I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


“Are you done packing yet?” Lex asked as he entered my room. “Yeah, finally.”I nodded.

We had been home for several hours already, and the guys would be back in a few minutes from packing for themselves, and saying goodbye to their wife’s. It was nice to be home and able to enjoy my comfortable bed one more night before touring. “What do you want to do now?” He questioned as I sat on my floor and stared up at him.

“I have no freaking clue,” I shook my head. “Lets go to the park or something.” He suggested. “Okay, that sounds better than nothing.” I shrugged. I got up off the floor and followed Lex down stairs, and into the kitchen.

“Dad?” I asked “What?” He asked as he turned around to face us. “We're going to go to the park and hang out for a little while, okay?”

“Alright, just be careful and be back in an hour. We're going out to dinner with the guys tonight.” He smiled.

“Thanks, Dad.” I said before kissing his cheek and leaving the kitchen with Lex.


“It's hot out today,” I complained as we sat on the swings. “It's not that hot,” Lex chuckled. “It actually feels nice.”

“Yeah,” I scoffed. “If your a crazy person.”

“I’m not crazy, your the crazy one.” He teased. “You know it,” I joked with laughter. “So, what's there to do on tour that's actually fun besides sitting on a bus for hours at a time?” He wondered.

“Well, it depends really. It's fun to hang out with the other band who opens up for Avenged, because they're usually cool. Oh, and getting into trouble at the hotels are fun too.” I smiled deviously.

“Alright,” He nodded and grinned. “Maybe this tour won't be so bad.”

“Hopefully,” I agreed.

“Well, look who we have hear Brandon.” Jen's voice could be heard from behind me. I stood up from the swing and turned around to face the both of them. “Wow, you really are a slut Audrey.” Brandon smirked as he looked over at Lex and then back at me.

“I don't know who you think you are, but Audrey is not a slut.” Lex said as he jumped up turned to him with anger boiling in his veins.

“Look Brandon, this guy doesn't seem to know what Audrey's done this past school year.” Jen laughed.

“What are you talking about?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes at her. “Well, it seems that a few other seniors came out and said that you were also with them as well.” She smirked along with Brandon.

“That's a damn lie, and you know it.” I spat. “Maybe, maybe not. Either way everyone believes me and you are now the town slut.” She laughed bitterly.

“You know Jen,” I paused and smiled at her as I took a step forward. “I really don't see what's holding me back from kicking your fucking ass right now, and I can not believe we were actually friends.”

“Go ahead,” She dared. “Kick my ass, and I'll have you arrested.”

“I think it'd be worth it, don't you Lex?” I asked as I looked over him before looking back at Jen. “Oh yeah,” He nodded and stepped towards us. “It would defiantly be worth it.”

I glared at her and she stepped back, clearly scared of me. “Come on Brandon, lets go.” Jen muttered and yanked on his arm.

“Wait,” He demanded, before looking directly at me. “Ryan is still missing and it's all your fucking fault. He's after you Audrey, which means you really need to watch your back.” He warned I a rough tone.

“Like you care Brandon.” I rolled my eyes. “I think you two should leave us alone now.” Lex informed them.

“Whatever man, have fun the whore.” Brandon chuckled before walking off with Jen. “I should really kick his ass. Who the fuck does he think he is calling you a whore?” He wanted to know.

“That's him Lex,” I spoke quietly as I looked over at him. “You mean the guy that...” He stopped himself from saying it. “Yeah,” I nodded and sighed.

“Now I really want to kick his ass.” He muttered. “Let's just go back to the house. It looks like it's going to start raining anyways.”

“Alright,” He nodded.


“Hey,” I murmured to dad as I walked into his room and found him later that night packing for tour. “Hey, sweetheart.” He smiled, showing off his dimples. “Are you all ready for tomorrow?” He questioned.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I'm ready.” I replied as I trudged over to his king sized bed, and sat crisscross in moms original spot.

He nodded and continued to pack, while I sat there and stared at him for a few minutes.

“Is there something you want to talk about?” He asked after a few minutes of silence.

“I actually have a question.” I stated with a small nod. “Well, I'm sure I have an answer.” He said urging me to ask.

“Aren't you angry? I mean, don't you want to kill him for what he did.” I asked quietly, because I honestly wondered. I hadn't seen him angry yet about the whole thing, and I wanted to know why.

He sighed and sat down next to me on the edge of the bed. “What kind of question is that, Audrey? Of course I'm angry, honey. I want to kill Brandon for what he did to you, but that's not the solution. And being angry about it around you isn't something I want you to see. You already have enough on your mind, and I refuse to make it worse.” He explained softly as he looked at me with loving eyes.

I lowered my gaze so he wouldn't see the tears that were slowly falling. “I just don't understand why. Why me, dad? Of all the girls in school, why would he want to hurt me like that?”

“Oh, baby girl.” He whispered and pulled me into his lap as I cried into his chest. “I'm sorry this happened to you, and I'm sorry you're having to go through all of this. I wish I could make it all better, and make it all go away, but I can't.” His voice cracked.
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I'm so sorry for not updating for the past week or more. I've been busy, and I've also been working on some other stories, and plus I'm drowning in school work.
I think I might start updating every Thursday, because I'm updating my other two stories on Tuesday's and Sundays', and then you would a tleast for sure get an update every week.

On another note, tomorrow's my birthday and I turn fifteen. I'm really stoked!(:

Comment's would be fucking amazinggg, So comment and Subscribe!!

