Sparked Up

Sparked Up

Life went on for the two of them after the concert. Joey went home and chilled before going out for another tour. Gio continued working with kids and hanging out with her friends. A couple of weeks had gone by and they barely kept in contact. They were always too busy to call each other but they made a pact to speak to each other at least once a week. Now, that pact was kept; a phone call was made before going to bed and they would talk for hours until one of them drifted off to sleep.

Of course it was difficult to maintain a friendship with someone you rarely saw, but they kept on trying. Joey was still off tour and Gio was taking her vacation so he suggested that she come visit. She hesitated at first because it wasn't exactly smart to stay at a stranger’s house. Granted, he wasn’t a complete stranger but she still has only met him once. So they created a compromise; she would visit but would stay at a hotel.

The week before she actually arrived, Joey was off the wall with excitement. Just in the short time that they’ve come to know each other, they became great friends. His band mates were confined in the recording studio with him so they heard about Gio constantly. From everything Joey kept spewing, they felt like they knew her life story. They were hoping that once she arrived, Joey would calm down a smidge.

The day had come and Gio was at the airport waiting for Joey to pick her up. She sat on her luggage in the front; a car pulled up and she heard two voices shout out her name. She looked up and saw Marshall and Singer. Gio also became friends to them during their time apart but it was more through text messages rather than through phone calls. They put her luggage in the car and started off to the hotel. On the way they explained that Joey was busy and asked them to pick her up. He would pick her up later so they could hang out.

Marshall and Singer had to go to the studio so she was left alone at the hotel. Not wanting to be confined to her room she went outside to explore the wonder known as Las Vegas. The hotel that Gio checked into was in the suburbs near Joey’s house and it was nowhere near the strip so she was left to wander around the neighborhood.

It was a warm but not scorching day, in which she was thankful for. As she walked by, she basked in the glowing sun and warm breeze. Passing by, she saw children playing in the front yard; she has always loved children and hoped to have a family one day, like that she had. Her parents, brother Sam, and herself got along extraordinarily. There were never any serious fights, only playful petty ones about using up the last of the hot water.

She wandered around for a while until she spotted a pond with a fountain right in the middle. There were also stone benches that had beautiful engravings on them that surrounded the pond. She took a seat and picked up some rocks and began skipping them. That kept her occupied until nearly dusk. Her phone starting singing the lyrics of The Everglow by Mae and she picked it up to see that Joey was calling her.

“Where are you? I’m at the hotel; I was thinking that we could do something tonight.” He said.

“Yeah sure, I went for a walk and I’m by this pond a couple of blocks away from the hotel. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She said already getting up and making her way back.

“No, stay there. I know where the pond is, I’ll be there to pick you in a flash.” There was no point in arguing because she could hear him opening the door and walking to his car. So she walked back to the bench and waited. Gio was staring into the fountain when she felt two hands grab her by the shoulders. She already knew it was Joey so she didn’t freak out like he wanted her to. They both embraced each other and lingered on each other’s touch before releasing the other.

“Let’s go,” Joey said leading her to his car. Words weren’t needed, they were happy enough just to be next to one another. She didn’t even bother asking him where they were headed. They only drove three blocks over, Gio assumed it was his house because she recognized it from their video calls. A couple of times during those video calls, his mom would pop up and start a conversation with her. He led her to the front door and pushed the key in opening up the door.

“Surprise!” everyone yelled when Joey turned on the light. Gio smiled but was lost because she didn’t know what the occasion was. It wasn’t his birthday so there wouldn’t be a party for that. Joey didn’t seem fazed at all. In fact he had a huge grin and was smiling down at her. She thought that maybe someone told him ahead of time and he wasn’t surprised.

“Did I miss something? I know it’s not your birthday. I feel bad that I don’t know,” she pouted. By then the crowd was listening to them and burst into hysterics.

“Sweetie,” he said pulling her under his arm, “this,” he said indicating the crowd “is for you. I thought a party might be a good idea so you could meet my family and friends and they could meet you.”

“Oh, that makes a lot more sense,” Gio laughed, “So introduce me.” he quickly pulled her over to his mom and they hit it off; not that anybody thought that they wouldn’t. He then dragged her to meet all of his friends. Finally he went to get them a drink and she plopped down on the leather recliner.

“Tired?” Marshall asked lying on top of her. She was so exhausted she didn’t even try to push him off; instead she just nodded.

