Sparked Up

Don't Stop Me Now

The boys knew better than to show their jealousy, so they tried to be as nice as they could handle.

“So how long have you guys lived together?” Joey asked.

“No for very long actually; I moved in when she got back from visiting you guys.” The boys nodded and processed what they were just told. Obviously they were serious enough to move in together; what they wanted to know was how long they’ve been together.

“Is Annie here? I saw her car in the driveway” Gio asked.

“Yeah, she’s actually waiting for me in the shower right now. I’m going to spend the night at her house so don’t wait up for me,” he shouted over his shoulder going to his room. She chuckled and turned to the boys. She beckoned them to follow her to their rooms. Marshall and Joey felt really stupid for assuming that they were together. Gio led Marshall to the room next to the restroom and across from the kitchen. Joey had the furnished basement that was down the hall next to the living room. After they put their luggage away, Gio gave them a tour of the house then led them to the backyard. There was a huge deck and about an acre of empty land out there. She told them to get comfortable while she went to get some iced teach; she set the pitcher down on the round table and pulled up a chair.

“So are we going to see upstairs?” Marshall asked.

“I mean it’s just Keenan and my room but we can go up there later if you guys want to.”

“Okay, I want to see your room,” Marshall said giving her a childish smile. Although he didn’t mean it in a sexual way, Joey took it the wrong way and kicked him discreetly under the table. He looked over at Joey who shot him a warning look. The look was heeded. Not much later, Gio led them upstairs and showed them where Keenan’s room was, but didn’t show them inside because it would’ve been an invasion of privacy. Finally she led them into her room. She sat in her chair at her desk while they explored her room. She had pictures of her family and friends covering her walls. There was a particular person that was in almost every picture except for the very recent ones. There was one that stood out the most and it was her prom picture. She had her long brown hair in waves and very natural make-up. She wore a simple fitting green dress with a heart-shaped neckline; next to her was the aforementioned mystery person. He wore a black tux with a green tie. They looked like the perfect couple; both had tan skin, green eyes, and brown hair. Marshall went to lie on her king sized bed while Joey looked some more.

“Who’s that?” Joey asked pointing to the prom picture. Gio looked up to see who he meant; when she saw who it was her face drained of all color.

“That’s Kyle; he used to be my best friend. We were best friends before we were even born. Our moms were childhood friends,” she said with a wavering voice, her eyes never leaving the photo.

“Used to? What happened?” Joey asked. He knew that he shouldn’t be pressing the matter but he wanted to know.

“I’d rather not talk about it, now if you’ll excuse me, I have a phone call to make,” Gio said quickly leaving the room. Once she left, Marshall gave Joey a smack on the head that told him he went too far. Joey put his hands up in defense saying that he was only curious. A few minutes later, Gio came back into the room saying that Alex was going to bring the other guys over. The three of them went to the living room and watched tv in silence while they waited for the other boys. The tension before was still evident in the air and no one liked it. 15 minutes later the boys arrived. Johnson and Singer took seats while Gio stood up.

“Hey guys we’re going to do something. We’ll be back in an hour. Make yourselves comfortable; we’ll bring back some food,” Alex said. He then walked out to his car with Gio, leaving them very confused.

“What was that about? Alex got a phone call then rushed us over here,” Singer asked.

“I don’t know. We were in Gio’s room looking at pictures and there was this guy that was in almost every one of them; then Joey asked who it was,” Marshall started.

“She said it used to be her best friend Kyle. Then I asked her why they weren’t best friends anymore and she said she didn’t want to talk about it. After that she went to call Alex and here we are,” Joey explained.

“I wonder what happened.” Singer inquired.

“Dude, let’s go check out the pictures,” Johnson suggested.

“Man, that’s not right to go through her room,” Singer scolded.

“It’s not like we’re looking through her drawers. I just want to see who he is,” Johnson argued. Singer gave in and they went to go look. After examining each photo carefully, they went back to the living room.

“Damn, it looked like they were in love,” Johnson stated.

“I really want to know what happened now,” Singer said.

“You want to go alone?” Alex asked.

“No, I wasn’t his only best friend you know,” Gio stated.

“True, but you guys were much closer.” He gave her a sad smile then let her cling to his arm. They started walking then stopped when they were in front of them.

“Hey Kyle. It’s been too long since I’ve visited you. The reason I’m here is because some friends of asked about you and it just made me realize how much I miss you. I want you to know that I will always love you,” Gio said letting the tears flow out now.

“Kyle man, we miss you so much. But you always told us to never let anything keep us down and we’re sticking to that. I have an amazing girlfriend that I can imagine spending the rest of my life with. Gio met some really cool dude from The Cab; you know that one band that you used to listen to. They’re coming really close to replacing me as the best friend; but don’t worry, they will never replace you for either of us. No one can ever take your place. We could wish that you were hanging out with us at the coffee house every Thursday but we know it’s not possible. One last thing, here’s a bracelet that we made for you.” Alex gave him the bracelet with their initials KAG on it then they stood there in silence before they went back to the car.

The boys didn’t really do anything while the two were gone. They talked about the upcoming tour and the new Cd. When their conversation began dying down, Alex and Gio came back with bags from H&W.