Sparked Up

Left Us Falling

“So is she dating anyone?” Joey asked when it was just Alex, Singer and himself.

“Nah, she’s been way too busy. What about you?”

“Nope, there’s no point in it right now; I’m going back out on tour. Plus, I’m planning on getting a Warped girlfriend for the summer,” he laughed.

“That’s cool, I gue…”

“Alex! Alex! Alex!” Gio screamed coming back into the room jumping like a little kid. Because she didn’t really specify which Alex, all of them came running into the room. She didn’t even notice any other Alex except for her Alex and grabbed his shoulder shaking him while still jumping around. “WegotthedealwegettoopenupalineandstorewegettomovetoLA!” she screamed. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy until Alex told her to stop and calmly explain what was going on. “So you know the big project that I was working on with Annie and Keenan?” he nodded. “Well it was opening up a store and clothing line. We already have a spot picked out and the only thing that we were waiting for was for the clothing company to approve of our designs. The clothing company is giving us our own branch.”

“That’s great!” he said jumping up and down with her until realization hit. “Wait but that means you’re moving. What about your family, work, and school? What about us?” Alex asked.

“My family will understand; they know that I need to branch out. I already talked to my boss about my possible departure and he helped me find a job in LA, so I’m already set. I also planned ahead with the school and I have the choice of transferring or finished my courses online. As for us, I thought that you’d be happy for me.” Gio said, her happiness now deflating.

“I am, but I’ve always been there to protect you. What happens when I’m not there? I made a promise to Kyle.” He said the last part in a whisper. At the moment everyone was blatantly staring at the two friends like they were on some Soap Opera. Gio pulled him a distance away from everyone so they could speak alone.

“You know I can protect myself; if I can’t there’s always Keenan. As for your promise with Kyle; even he knew he couldn’t protect me from everything. Maybe with me out of your life, you can finally get married to Megan.”

“What are you talking about? You were never in the way of me getting married to Megan.” He asked in anger.

“I’m not saying that exactly; but without you looking out over me so much you can be Megan’s knight in shining armor. Just be happy for me okay? Try being selfish for once, spoil Megan and yourself.” Gio said.

“I guess there’s nothing to keep you in Cleveland is there?” he asked pulling her to him. She shook her head and he chuckled causing vibrations to echo into his chest. “Well I’m glad that you’re doing new things. Just know that when I do propose to Megan that I expect you to be there. I also expect you to be there on our wedding and when we have kids.”

“Of course,” she said pushing off of him and taking his hand leading him back to the group of friends.

“So you all good?” Johnson asked cautiously. Alex nodded and they immediately started interrogating her. After telling them the entire party, the crowd dispersed except for Joey who seemed to be waiting for her.

“So I haven’t talked to you formally yet since you got here,” he said opening up his arms.

“I know and I’m so sorry for that,” she said walking into his arms and wrapping her arms around his torso.

“So you’re moving to LA; that’s only a state away.” He stated.

“Yup it is,” she said nuzzling into his neck.

“That means we can see each other more often,” he said insinuating something.

“Yup, until you’re on tour again,” she said shooting him down indirectly.

“Well when we get off tour, we’ll have all the time in the world that we will need.” He said not giving up.

“Yup,” she said inhaling his scent. “I missed you.”

“You don’t even know.” he said as the two sway back and forth to the silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
The next few chapters will be a lot longer. This is coming to an end because no one seems to like it.