Sparked Up

Break Me Out

There was a month of separation before the group of friends saw each other again. When they reunited it was for Marshall’s pre-birthday bash before Warped Tour commenced. Rather than going alone to Vegas, Gio had Alex go with her. On the plane ride, Alex kept wondering if the situation was going to be uncomfortable at all. Ever since they boys left the last time and Gio told him everything that went down, she stopped talking about them completely.

Alex didn’t even know if she talked to any of them anymore. He assumed that she didn’t keep her promise to Marshall and didn’t call or keep in contact with him. It surprised him greatly when she asked him to go to Vegas with him; but he agreed to go nonetheless.

“Are you happy that you’re going to see them?” Alex asked after the movie finished playing on the plane. The next movie was pretty lame so he decided that this would be the best time for them to speak.

“Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve talked to Marshall since he was always going out with Singer and traveling to LA. I was actually surprised that he invited me.” she confessed.

“Okay, so what about the rest of the guy,” he asked trying to be sly by not mentioning Joey directly.

“I haven’t talked to Singer or Johnson too much. I talked to Joey only 3 or 4 times; about the same amount of times as Marshall. I know that’s who you really want to know about,” she laughed. “It’s hard to keep contact with them; they’re busy and I’ve been so busy the past month.”

“Yeah, what are you working on though? You’re always M.I.A. and you hardly get any sleep; there were a few times were I could see the bags under your eyes.”

“I can’t tell you just yet; you don’t know how much I want to tell you. Everything needs to be approved and finalized before you can know.”

“Well hurry up and get it done. Who knows about it?” he asked.

“Keenan and Annie; only because we’re all working on it together.”

“You’re working with my friend? I’ll get it out of him instead.” Alex smiled triumphantly.

“I don’t think so; he was the one that suggested the secrecy in the first place.” Gio smirked. Alex frowned in defeat and waited the next 20 minutes in silence until the plane landed. They got off and grabbed their luggage and put it in their rental car, driving to the same hotel that Gio stayed at the last time that she came.

No one actually knew that Alex and Gio were coming to the party except for Singer. Marshall did invite her to come, but she was originally busy so she told him no. When her plans fell through, she called Singer and told him of her plans to surprise him. The bash wasn’t until tomorrow afternoons they had all day to waste. Even though Marshall had given her a tour of the true Vegas, she still didn’t know what to do. The places that he showed her were his style but didn’t suit her or Alex very well.

“Call Singer and tell him to find us something to do!” Alex groaned from his bed. Gio grunted in response but complied. Once she got him on the phone she was quickly hushed and told to be quiet while he found a safe place to speak. She guessed that he was with Marshall. After a few minutes of speaking on the phone, they agreed to meet up at the promenade that she went to the last time she came.

“Hey, I’ve missed you,” were the first words that came out of Singer’s mouth when he saw the two. They agreed with his sentiments and they all wandered around trying to find a present for Marshall. They walked into a clothing store and Alex began digging through trying to find some clothes that Marshall would like. “I know that you and Joey didn’t talk a lot during the separation; none of us have really. How’s it going to be facing him again and Marshall?” Singer asked taking advantage of the time that they were alone.

“Marshall and I are fine. Last I talked to him he was dating someone but keeping it quote ‘on the DL’ unquote.” Gio said.

“Yeah, I didn’t know if you knew but I guess you do. What about Joey?” he asked not letting the subject change.

“We should be fine; I talked to him a few times. He still doesn’t know how I feel and about the kiss. If he does, then he’s pretending not to,” she said.

“I don’t think that he knows, Marshall talked about it with me once but never spoke about it ever again. You’re in the clearing.”

“What if it gets out somehow? I know it’s between Marshall and I but still, he’d get pissed if we didn’t tell him.” She said.

“Seriously, don’t worry about it. So what have you been up to for the last month besides school and work?” he asked.

“She’s been working on this huge secret project with Keenan and Annie that she won’t tell anybody about.” Alex said coming back with a few shirts in hand.

“Oh really?” Singer asked.

“Yup, and don’t even bother asking her. I’m her best friend and she won’t even tell me. Her family doesn’t even know.” Alex whined. Gio told him to quit complaining and pushed him to the register. “So what are you going to get Marshall?”

“Oh I already got it, just need to pick it up.” She said. The boys looked confused and asked her to elucidate. “I knew his birthday coming up so I found someplace in Vegas to make his gifts; I didn’t want to have them made in Cleveland because it would’ve most likely arrived late.” She said before leading them to the music store where she was to pick up the presents.

“I’m here to pick up a package for Gio Mason,” she said politely to the man behind the counter.

“Ahh yes, we finished them a week ago. I just have to say that they look great; your designs for them are amazing.” He said pulling a box out from under the counter and placing it in front of him. She opened the box containing the gifts and closed it quickly before either boy could see the contents of the box.

“Why can’t we see?” they asked.

“Because I want everyone to see the same time as him,” she replied giving her credit card to the man and giving him her signature. “Thank you, these are absolutely amazing.”

“No problem, we only did the labor. You came up with the concept and designs. Whoever receives them will appreciate them very much.” The man said. She smiled and waved to him leaving the store with the two boys in tow.