A Ritual - The Wedding

The New Me:

Somehow I sensed I had had a change, aside from the first, giving me over to him.
My lips are metallic bloody red, my nose is small, my eyes are now green.
The irises are large, covering all of the visible eye, it’s a vivid green, incandescent.
I like how smooth my face is, how smooth my skin is, the new strength of my hair.
When I cup my hands I feel a firm B, erect nipples, certainly larger.
The nipples and areolas are now a matching red, and very sensitive, fascinatingly so.
My hands are somewhat smaller, my fingers long, slender and graceful now.
Somehow my feet feels smaller now, I love them like this, the even graceful look.
Now I can buy any girlish shoe I always wanted, they always come in my size now.