I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me

0002. -EDITED-

“That wasn’t too bad was it?” Dad asked as we were driving home from the doctor’s office.

“No not really, shots don’t bother me and it was only three.” I shrugged.

“Well, you’re not going to have any problems with getting tattoos when you get older.” He chuckled.

“Hell no, In fact your taking me to get my first on my eighteenth birthday.” I smiled.

“Really, I didn’t know that.” He joked. “You’ve only told me about a thousand times.” He added.

“I know, but oh well.” I grinned. “So, what are we having for dinner?” I asked.

“Jimmy is right behind us and he’s bring-” He stopped midway as we pulled into our driveway.

“What’s wrong?” I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on the garage door. I gasped before unbuckling my seat belt and jumping out of the car. I ran up to our garage door that had slut painted on it in capital letters with black spray paint.

“Audrey, do you know what this is about?” Dad asked from behind me. Tears stung my eyes as I shook my head no. “Do you know who did this?”

“No,” The lie rolled off my tongue. I had a pretty good idea who did it but I wasn’t going to say.

“Hey guys, I got pizza…” Jimmy trailed off upon noticing the garage door.

“I guess I’ll be painting the garage door tomorrow.” Dad said and sighed heavily.

“I’ll paint it,” I spoke up and wiped away my tears. “Some kids from school that don’t like me probably did it. I’ll paint it tomorrow after school.”

“How about we all paint it?” Jimmy suggested trying to lighten the mood.

“Sure,” I whispered before walking inside and up to my room. I shut my door and sat down on my bed. I opened up my computer and logged on Myspace. I had several new messages and sixty-three new comments. The comments said the same thing over and over from different people. They all called me a slut or a whore.

The messages were a bit different but overall it was the same. Jen, Brandon, and Ryan had told everyone at school I had slept with Brandon. I knew that the next day of school was going to be hell and I was officially known as the school slut. I didn’t understand how sleeping with one guy would make me a slut, but it didn’t matter because either way it was forced. I didn’t want to do it, but no one would believe me now, especially Jen.

“Audrey,” Dad knocked and opened the door.

“Yeah,” I looked up at him.

“You want talk to me and tell me what’s going on?” He asked.

I had the chance to tell him everything but I just couldn’t. “There’s nothing going on dad. It’s just a bunch of punk ass kids who don’t like me at school because they’re jealous I’m related to you and I know Avenged sevenfold.” I lied again.

“Well, okay. If you want I can talk to the principle or their parents.”

“No! Don’t do that.” I answered quickly. “I mean there’s point really. They won’t do it again, I promise.”

“Okay, I’ll let you deal with this on your own.” He chuckled and hugged me. I flinched slightly but he didn’t notice.

“Thanks dad.” I murmured.

“You’re welcome sweetheart. Now why don’t you come downstairs and eat some pizza with Jimmy and I?” He suggested.

“I don’t know if you should. I have to finish my homework and stuff. Do you mind if I just eat in here tonight?” I asked.

“Sure,” He smiled. “You and your school work.” He laughed.


I walked down the school hallway the next day with my head held up high. I didn’t want to give Jen, Ryan and Brandon the satisfaction of tearing me down, and I was going to do my best to ignore them. It pained me to know that Jen went from my best friend to my enemy in twenty four hours, but I had to get over it.

“Slut,” Several people muttered as I walked towards the cafeteria, but ignored them as well. I entered the cafeteria and I spotted Jen, Brandon and Ryan almost immediately. Her gaze landed on me before a smirk spread across her lips.

I stood there curiously wondering why she was smirking. She stood up on top of her chair and stepped onto the lunch table. “Attention everyone,” She shouted making everyone stop talking and turn their attention towards her. “The slut has entered,” She laughed and looked at me.

“Slut, slut, slut,” Her, Brandon and Ryan started chanting at me. Before I knew it the whole cafeteria had started chanting with them, all while looking straight at me. I backed up and pushed through the doors before I took off running down the hall. My reputation was ruined and everyone hated me.

I knew I wasn’t going to be able to change schools in April without a really good reason. I ran into the bathroom and walked into a stall, locking behind me before sitting down on the floor. I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want the whole school knowing that calling me a slut was hurting me inside.

I wanted them to know that I fought Brandon as hard as I could but in the end he still took my virginity from me. I sat there in the stall for a few minutes until I pulled myself up off the floor and exited the bathroom. I knew that everyone was in class because I had heard the bell ring. I started walking towards my locker so I could grab my art supplies for art class.

“Hey there,” I heard his bone chilling voice behind me.

I closed my eyed and took a deep breath before turning around. “Please leave me alone, Brandon. I’m going to tell anyone, I swear.”

He chuckled. “I know you’re not going to tell, or you would have to face some serious consequences, slut.” He smirked as he caressed the side of my face.

Now that comment pissed me off. I narrowed my eyes at him and before he could even blink I threw my fist and it collided with his jaw. He stumbled backwards and grabbed on to his jaw. “You fucking bitch,” I was just about to take off running when he shoved me into the locker harshly and backhanded me. He looked right at me with angry eyes. “You’ll regret that Audrey, and tell anyone this happened I’ll hurt you even worse.” He growled before stalking off back to class.

I slide down the lockers and pulled my knees up to my chest. I touched my face where it stung from the impact and I knew I was bleeding. I pulled myself up and walked to the nurse’s office.

“Oh dear,” Nurse William’s jumped out of her seat upon seeing me enter. “What happened?” She asked with concern. I didn’t know how I should answer that question, so I didn’t. She sighed and looked at the cut on my face.

“You don’t need stitches but I will have to clean it and put two butterfly bandages on it.” I nodded. “Why don’t you call one of your parents to come get you while I get the supplies?” She suggested.

“Okay,” I went over to the phone and dialed dad’s number. “Hello?” I heard his voice.

“Dad,” I sighed, “I need you to come pick me up from school.”
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