Sparked Up

Time For Me

“Are you sure you want to tell me? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Joey assured her.

“No I want to. I might not have known you for so long but I feel like I can trust you. Okay so Kyle basically meant everything to me and I was the same to him. As kids we were always together; literally attached at the hip. As we grew older, our parents would constantly say that we were meant to get married. We’ve never even considered being together; he was always just the protective best friend as I was to him. I remember when I got my first serious boyfriend Josh he interrogated him for days; eventually they became really good friend. I was the same to his girlfriend Amanda.

I can’t describe our relationship; it was like, we were as close as friends could get without getting romantically involved. As strange as it seems, he was the person that I was the closest to and knew that knew the most about me; even more so than any of my family. When he died it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to go through. I couldn’t look at anything because everything reminded me of him. I used to see his parents every day but I avoided them like the plague because I could see parts of him in them. I couldn’t face Amanda even though I knew she was going through the same thing. Alex and Megan tried to get me to cope but it took 2 months before I even started going out and talking to people again.

For the past year I’ve been really guarded about who I let into my life, because I didn’t want to get close to someone else and have them taken away from me again. When I first told Sam about you guys he was skeptical because you guys will basically leave me all the time; the difference is that I know that I will see you guys again. He just wants me to have stable relationships in life. My explanation for our friendship doesn’t even compare to how it actually was. Right now I sound like a 4 year old saying that ‘I lost my bestest friend in the entire world,’ but that’s what it really was” She laughed humorously.

“Wow, I really don’t know what to say; it sounds like you guys had this made-for-movie friendship. I know that I could never even come close to being as good a friend as Kyle was but I hope you know that you can talk to me about anything.” Joey said.

“Yeah,” she smiled sadly “Let’s call the rest of the guys up here.” She called Sam and he said that they would be up there in a few minutes. Everyone found a seat and sort of just sat there in silence admiring the interior until Johnson spoke up.

“I know it’s really middle school but let’s play truth or dare,” he suggested not wanting the silence any longer. There were murmurs of agreement and they all got around in a circle and placed an old bottle in the middle of them. Sam started and spun the bottle which landed on Singer.

“Truth or dare?” Sam asked slyly; he already had the perfect dare and question in mind.

“If I choose truth then you might get something juicy out of me; so dare.” He stated.

“Fine, I dare you to….wait your fans would do things for you right just as long as it’s not illegal right?” Sam asked.

“Yeah why?” Singer asked.

“Well I want you to post Caleb’s number on Twitter and tell everyone to tell him how much of a jerk off he is. You can delete it after it’s been on the internet for an hour. I think he needs to learn that he’s not as smooth as he thinks he is.” Sam explained. Everyone laughed but Gio was frozen.

“We can’t do that, that’s so mean.” She pleaded.

“It’s fine Gee, he needs to be taken down a notch.” Singer said. She sighed in defeat and gave Caleb’s number to Singer. The tweet was very simple, “Caleb here needs his ego brought down. He needs to be reminded that no one is superior to anyone. Text him at (530)777-8755. Don’t be too harsh now.” When he finished they continued the game and when it landed on Gio, she told Singer to check his phone first.

“Holy wow, I’m looking at all my @replies and there’s like 800 of them saying that they text him and Caleb even went as far as writing back some nasty things. Listen to this one, ‘I text Caleb and he was an absolute jerk. I told him that he should learn to be a little nicer and he told me that I’m just jealous. Jealous of what? He deserves all this hate that he’s getting right now. Hell, he’ll probably even need to change his number.’ This is getting a little out of hand. All my friends are texting me right now asking me who this jerk is that pissed me off. I guess I should post another tweet really quick. ‘I love all of you guys for your dedication. Caleb’s a jerk but I think that’s enough spamming his inbox. The first people who writes back and I will tell the story of who he is. Go!” okay I’m done. Gio, truth or dare?” Singer asked.

“I always start off with Truth,” she said.

“Okay when did you lose your virginity?” he asked.

“Dude, that’s my best friend besides Sam’s here.” Alex scolded.

“It’s fine, Sam already knows. I’m a virgin, yup 20 years old and still a virgin,” Gio proudly stated to all of the shocked faces. The only one not surprised was Sam; even Alex was shocked.

“Wait, you never did it with Josh?” Alex asked.

“Nope, we were together for a year but we never did it. Kyle and I promised each other that we would try our hardest to wait until marriage; but after high school we realized that we would need to be sexually compatible to whoever we were going to be married to. We stayed somewhat loyal to it; we would need to be in love with whoever we did it with. I just haven’t met that someone yet.” She explained.

“Wow, I don’t think I would be able to hold out for that long,” Alex said. Megan slapped him on his chest and he just chuckled pulling her into a hug.

“For what it counts; I’m proud that she’s waiting. I sort of wish I waited until I found someone I loved. I did it just to do it.” Sam explained.

“I think I’m done with this conversation,” Gio said getting up and making her way out the door. “I’m going for a dip so I’ll be in the water if you guys need me.” Everyone immediately jumped up after her and raced down to the dock. They all stripped down to just their underwear and grabbed each other’s hands. “Sam we need to take a picture for our tree house.”

“I know, why do you think I brought the camera?” he smirked. “Are you guys ready for this picture?” he asked. Everyone nodded but Gio.

“Sam, you need to be in the picture too. We’ll just take a tradition picture where we’re all standing.” She demanded.

