I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


Wesley and I laid on a queen-sized bed in the dark talking quietly with each other. Lex and I hadn't spoken to each other in three days since the whole ordeal and I honestly didn't plan on speaking with him. I had nothing to say to him, and at that point I didn't even want to be around him.

“Why did Matt tell me to keep an eye on you tonight?” Wesley asked quietly not wanting to wake up the guys around us.

Wesley and I were sharing a bed while Blake and Riley shared the other. Caden being the odd ball he is decided to sleep on a cot in the middle of the room for reasons I didn't know and Tristen was passed out on the floor.

I sighed and shook my head wondering why in the world dad couldn't just trust me for once.

“Because of something that happened before tour started, but I assure you I'm fine.”

“Alright,” He nodded, accepting my answer. “Where have you been the past few years?” I wondered as he laced our fingers together. “Jersey,” He sighed.

“That's so far away,” I murmured. “Yeah it is, but I'm back now.” He said.

“For now, until tours over and you decide to go back home with the guys.”

“Maybe I don't want to go back, maybe I'll stay in Huntington.” He grinned. “Really?” I questioned looking up at him. He gave me a small nod to assure me.

“That would be incredible.” I told him. “I'm glad you think so,” He chuckled. I smiled and let a small yawn pass my lips.

“You should get some sleep,” He said. “But I'm not tired,” I protested. “If you weren't tired, then you wouldn't be yawning.”

“I hate you for being right.” I pouted. “No you don't,” He laughed. “Fine, then I dislike you for being right.”

“You can dislike me all you want too tomorrow, but for now you need to sleep.”

“Fine,” I laughed slightly and closed my eyes as I snuggled up to his chest. “Night, Audrey.” He whispered.


“Text me,” Wesley said as we stood by the buses, about ready to leave and head to the next venue.

“Wesley,” I laughed. “We'll be at the next venue in a few hours and we can see each other then.”

“I know but still, text me.” He smiled.

“Bye, Wesley.” I said as I rolled my eyes and climbed onto the bus. “Bye, Audrey.” He called out behind me.

“Hey there, Sugar Plum” Jimmy greeted as I plopped down onto his lap on the couch. “Hi,” I smiled.

“You Wesley seem to have gotten pretty close.” He noticed. “He's my best friend,” I stated.

“Uh-huh,” He nodded. “What does that mean?” I asked, slightly narrowing my eyes at him.

“Well it seems as if Mr. Wesley has a crush on Miss Audrey.” He chuckled.

“You have got to be kidding me?” I laughed and clapped my hands together. “Wesley doesn't like me like that.”

“Alright,” Jimmy nodded. “Whatever you say.” He shrugged his shoulders and shoved me off his lap. I landed on the floor with a small 'thud'.

“Jerk,” I muttered as I stood up and straightened out my shirt. I ignored his hyper 'sorry' and walked to the back room. I climbed into my bunk and leaned against the wall as I yawned slightly still feeling tired from not getting much sleep the night before.

“I'm sorry, Audrey.” Lex said as he suddenly climbed into my bunk. “Get out,” I muttered with a small sigh.

“No, I'm serious. I was such an asshole the other day and you didn't deserve that.”

“Okay, whatever, you're sorry.” I shrugged. “Now, can you leave me alone please?”

“Look, I get you're still pissed but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything about the rape, that was really fucked up.”

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, wondering why he couldn't just leave me alone for a little longer. “Alright fine, whatever. I forgive your asshole ways, now please leave me alone.” I snapped in frustration. “I'm sorry Lex, I'm just tired and I don't feel too well right now. We can talk later alright?”

“Yeah, that's fine.” He nodded.


“Are you okay?” Dad asked me as he pulled back the bunk curtain hours later. “I'm fine,” I murmured as I opened my eyes and looked at him.

“You look pale,” He frowned. “I don't feel that well,” I sighed.

“What's wrong?” He questioned as he placed his hand on my forehead. “Just a headache and my stomach hurts a little, but I'm fine.”

“We'll be at the next venue in ten minutes. Do you want to get dressed and go get some lunch with us before the hectic day officially starts?”

I sat up and scrunch my nose up as I felt nauseous all of the sudden. “No,” I shook my head. “I'm not hungry.”

“Well, maybe you should get dressed and come with us anyways. Get some fresh air and communicate with everyone. Besides, Wesley and the guys want to see you.”

“Alright, fine. Can you hand me my suitcase?” He nods and pulls it out from underneath my bunk and sets it down next to me. “We'll wait for you.” He said before walking towards the front of the bus.

“How considerate,” I muttered as I closed the curtain.

I pulled off my tank top and slipped on a black Avenged shirt, before running a brush through my curls and climbing out of the bunk. I straightened out my jeans and slid on my flip-flops.

“Ready,” I said as I walked out of the bunk area and towards everyone. “You look tired,” Johnny commented. “Thanks for telling me I look like shit but in a nice way.” I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“Here, take these and your headache should disappear.” Dad told me as he handed me two pills and a bottle of water.
I swallowed the tiny pills and thanked him just as the bus parked.

“Finally, I'm so sick of this damn bus.” Zacky grumbled as we walked off the bus and into the crisp fresh air.

“You complain way to much.” I said before turning around and practically running into Wesley. “Watch where you're going, Sander's.” He teased.

“Fuck off, Silver.” I laughed slightly. “Yo, Audrey!” Caden called out.

“What?” I questioned as him, Blake, Riley and Tristen walked over to us. “Looking hot today,” He smirked eying me up and down.

“Wow Caden, you're not doing a very good job at trying to act cool. Why don't you keep your comments to yourself? I mean, you and I both know that you don't stand a chance with me and you're nowhere near my type.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“You just got owned, Caden.” Blake chuckled and shook his head. “That was harsh,” Caden laughed. “Yeah, but you deserved it.” Tristen and Riley said in unison.

“He defiantly did.” Wesley nodded in agreement. “I can take a hint. You obviously like someone else.” Caden told me.

“No I don't!” I protested. “Don't deny, you and I both know you have a thing for Wesley.” I gave him an incredulous look before shaking my head and walking away towards the others.

“See, I knew it!” He shouted. “If you didn't like him, then you would have said so.”

“Get a life Caden.” I shouted back towards him with a small smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Basically this a filler because I don't feel well. Next update will be a lot better.

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