I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


The next morning I woke up and instead of Matt being next to me Wesley was. He was wide-awake and staring at me as creepy and odd as that sounds. I yawned quietly and rubbed my eyes before locking my eyes with his. He gave me a soft smile that made my chest tighten and my heart flutter. I think I may have started having feelings for this guy.

“Morning,” He said softly.

“Uh, morning.” I laughed a bit as I sat up and ran a hand through my messy curls. “Where's Matt?” I wondered.

“He and the guys had some things to do today. He said they'd be back later sometime.” Wesley shrugged.

I nodded, excepting his answer. “Well thank you for telling me.” I said before climbing out of bed and stretching my muscles.

“Do you want to go out for breakfast?” He questioned suddenly. “I mean Blake, Riley, Tristan and Lex are still asleep. So it'd just be us if that's all right.”

I chewed nervously on my lip as my cheeks reddened slightly. “Are you asking me out on a date? Or is this just a friendly breakfast?” I questioned, truly wondering what his intentions are.

He stepped back and raised his hands in defense. “That's is one hundred percent up to you.” He chuckled.

I turned away and walked over to my dresser to pick out something to wear. I figured why the hell not? I had learned that Wesley and I had known each other since we were children, and we both liked each other. So why would I say no. I mean I don't exactly have a reason to say no.

“Is that a yes?” He questioned. Even though my back was turned I knew he had a smirk tugging at his lips. I could just tell by the way he asked me.

I folded my arms over my chest and turned around to face him. “You do know about my little dilemma, right?” I asked, the dilemma being I being pregnant.

“Uh-huh,” He nodded. “And I love you either way.” He grinned walking closer towards me. “In fact I've loved you for a long time.”

“Is that so?” I wondered, a small smirk of my own appearing on my lips. He leaned and pressed his lips to mine for a moment before pulling away, leaving me almost breathless.

“Very much so,” He whispered. “Now go get ready and I'll do the same.” He said before walking out the room, leaving me once again surprised. What is with him and doing things that keep surprising the hell out of me?


“That was delicious. Thank you for breakfast, Wesley.” I said as we out of the small restaurant and stepped onto the sidewalk.

He smiled, “You're very welcome.” He said before wrapping his arm around my shoulder. It felt so right to have him showing affection towards me. I felt as if we were perfect for each other.

“We should do this again sometime.” I told him as we crossed the street and onto the other sidewalk.

“I think that can be arranged.” He agreed with a small nod.

“Wow, Audrey.” An unfamiliar voice said from beside us. “Back from tour so soon?” The guy mocked.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I pulled away from Wesley. “Who the fuck are you?” I questioned, not liking the tone of his voice.

“Oh come on. How could you forget me after such an amazing night we had together?” He laughed aloud along with a girl standing next to him.

It took me a minute until I realized that I did indeed know him. My breath hitched in my throat as I froze and just stared at him. “Brandon,” I stated as a whisper.

“Brandon?” Wesley asked, immediately jumping in after hearing that. “You're Brandon?” He asked turning towards him.

Brandon smirked, “Yeah, I am. What can I do for you?” He questioned, with a cocky attitude.

“Oh, I'm gonna fucking kill you!” Wesley exploded with rage as he swung back and punched Brandon in the nose. Blood instantly started pouring out all over the place.

“Wesley stop!” I shouted as he tackled Brandon to the ground and continued throwing hits at him.

“Audrey stop him, please.” The girl who was with Brandon begged me, but I honestly had no idea how I could. It was out of my hands and I wasn't about to try and pull Wesley off of Brandon. I was pregnant and needed to be careful, one blow to the stomach and the baby would be gone. I couldn't risk that even though I hadn't even decided what I was going to do.


The police was called and time felt as if it was going in slow motion as the cops arrived and broke up the fight. Wesley was cuffed and placed into a cop car, while Brandon was put on a gurney and loaded into an ambulance. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. It just didn't feel real.

“Audrey?” Matt called out as he walked through into the police station and saw me sitting in a chair waiting to hear about what was going on with Wesley.

“Finally,” I sighed, thankful he was there. I got up and hugged him tightly.

“What the fuck happened? Why is Wesley sitting in jail?” he questioned, obviously not too pleased with the whole situation.

“He beat up Brandon.” I shrugged.

Matt sighed and ran a hand over his face not understanding the whole thing. “Alright, I'm gonna bail Wesley out and then we're gonna all go home and talk about what the hell happened, okay?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Okay.”

I sat back down and sighed as I watched Matt and Brian work everything out with a police officer. I had a feeling the rest of the day was going to be intense. I could tell Matt was annoyed by the fact that he had to come down to the police station to bail Wesley out. It just wasn't something he was use too. Hopefully though, he's not too angry. Maybe once Wesley and I explain to him what happened everything thing we'll be fine, I hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go!(:

Check out my new story that I'm working on for a contest. It'll be ten chapters long total and then maybe a sequel. Each chapter will be based off a song from the album City of Evil by Avenged, but it all ties together into one big story.
Learn To Trust The Words I Say

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