I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


“Where the hell am I suppose to sleep?” I demanded to know as I placed my hands on my hips.

“You can either sleep with Lex, with me, or on the couch.” Dad shrugged before walking to his bunk to put his suitcase away. It was seven thirty and the bus had already taken off, headed to the first venue.

Everyone was pretty excited, but I just wanted to go back to bed. Lex and I were up half the night watching movies and eating junk food. I think it's safe to say, we're pretty good friends. We bonded from spending the week together, and I was really glad. He wasn't as bad as I thought he'd be.

“Have you decided yet?” Lex asked as he appeared from the back. “Do you mind sharing the bunk?” I smiled. He shook his head and laughed. “I'm sure it's big enough for the both of us.”

“Good, because it's dark in there and I'm tired.” I laughed before walking past him to the bunks. “I'm tired too,” He yawned and followed me. I slipped my flip flops off and climbed into the small space.

“I'm so glad I'm not claustrophobic.” Lex muttered as he climbed in next to me. “So am I,” I mumbled just before yawning.


“This venue is huge.” I said to Lex as we wandered around, trying our very best not to get lost. Avenged was currently doing a sound check, and dad told us to go walk around but not to get in any trouble. “What should we do?” Lex asked.

“I don't know,” I shrugged. “You pick,”

I studied his expression as he looked around for a minute until he finally turned to me with a grin on his face. “I have really good idea, but we might get into trouble if we caught.”

“Well,” I bit my lip, “Rules are meant to be broken sometimes.”

“Come on,” He chuckled and grabbed my hand. We ran past a few people who worked there and hid behind some equipment. “What are we doing?” I asked him quietly. When the coast was clear he started to climb a ladder that was attached to the side of the building.

“Come on Audrey, don't be scared.” He teased and continued to climb. I shook my head and laughed knowing that we were going to end up in some sort of trouble before the day ended. “I can't believe I'm doing this.” I said as I started to climb right behind him.

We climbed to the top and he helped me over the ladder and on top of the roof. “Wow,” I muttered as I looked around. “Lets just hang out up here.” He shrugged and sat down on the ground. “Alright, I don't care.”

“Can I ask you something?” Lex wondered. “You just did, but alright.”

“I was told that you loved to sing and play the piano, so why haven't I heard you yet?” I looked over at him and thought about my answer for a minute. It seemed like a pretty easy question to answer, but it wasn't. “I'm not sure. I guess, It's just not as important to me as it use to be.”

“Sing something,”

“I don't think so, Lex.” I respectfully declined and shook my head. “Oh, come on, Audrey.”

“No, Lex.” I stated firmly. “It just doesn't feel right anymore.”


“Run,” Lex shouted at me as the security guard held onto him. I did what he said and took off running trying to find somewhere to hide from the guards. I ran around the corner and pasts some equipment. I was tempted to run towards the stage but then I'd have to explain myself to dad and I really wanted to avoid that. I looked back and saw no one was behind me. I took that opportunity and walked through a random door to hide, but it only led me to another hallway.

“Shit,” I murmured to myself. I started to run again, but when I ran left around another corner I hit someones chest. “Gotcha,” The security guard smirked as he latched onto my arm. “I didn't do anything wrong!” I protested.

“Sure you didn't, kid.” He chuckled. I sighed as he drug me through the building and into a small room where Lex sat. “I told you to run.” Lex muttered as I was seated next to him. “I did, I just ran straight into him.” I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

“Why don't you kids tell us how you got in here, and why you were on the roof top?” The same jack ass security guard who found me asked. “We know the band you idiot.” Lex said as he rolled his eyes. “Oh really, how?”

“Matt Sander's is my dad,” I answered this time. “Then I guess we'll have to have him come down here and get you.”

“But why? Can't you just let us go back to the buses? There's really no need to get him involved.” I shook my head. “Sorry Miss, we can either escort you out of the venue or we can have Matt come down here and get you two.” He shrugged and picked up his walkie-talkie.

“This is all your fault!” I hissed as I looked over at Lex. “How is this my fault? If you would have just listened to me and not have made so much noise, than we wouldn't be here.”

“Well, it was your idea to go onto the roof.” I folded my arms across my chest and sent him a glare. “Your the one who said 'rules are meant to be broken' or do you not remember that, Audrey?”

“Oh, just shut up.” I snapped and turned away.

Five minutes later dad came walking in with Zacky beside him. “What is going on Audrey?” Dad asked as he looked straight at me. I lowered my gaze and sighed. “Sorry to interrupt things Matt, but we found them on the roof top and they took off running around the building. It seems as though they were causing an awful amount of trouble.” Security explained.

“We did not!” I shouted at the stupid man. “We were just walking around and exploring a little bit.” Lex told Zacky and dad.

“Audrey, Lex, come on.” Dad demanded that we follow him. “Thank you for telling us,” Zacky said to them as he followed us out of the room. We walked back to the bus in silence, Dad scolded me a few times and Zacky just shook his head at Lex and I.

“Explain now, both of you.” Dad told us as we sat on the comfy couch. “We were bored,” I shrugged.

“Yeah, what she said.” Lex shrugged also. “Bored, eh? Well, I think I've got the perfect punishment, and believe me you won't be bored.” Dad smirked.

“Oh great,” I muttered and sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
This took me all day, because I've been very distracted this past week. >.<
But it's finally up, so that's good. If you have facebook I suggest you go and listen to Buried Alive on Avenged Sevenfold's page. It's brilliant and I love it, so hopefully you do too.

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