I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


“Get up,” Lex shouted in my ear as he yanked the covers from my body and pulled the pillow out from under my head. “What the hell Lex!” I shouted as I rubbed my eyes. “You’re dad said to get up,” He told me.

“Who cares what my dad said, I’m tired now leave me alone.” I grumbled and rolled over onto the other side.

“Sugar Plum!” Jimmy sang as he bounced into my room. “What Jimmy?” I huffed as I rolled back over to face him. “Mattie said to get up.” He grinned. “But why?” I whined.

“Don’t make me get the water bucket!” He threatened.

I sat up quickly upon hearing that. “You wouldn’t!” I gave him an mean glare. “Oh, I would.” He said before running out.

“That man is going to be the death of me.” I muttered as I rolled out of bed and walked towards my door. I ran a hand through my messy hair and walked downstairs with Lex right behind me.

“Did you sleep good?” He asked actually nicely. “I guess,” I shrugged.

“It’s nine in the freaking morning, why the hell do you want me up so early?” I asked dad as I walked into the kitchen where he and all the guys sat around. “We’re taking a week vacation and then we’re leaving for tour the day after we get back.”

“Oh great,” I said sarcastically. “Where exactly are we going?” I wondered. “A family resort in Malibu. I already have a nice hotel booked for us and we’re leaving this afternoon.” He smiled at me.

“Who’s going?” I asked another question. “Everyone!” Jimmy exclaimed all of the sudden.

“Except for the girls,” Brian added. “Why?” I frowned. “They have to work.“ Brian answered. “Alright then. One girl against six guys, this should be fun.” I rolled my eyes.

“Cut the sarcasm Audrey,” Dad warned. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and took a sip before turning back to dad. “What time are we leaving?”

“One,” He answered. “Why so early if we’re not even going to do anything until tomorrow?” I questioned. “Because I would rather get in early that way we can have a good dinner and rest up before tomorrow.”

“What the hell are we doing tomorrow that we need to rest for?”

“Audrey,” He snapped getting fed up with my questions. “Go pack you’re things and get ready.” He demanded. “Whatever,” I sighed and started to walk out of the kitchen. “Oh and Audrey?”

“What dad?” I asked sharply, not even turning around to face him. “Don’t pack your laptop or your IPod. The rule is no electronics except for our cell phones.”

“Great,” I grumbled before walking away to pack my things.

“Need any help?” Lex asked as I pulled out my suitcase and placed it on my bed. “Not from you,” I pulled out enough tank tops to last the week and started packing them. “Is that all you wear?” Lex asked and walked closer towards me. “Pretty much, why?”

“No reason,” He shrugged, “I’m just surprised your dad allows you to wear them.” He sat down on my bed and stared at me as I continued to pack. “Unfortunately he doesn’t exactly get a say in what I wear, It’s pretty much up to Aunt Michelle. The one thing that he won’t allow are short shorts, but I don’t like those anyways.”

He nodded, “Interesting,”

“What is?”

“You and your dad seem close, so why is that you keep giving him an attitude?”

I narrowed my eyes at him and placed the jeans I was folding in my suitcase, before turning back to him. “I don’t think that’s any of your business. You’re staying with Zacky and Gena, and you’re going on tour with us, but that doesn’t mean you can put your nose where it doesn’t belong.”

He stuck his hands up in a defensive matter. “I’m just observing and trying to get to know you better. You’re mysterious and you hide your emotions well, sorry I asked.”

“If you want to get to know me better than start by actually being nice.” I said as I placed my hands on my hips. “I am being nice.” He protested.

“No, your only being nice because you want to know more about me. Get out Lex and do me a favor, leave me the hell alone.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just a filler(:

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