I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


“You’re feisty,” Lex took notice as he sat down on the floor across from my bed and leaned against my dresser.

“Really? I never noticed,” I rolled my eyes. “And sarcastic,” He added.

“Thanks,” I murmured.

“You’re not even going to try and fight me over what I‘m saying about you?“ He questioned. “Why should I? You’ve already made up your mind about me.

“Alright then, what do I think about you?” He challenged me. “You think I’m a bitter, selfish bitch who sleeps around and gets everything I ask for.” I stated.

He stood up and practically laughed in my face before walking to the door. He turned around for a minute and smirked over at me.

“Maybe I do, and maybe I don’t. There is a way you can find out though.” He teased. I got up off the bed and walked over to him. “And how exactly do I do that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Go out with me tomorrow night.” He offered. “In your fucking dreams,” I scoffed before shoving him aside and leaving my room to go downstairs.

“Audrey!” Gena exclaimed as she spotted me. I smiled at her and she gave me a big tight hug.

“How are you, honey?” She asked because she clearly had found out what happened from one of the others. “I’m coping,” I smiled. “Where’s Lacey?” I asked as I looked around for her.

“She’s out back with everyone else. Where exactly is Lex?” She questioned. “Upstairs,” I shrugged.

“I’m right here Aunt Gena,” Lex made him self known as he came down the stairs.

“I’m glad you two are getting along, considering you will be spending the entire summer together.” She laughed. “Yeah, we’re practically best friends.” He said as he walked over to us and put his arm around my shoulder.

“Am I right Audrey?” He asked me. “Oh, yeah best friends for life.” I said sarcastically before shrugging is arm off of my shoulder.

“Why don’t we go outback, Lacey is dying to see you Audrey.” She suggested, ignoring what had just happened between Lex and I.

“Sounds good to me,” I expressed.


“Why the hell didn’t you go home with Gena?” I asked Lex as I entered my room with him right behind me. The girls had all gone home but the guys wanted to stay for the night, and Lex also decided to stay.

“I like bothering you, it’s fun.” He smirked. “I can tell,” I walk to my closet and pull out an extra blanket and pillow.

“Here,” I toss them at him. “All the guest rooms are going to be taken by the guys and the couch is really uncomfortable, so you can take the floor.” I told him.

“That’s to bad, I was hoping we could share the bed.”

I looked at him and just shook my head. This kid was out of his mind, and I had no idea what I was going to do. I change into my pajamas before exiting the bathroom. I spot Lex laying down already covered up and comfortable. “Are you ready to go to sleep?” I asked him quietly.

“Yes,” His voice muffled from the blankets covering his face. “Okay,” I muttered. I walked over to the lights and turned them off before snuggling up in bed.

“You should give me a chance and get to know me, you might just like me Audrey.” Lex let me know as he rolled over and looked up at me.

“I don’t date,” I said truthfully. “Then we can be just friends.”

“You don’t want to be friends with me, believe me.”

“Why is that?” He questioned. “You just don’t, okay? Now just fucking drop it Lex.”

“Damn you can really be a bitch,” He muttered. “Yeah, I know.” I murmured.

A few minutes later Lex went from completely quiet to snoring, and I knew he was out like a light. I was about to fall asleep when my phone beeped to let me know I had a new text message.

I frowned and look over at my digital clock to read that it was eleven thirty. I grabbed my cell phone of my night stand and wondered who the hell would be texting me so late at night. I flipped open and read it carefully after I noticed it was from an unknown number.

They can’t find me but I can see you, better watch out Audrey.

I snapped my phone shut and chewed on my lip. I climbed out of bed carefully and tip toed over to my window. I wasn’t sure if Ryan was messing with me or if he was really watching me. My eyes searched around outside and when I didn’t see him I laid back down and fell asleep.
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