tour Audrey, but at least Lex will be with us.” Dad said trying to lighten the mood as we sat alone at the dinner table and ate pepperoni pizza.

“So, you guys have already made your decision? You’re really going on tour?” I asked. “Yes Audrey, we our going on tour.”

“When does Lex arrive?” I wondered. “Tomorrow night when the girls get back. They’re in LA doing a few things for Gena’s work, and then they’re going to pick Lex up on their way back here.” He answered, glad I was showing an interest.

I was honestly curious about Lex. It was the first time Zacky had even mentioned him and I just hoped that he was nice. “He’s out of school already?” I questioned, considering everyone here weren’t getting out for another three weeks.

“Lex already graduated Audrey, he skipped a few grades.” He answered. “Oh great, he’s a nerd.” I rolled my eyes in frustration.

“From what I hear, Lex is a pretty cool kid. So, do me a favor Audrey, and be nice to him.” He said as he looked over at me. “I wasn’t going to be a bitch or anything.” I scoffed.

“Do you have to curse at me?” He snapped. “No, but I choose to.” I retorted. “Oh boy,” He muttered after letting out a heavy sigh. “God, Audrey, I can’t take this anymore.” He stated as he looked me directly in the eyes.

“Just leave me alone, dad.” I murmured before standing up and striding past him to my bedroom. Every time dad and I started to get along again something ruined it, and I knew it was mostly my fault, but I couldn't’t stand the idea of going on tour.


“Are you going to come down and see everyone?” Dad asked as he walked through my bedroom door the next evening. “No,” I gave him a simple response before turning back to my computer.

“The girls are going to be here with Lex in just a few minutes. Don’t you want to come down and meet him?” He questioned.

“I’ll come down in a few minutes dad.” I lied. He nodded his head and left me to be alone some more.

It wasn't that I didn't want to meet Lex or see everyone, I just needed some time alone. Unfortunately, I knew that Gena and Lacey would be barging in the room within just a few minutes. I got up from my bed and walked to my closet. I picked out a plain black tank top with denim skinny jeans, and my old pair of converse.

I decided I was going to take a shower before getting dressed, because my back was sore from sleeping the wrong way. I hadn't’t done much that day, just stayed in my room away from the world. Mostly because I didn’t feel like fighting with dad

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a big black fluffy towel over my bed before running a hand through my soaking wet hair. I searched around for my clothes that I had picked out until I realized I left them on my bed.

I personally thanked God that my bathroom was connected to my bedroom, so I wouldn’t have to run into anyone. I walked into my room and over to my bed shivering from the fan. I picked my polka dotted underwear and just as I was about to take off my towel and put them on, someone interrupted me.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” A very unfamiliar voice said from my desk beside my door. I practically jumped out of my skin and turned around frantically as I gripped my towel even tighter to my body.

“Who the fuck are you?” I found myself shouting at the strange guy. He had brown short hair with mega bright blue eyes, and he towered over me with his fight foot nine frame.

He chuckled and looked me up down before following my gaze and connecting our eyes. “I’m Lex, Lex Baker.” He said with a cocky attitude. “Well, Lex, you need to get the fuck out of my room” I growled.

“Is everything okay up there?” Dad yelled from downstairs.



We shouted at the same time. I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t who the hell you think you are, but you need to get of my room so I can get dressed.”

“There’s a bathroom behind you, use it.” He replied.

I scoffed before grabbing my clothes and walking into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I changed quickly, towel dried my hair, and slipped on my shoes. I added a touch of lip gloss before leaving the bathroom again. “You clean up nice,” Lex commented.

“Pig,” I muttered. “I can’t believe you’re going tour with us.” I said as I rolled my eyes. “You’ll start to like me, I promise Audrey.” He smirked.

“What do you want anyways, Lex?” I asked as I sat down on my bed an crossed my legs.

“I just didn’t want to stay down stairs with all the adults.” He shrugged.

“Well, if you’re going to be up here bothering me then shut your mouth and sit down.” I demanded before closing my laptop and laying down on my stomach at the foot of the bed.
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Here you go!(: I hope you liked it and I should be updating again tomorrow.

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