I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


I groaned quietly as I stirred and opened my eyes. “Audrey,” Someone murmured from beside me. I turned my neck slowly as I felt pain course through out my body from moving and looked to see who had talked. I screamed aloud when I saw a muscular man with hazel tint eyes and tons of tattoos. He sat in a blue chair next to the bed I laid in.

“Audrey! Calm down! It's just me.” He said trying to calm me down. “Leave me alone.” I cried. “I don't know who you are!”

He shook his head as I covered my face with my hands and cried. “I'm Matt, your dad, Audrey.” He murmured softly trying to calm me down.

“My names not Audrey and you're not my dad!” I shouted. Two nurses and a doctor opened the hospital room door and ran over to me.

“We have to sedate her.” The doctor explained to Matt the man who kept saying he was my dad. Matt locked eyes with me as the nurses held my arms down flat against the bed.

“Will it hurt the baby?” He asked quietly, turning back to the doctor.

“No,” The doctor shook his head. “Okay,” he nodded. “Do what you have to do.” He said before leaving the room.

The doctor stuck a needle into the vain in my forearm before I felt myself slipping away.


Matt's POV

“She woke up, but they had to sedate her. She was hysterical and she doesn't know who she is or who I am.” I explained to the guys as we all stood around the waiting room.

“This is all my fault.” Wesley whispered and buried his face in his hands not wanting anyone to see him cry. While Riley and Blake tended to Wesley the guys and I stepped away so we could talk.

“We knew it was a possibility that she'd have amnesia, Matt.” Brian said.

“I know, I know.” I nodded. “I just didn't expect all of this to happen. I mean fuck guys, she's got amnesia and she's pregnant at fifteen with her rapist’s baby. What the hell are we gonna do?”

“We'll figure something out,” Jimmy said softly as he paced his hand on my shoulder. “We always do.” Zacky added.

“Plus tours over. I talked to Larry and he canceled it. We're flying home as soon as Audrey's released from here.” Brian told us.

I nodded, “It's probably for the best.”

“Mr. Sander's?” Doctor James called out. I turned around and walked over to him. “Audrey should wake up in a few hours and then you can see her again. She has indeed lost her memory from the fall. Since she didn't break anything tomorrow she will be released from here. I'll prescribe her some medicine for the pain her body is receiving from the impact of the fall, but that's all I can really do. She may start remembering things sooner or later if you show her some pictures and just act normal around her, but I can't guarantee you anything.”

“Okay. Thanks for everything, Doctor.” He nodded and walked off. I ran a hand over my face wondering how I was going to deal with this and how we were going get through this.


Audrey's POV

The next day:

“I'm not leaving with you! I don't even know you any of you are.” I refused.

“Audrey-” A man who claimed to be my uncle Brian started, but I cut him off. “My names not Audrey! How many time do I have to fucking tell you this?” I questioned.

“I wouldn't lie to you, Audrey.” Matt said as he picked up a permit for driving and handed it to me.

I sighed heavily and started I chewing on my lip as I looked down at the small item. “What's happened to me then? Why can't I remember?”

Matt, Brian, and a guy named Wesley gave each other a look before looking back at me. “You fell off a roof into a bush and hit your head against the side of the building.” Brian explained.

“I fell or I jumped?” I asked cautiously, wondering if I was some psychotic teenager who wanted to commit suicide.

“Actually,” Wesley jumped in. “You were pulled by a guy name Caden.”

“Oh,” I murmured. “What happen to him?” I questioned, looking into their eyes. “He didn't make it.” Matt said as he shook his head. Hearing that made me frown.

“We have to take you home, Audrey.” Brian said. “You belong with us.”

“I'm scared,” I whispered. Matt walked over to me and sat down on the edge of the hospital bed. “We're all scared, but everything will eventually be alright.”


“Audrey?” Matt called out from beside me.

“What?” I murmured as I used my sweatshirt to wipe away the tears that kept falling. “Are you crying?” He asked softly. I didn't answer. I just kept starring out the plane window hoping we'd be landing soon.

“Don't be nervous or scared. The guys and I won't hurt you.” He said as he took my hand in his.

“If you're my father, then where's my mother?” I questioned turning towards him and locking our eyes. Pain and sadness flashed through his eyes before covering it up.

“Audrey, your mother died when you were younger.”

More tears glossed over my eyes before I choked out a sob. I hardly new this man but for some reason I knew he was telling me the truth when he said my mother had indeed passed away. I turned back towards the window before resting my head against it.

“Audrey,” He whispered. “What’s happened to you?” He questioned quietly to himself thinking I couldn't hear him. I felt as if I knew him but I couldn't remember no matter how hard I tried. I wondered what had happened through out my life and if I was ever going to remember anything
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so you're probably wondering why the hell I'm updating when I said I wasn't going to. Well, I just so happen to be bored the other day while waiting for my dad to pick me up. So I randomly wrote this chapter and I wanted to get it posted because I didn't want to leave you guys hanging too terribly bad. With that being said, I will see you guys in a few weeks.

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