“No, I can take the picture. I want it on Polaroid. We can take the group picture with my digital later. Now get ready to jump in.” Sam ordered. Gio was about to stomp over to his brother but Marshall and Joey had a firm grip on her hands. “Ready? One, Two, Three!” he shouted. Everyone jumped off the dock and into the water. Gio coughed up a bit on water when she resurfaced because she honestly didn’t think that they were going to do that.

“You guys are so dead!” she warned Marshall and Joey in a menacing tone. They laughed and shrugged her threat off; little did they know that she was actually going to do something. For her plan to work she needed Singer’s help. As everyone began playing Marco Polo; Gee swam over to Singer and jumped on his back. Joey was it so he had his eyes closed; which worked well because then he wouldn’t see them planning. Singer almost pulled her off his back until she proposed her prank. “I need your help to get Joey and Marshall back; since you know them a lot more than I do you can help me.”

“Oh, I can help you with that. I know all of their quirks and secrets. If we do get caught though, I had absolutely nothing to do with it okay?” he said.

“Definitely, so….” Gio said getting cut off by Joey shouting ‘Marco,’ everyone said ‘Polo’ back but them because they were planning.

“Hey, I don’t hear Gio or Singer,” he shouted.

“Shut it Thunder; we said it,” Singer shouted back.

“Fine, just shout it louder next time.” Joey argued then continued.

“As I was saying; you’ll be staying the night at my place to plan. You can sleep with me in my room; don’t worry I won’t rape you or anything. I have a big enough bed so we can have our own space.” She said once she saw his wide eyes.

“I wasn’t freaked out about sharing a bed with you; I’m actually more freaked out about what Joey, Marshall, Sam, and Alex might do to me when they find out we’re sharing a bed. Beside I like to cuddle so be ready to spoon tonight.” He said wiggling his suggestive brows.

“Eww you perv!” Gio shouted a little too loud pushing him away. This outburst caused Joey to find their destination and tagging Gio. “Thanks to you, now I’m it.” Joey opened his eyes and when he saw who it was he pulled her into a hug.

“Too bad I didn’t tag Singer; then you and I could’ve talked while he searched around like an idiot.” He laughed.

“Singer, what did you do to my little sister?” Sam boomed. Singer quickly pried Joey’s arms off of her and hid behind her.

“Nothing Sam; he just said something and I made it bigger than it really was.” Gio explained. Sam accepted that explanation then swam off before she closed her eyes.

“Everyone ready?” Gio asked as she closed her eyes. Everyone shouted ‘Yes’ and she stood completely still before shouting ‘Marco.’ She heard one really close and focused on where it came from. Instead of immediately swimming off she stood there and listened intently before lunging backward and tagging whoever it was.

“How the hell did you know I was there? I’m like a god-damn ninja.” Johnson growled in disbelief.

“Skills babe; you just got to hone them. Besides you shouted right behind me and I assumed that you thought that if you stayed completely still, that I would think no one would be around me.” Gio explained.

“Fine, better get ready because the game is ON,” Johnson declared. Gio patted his back and swam to Marshall. He gave her a high five and began whispering to her so that they wouldn’t be caught.

“So what were you and Singer talking about that got you caught and for you to call him a perv?” he asked innocently.

“Something that you’ll find out soon; as for the perv part he said that he wouldn’t mind spooning me,” Gio laughed along with Marsh.

“Why can’t I know now and why was spooning brought up?” he asked amused.

“Because you can’t and because he’s sleeping over tonight and staying in my room; we need to bond.” She stated.

“Fine; when are we going to bond. You’ve bonded with Joey earlier and you’re going to bond with Singer tonight. Tomorrow is our last day so we’re bonding all day. Who cares about Johnson, you don’t need to spend any more time with him.” He stated.

“Hey! I heard that Marshall; I am important. Hell I’ll convince Gio that you’re the one that’s not important and make her spend all day with me tomorrow. MARCO,” Johnson shouted. Apparently Alex was paying too much attention at Johnson’s outburst to notice that Johnson was still searching; causing him to be the next victim.

“Shut it Johnson, this conversation has nothing to do with you,” Marshall shouted.

“To hell it doesn’t. I’m her friend too; so we’re hanging out tomorrow right?” Johnson asked Gio. She nodded and he smiled at her then swam off.

“Yeah we’ll hang out tomorrow. You can even stay in my room tomorrow night,” she promised. After another hour, even was tagged except for Megan and everyone headed home. When Gio told everyone that Singer was staying over, he was given the talk to by Alex and Sam. Alex and Sam then proceeded to tell Marshall and Joey to keep an ear out for any weird noises.

They walked into Gio’s house and found Keenan and Annie in the living room. Marshall, Joey and Singer rushed to the bathrooms to shower while Gio sat next to them.

“Hey so Singer’s staying in my room; don’t worry we’re not doing anything. We are planning pranks on Joey and Marshall though; so don’t tell them. I was hoping that you guys could make sure that they don’t listen at the door because it would ruin everything. Sam and Alex told them to keep their ears open.” Gio grimaced.

“Don’t worry; but when you do figure out your pranks you need to tell me.” Keenan said excitedly. She nodded and went upstairs and into her room where Alex was walking out of her bathroom.

“I have some of Alex’ pajamas in my top drawer so you can grab those. After I take a shower we start planning.” She said grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom. She came back out a few minutes later and saw that Singer set up her whiteboard on her easel and on top wrote REVENGE. She laughed and sat down on her bed facing Singer and the board.
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Sorry it takes a while. I've been busy.