I Know It's Hurting You, But It's Killing Me


“Whoa,” I said aloud as I stared into the mirror at the turquoise and black dress that clung to my body. “I look...”

“Incredible!” Michelle exclaimed from behind me. “You look absolutely incredible. This is definitely the dress.”

I turned around to face her with a small smile tugging at my lips. “You're right, it is perfect.” I nodded before chewing on my lip for a moment. I looked down at the price tag before frowning. “But it's way too expensive.” I sighed, absolutely defeated. We had been searching for the perfect dress for me to wear to my party all day, and I was just about to call it quits from how tired I was.

Michelle frowned also as she stepped closer. “How much?” She asked hesitantly.

“Four hundred and fifty dollars.” I said as I ran a hand over my face.

She started laughing all of the sudden. I looked up at her with a questioning look, wondering what the hell she was laughing at. She stopped laughing immediately once she noticed my expression. “Audrey, honey, you've had more expensive dresses believe me.” She assured me.

“Like how expensive?” I asked curiously, placing my hands on my hips.

“Last New Years Eve you got a an eight hundred dollar dress to wear to Larry's New Years Eve party.” She grinned. “It was beautiful and worth every penny.”

My mouth dropped, stunned. Spending eight hundred dollars on a dress just seemed stupid to me. “And Matt didn't care it cost that much?”

She smiled and waved it off. “Of course not, you're his little girl! He doesn't care if you spend that much on a dress, especially when it's for a special occasion and this is definitely a special occasion. I can't not let you get that dress.”

I smiled and looked down at the dress again. “It is beautiful, isn't it?”

“Audrey, it's beyond beautiful and it's perfect for you.”

I nodded, knowing she was right. “Okay, I'll get the dress.”

“Yes!” She clapped with excitement. “Now go change so we can pay for it and get out of here. We'll get shoes and accessories tomorrow.” She promised.

I groaned slightly. “Great more shopping.” I muttered.

She rolled her eyes playfully and ignored by comment before pushing me back into the dressing room to change.


“What took you girls so long?” Matt asked as I plopped down on the couch next to him, beyond tired.

I shook my head and started pulling off my vans. “I couldn't find a dress.” I explained.

“But in the end we did!” Michelle smiled brightly. “It's beautiful and perfect, and it only cost you four hundred and fifty dollars.” She laughed.

“Well at least you found a dress.” Matt chuckled at her before looking over at me. “You okay?” He questioned softly.

“No,” I laughed and shook my head as I rubbed my sore feet. “That women likes to shop way too much. She dragged my ass to about twenty stores today.”

“Oh you loved it and you know it.” Michelle said before changing the subject completely. “Now it's two days until party time and there's still tons left to do, so if you excuse me I'm gonna head over to Leana's to finish up a few planning details while it's still daylight out.” She said as she slung her purse over her shoulder.

“Have fun,” I grinned.

“I'll see you guys in the morning, bye.” She waved before disappearing out of the living. Not even thirty seconds later we head the front door close.

“Thank God that's over.” I groaned lying back and leaning against his arm.

“Oh you know you had fun, don't deny it.” He said with a small laugh.

“Whatever,” I muttered. “Where's Wesley and the guys?” I questioned.

“Upstairs somewhere.” He shrugged, “I think they're playing video games. Why don't you go on up and see them?” He suggested.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I think I'll do that.” I said as I stood up and stretched for a moment. “Thanks for the dress.” I gave him a soft smile as I turned to him.

“You're welcome, honey.” He smiled back, showing me his dimples.

That was all that was said between us before I turned away and walked up the stairs. I made my way down the hall and heard the guys yelling at the TV in the room Blake and Tristan were sharing across from Wesley and Riley's room. I opened the door and walked in. Riley and Blake were holding game controllers and going crazy as Tristan cheered them on while Wesley was laughing at them.

“Hey guys,” I said softly not wanting to startle them and then Riley and Blake mess up with their game, because if I did I knew I'd be kicked out again. It happened a few nights ago and they kicked Wesley and I both out. They were way too serious about that game.

Wesley noticed me instantly, while the other three ignored me as they kept cheering about the game. “Come on,” Wesley laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. We walked down the hall and into my room. Once my door was shut mine and Wesley's lips met for a simple kiss. “How was your day?” He asked, pulling away.

“Long,” I sighed.

He chuckled softly before grabbing my hand once again and leading me over to the bed. “You find a dress for your party Saturday?”

I sat down on the edge of the bed before lying back comfortably and resting my head against my pillows. “Yeah,” I nodded.

He smirked, “When can I see it on you?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Saturday when everyone else sees it at my party.” I laughed, rolling my eyes.

He pouted and sat beside my body on the other side of my bed. “What? Am I not special enough to see it until then?” He teased.

“Nope,” I said popping the 'p'. “You're not special at all.” I joked playfully before letting a yawn escape pass through my lips.

“You're tired,” He pointed out.

“Very,” I murmured with a slight nod.

He chuckled before wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I rested my head on his chest with my arm thrown over his torso. “Sleep Audrey, I'll wake you when the Brian and the guys arrive with dinner.”

“Thanks,” I said softly before resting my eyes. It felt so nice to be lying there with him while feeling so content with everything. When we were alone together it was as if my worries just washed away to the point where I could actually relax, and I loved it.
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