“Yup, woke up pretty early for my flight and had to wait a couple of hours. Then there was the plane ride and time change. Even though it’s only a three hour difference I’m still tired. When I got to the hotel I didn’t stay there, I went walking around and was at a pond for a couple of hours. Right after that Joey picked me up from there and here we are.” She sighed leaning her head back; and pushing Marshall off to the side so he was cuddling next to her instead of him crushing her.

“You want me to take you back to the hotel?” he asked stroking her hair getting her more tired than thought possible.

“Nope, it’s only nine, the later I go to sleep the quicker I’ll get used to this time zone. But can we go outside, it’s kind of tight in here.” She asked.

“Sure I’ll go tell Joey so he doesn’t freak out that you left. Then I’ll come back and get you.” He said. Marshall was gone for a few minutes then came back with drinks for the both of them." He said not to stay out for too long because he wants to talk to you more. I swear you’re like a drug to him and he needs his fix.” He chuckled then led Gio to the backyard where the pool was located. Gio watched in amazement the pool was set up like a grotto and had seats in the pool and a side bar next to it so the swimmers could drink in the pool. What really caught her eye was the huge cabana located to the left of it. She ran to it and jumped on it. Marshall laughed at her antics and joined her.

“So how do you like Vegas so far?” he asked taking a sip of his alcoholic beverage.

“I don’t know. I haven’t been here a full day yet but it’s treating me nicely. If it sucks then I’m happy I’m only here for a week. If it’s amazing then I’ll be sad to leave you guys and this town," he said brushing her hair out of her face.

“Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll love it. I’ll make sure to show you the real Vegas, not the tourist one.” He smiled. They talked for a while until they found a deck of cards. Gio didn’t really want to play a real game so she suggested one that she played with her kids. After shuffling the deck of cards, both of them would pick one without looking at it then hold it up to their forehead. Then they would each have to guess if theirs was lower or higher than the others. If she was playing with her kids betting would not be included, but since it was with Marshall he demanded they bet something.

“We’re going to bet….secrets. NO lying either or there will be consequences.” He said sternly. Gio agreed and they started. A few rounds went around and secrets weren’t really spilled, just things that one would want to know about their friends, basic information. “Okay last round, and I have a very good question that I’m going to ask you if you lose.” He smirked. He shuffled the deck then let Gio choose before he picked his own. He had an Ace and she had a Kings. “So I bet that I have a lower number than you.” He said cockily. They both showed each other’s cards and Marshall cursed. “What are the chances that I would get an ace and you a kings?” he sighed.

“I don’t know but no secrets are coming out of me anymore. So now let me ask you a question since I won,” he looked nervous because she had a mischievous look on her face; “Don’t worry it’s not bad; it’s just something I’ve been wondering since I saw old pictures of your band. Why in the world did you add blonde streaks in your hair? I’m sorry but that just looked terrible.” She laughed.

“Hey! It was cool back then.” He defended.

“Whatever, I think you look tons better with your natural hair,” she said ruffling it up a bit. He lied there and let her play with it. “You know I really like your birthmark on your eye,” she said pulling his face closer to hers and rubbing the crease where his eye was. To a third party this would’ve looked like they were about to kiss, and that’s what Joey thought when he opened the back door into the backyard.

“I didn’t like it when I was younger, but I learned to like it.” He said staying in the same position.

“Gio, Marshall, You guys have been out here for like 2 hours. Sure looks like you’re cozy,” he laughed trying to hide his uneasiness.

“I guess, I was admiring his birthmark. Look at it, I mean it’s right there on his eye!” Gio exclaimed pulling Joey onto the cabana so he could take a look.

“Love, I’ve seen it enough times already,” he laughed pulling her up “but I think it’s time for all of us to get back to the party.”

“Yeah, let’s go back. We still need to tire you out some more.” Marshall said already heading back in. Joey and Gio stayed back for a little bit just standing there with his hands still on her waist from when he pulled her up.

“You know I’m really glad that you came. That month apart was almost too much for me.” he said uneasily.

“I know how you feel. But boy are you going to go crazy when you get a girlfriend and you have to leave her months on end for tour.” She sighed.

“Nope, I would take her with me.” he smiled at his solution.

“Joey honey, I love you but that would be a bit selfish don’t you think. You asking her to put her life on hold so she can follow you around while you live your dream? I don’t mean to be a downer but if my boyfriend ever did that I don’t think I would be able to.” Gio said.

“Yeah, I’m thinking crazy right now aren’t I. Talking about bringing my girlfriend on tour when I don’t even have one right now. Let’s just drop it, I’m sure when I do meet this girl then I would talk to her about it.” He said with a smile but she could still see the sadness behind it. That was enough for her to give him a hug so tight that if she let go she thought he would float away.