I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me

0003. -EDITED-

I sat in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs in the office and waited for dad to come pick me up. I didn't tell him what had happened, all I said was I was hurt and I wanted to come home.

Dad rushed into the office and pulled off his aviators as soon as he saw me. I pulled myself up out of the chair and slung my backpack over my shoulder before walking over to him. "Audrey, what happened?" He questioned as he tilted my chin to the side to examine the cut on my cheek. When I didn't say anything he sighed and went to sign me out.

"Come on, let’s get you home." He said after he was done. I nodded and walked out of the office towards the parking lot. He patted my shoulder and I flinched in pain, but he never noticed.

We drove home in silence and I knew he contemplating on whether or not to ask me what happened again. "Brian and Jimmy are here." He told me when we pulled into the driveway. I looked over and noticed both of their cars next to ours.

I climbed out of the SUV and did my best to avoid the garage as I walked up the steps and through the front door. "We’re back," Dad announced after he shut the door behind us. I dropped my backpack onto the floor next to the door before venturing off into the living room.

"Sugar Plum," Jimmy gasped, "What happened?" He asked eying me up and down.

"Nothing," I muttered before walking into the kitchen to look for something to drink. I wasn't hungry even though I had skipped lunch.

"I have no idea guys; she hasn't said a word to me." I overheard dad say to Jimmy and Brian as I grabbed a coke out of the fridge.

I walked into the living room and they stopped talking about me immediately once they noticed me. I started to walk upstairs until dad stopped me. "What are you going to do?" He asked.

I shrugged and continued to walk up the stairs and into my room. I changed into an old t-shirt a pair of shorts, and then I tied my hair up before I walked back down stairs. Their eyes followed me as I walked through the living room and into the garage.

"Audrey, what are you doing?" Brian asked behind me.

I grabbed a gallon of white paint, a paint roller, a paint tray, and a screwdriver as I ignored his question. I went outside and set everything down on the pavement next to the garage door. I shook the paint before opening it and pouring some into the paint tray.

"Audrey, you don't have to do that." Dad said from behind me.

I knew all three of them were watching me but at that point I didn't give a shit. It was my fault that slut was painted on the garage door in the first place and I was going to get rid of it. I dipped the paint roller into the paint and made sure it was coated before I started to paint over each letter. One by one the letters disappeared and I smiled satisfied that it was finally gone. I just prayed that it wouldn't happen again.

"Are you okay, Honey?" Dad asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder for comfort to let me know he was there for me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"Are you sure?" I nodded before turning around and burying my face in his torso as I held onto him tightly.

For some reason I started to cry and I honestly had no idea why. I mean yes, I had plenty of reasons as to why I was crying but I just felt numb at that moment. He picked me up easily considering I weighed nothing and he had huge muscles.

"We’re gonna get going. Call us later Matt." I heard Brian say.

"Bye, Sugar Plum." Jimmy said before they left.

Dad carried me into the house, up the stairs, and into his bedroom. He laid me down on his bed and sat next to me. "Why are you crying, sweetheart?" He asked as he wiped a few tears away.

"I miss mom," I whispered another lie. I did miss my mother but I wasn't crying because of that at that moment.

"I know baby girl, I miss her too." I glanced up at him and I could see the worry in his eyes. "What happened today?" He asked.

"Nothing happened. Stop worrying about me dad, I'm fine, I promise."

"I don't believe you, " He shook his head and sighed. "But I guess for now I'll have to trust you."

"Thanks," I whispered.

"Why don't you call Jen and see if she wants to come over tonight?" He suggested.

"Jen and I aren't friends anymore, dad." I told him.

"Now that's hard to believe, you two have been inseparable since the third grade. What happened, did you two have a fight?"

"Well, she's been acting like a total bitch ever since she started hanging out with Ryan and Brandon." I explained the best way I could as I looked down at the black comforter I was lying on.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Who are Ryan and Brandon?"

"They’re the two most popular guys in school. The only problem is I don't want to hang with them. Besides, they’re seniors and they like to party a lot." I told him.

"That doesn't seem like Jen. Maybe you should talk t-"

"She won't talk to me, but I'm kind of okay with that. I think it's time to find some new friends and I was thinking..." I trailed off.

"You were thinking what Audrey?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I was thinking maybe I could switch schools." I gave him a small smile. "Honey, its April and changing schools could really screw things up this late in the year. You only have a month and half left, make the best out of it."

"Okay," I sighed and nodded slightly, knowing he was right.

"Why do you even want to switch schools?" He gave me a skeptical look.

"I just don't like that school anymore. They’re all preppy and snobby and because of it I barely fit in, dad. I don't understand why I can't I go to Huntington High, you went there."

He chuckled. "Yeah I went there, and I barely graduated, Audrey. You're a smart girl and you make good grades because the school you're attending is a great school with good teachers."

"Okay, okay. I know you want me to get a good education so I can get into a great university. I give up, you win as usual."
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