I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


I felt his eyes glaring straight through me as I sat beside Matt on their couch across from him and his parents. His dad, Anthony finally noticed how uncomfortable I was because of him and decided to do something about. “Stop it,” He growled at Brandon, slapping him upside the back of his head.

I cleared my throat slightly and before I knew it all eyes were on me. I smiled weakly before biting down on my bottom lip.

“Audrey, dear,” Brandon's mother Lindsey began with a soft smile tugging at her lips. “Do you have any idea what you're going to do about the baby?” She asked, seemingly concerned about me.

“I uh...” I swallowed hard. “I want to keep it.” I said quietly. Yes, it was true. I had finally made a decision, and decided that it was best to keep it. I had enough support, and I felt that it was the right thing to do. I couldn't abort it, and the thought of giving my child up for adoption to total strangers didn't set well me either. So, Matt and I talked and decided that keeping the baby was the right choice for everyone.

“With conditions of course.” Matt jumped in. “Like graduating high school still and getting her diploma.”

Lindsey grinned, “I'm so glad to hear that. I know you're young, but it's the best thing.” She agreed with my choice, which was nice.

“Well, I can assure you both that we will help pay for anything you or the baby needs. Whether it's the medical bills or anything. And I'm very, sincerely sorry for my sons actions.” Anthony assured Matt and I.

Matt chuckled and nodded. I could tell he appreciated the apology, but that still didn't change anything. “Thank you.” Matt said with a slight nod.

“Can I-” Brandon started, but was cut off by his father.

“Don't,” Anthony warned with a stern voice. Brandon sighed before lowering his gaze to the floor.

“Audrey, I truly don't blame you for not wanting Brandon to see the baby, but I really hope you allow Anthony and I to see our first grand-baby. It would mean a lot to us.” Lindsey said, with a small sigh.

I nodded, “I understand, and I'm willing to let you both see the baby. At this point I'm honestly not comfortable with idea of Brandon seeing the baby at all, but hopefully with time that'll change, because I don't want my baby to grow up without a father. I don't think it would be fair for the baby to suffer its whole life without a father because of what’s happened between us. It's just gonna take some time.” I explained, knowing they would understand.

“That's perfectly understandable, Audrey.” Anthony nodded. “We're always here for you if you need us. And I really want to thank you for not pressing charges against Brandon for what he did to you. I know it must have been hard to deal with.”

“Thank you for that.” I smiled softly. “Honestly though, I don't want to dwell on it or talk about it anymore. What's done is done; it's not like we can change what happened. I think moving on is the best thing to do at this point.”


“I still can't believe you went to talk to him and his parents after everything that's happened.” Wesley sighed, shaking his head.

It was pretty obvious that it bothered him, but it was only fair to them to know that Brandon had gotten me pregnant. Plus, they seemed like really nice people and I kind of liked them. I was positive that I wanted them in the baby's life.

“Get over it Wesley.” I rolled my eyes, before walking out of the kitchen.

“Audrey,” He sighed following after me. “Come on, don't be like this.”

I placed my hands on my hips and arched an eyebrow at him. “Be like what?” I dared him to say it, not even realizing Matt, Zacky, Lex and Papa Gates were watching us.

Wesley looked behind me before shrinking back slightly, and I knew immediately the guys were giving him a look that said 'don't piss of a pregnant girl'. I spun around and they all looked back at each other instantly. I rolled my eyes before turning back to Wesley.

“Never mind, babe.” He said before kissing me on the forehead. “I love you,” He murmured before walking past me and out of the living room.

I sighed and shook my head, not believing that he wasn't going to argue with me just because I was pregnant.

“Everything okay between you two?” Matt asked, placing his hand on my shoulder from behind me.

“Yeah, we're fine.” I muttered, folding my arms over my chest. I turned around and looked over at Lex. “You want to hang out?” I asked him, completely bored.

“Sure,” He shrugged with a small smile.

I smiled back before both of us walked out of the living room and up the stairs. I enjoyed being friends with Lex, he was pretty sweet to me and he was fun to hang out with.
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I'm finally updating, which is awesome! It's been a long month and I'm very sorry for not updating sooner. Things have been hectic and crazy, plus I did NaNoWriMo which I completed! :D I have no idea when I'll update again because I need to work on getting Scattered Around A Thousand Lies updated, but I'll try and get another update done in a week or so.

Thanks for being so patient with me! Comment and Subscribe!<33
