A Ritual - The Wedding

Alone In The Night:

After all the guests had left, we were once again alone in the night, meant for us alone.
There we were, still as naked as we left the pool, and now it finally did get a bit cool.
I had been busy with the party after the sermon all day, no real time for self exploration.
As they finally had all gone I do have a moment for myself, then I’m going to be back.
Craig will be excited to have me for himself all nought now, I’m certain of that indeed.
My hands slowly follow the curves of my skin, such as it is now after the sermon.
At first, for a long time, all I find is basically the same, only smoother then it was before.
Only the first difference I notice is when I come to where my slit is, or was, as I can’t find it,
my hands simply can’t slip in like before, it’s just sleek smoothness.
I’m smooth all over, not a single thing seems like before on that account.
Although my mouth, nose and ears still are the same, I still can speak and eat.
Everything on the event after the sermon was exactly as it would have been before.
That’s in a way why I noticed this so much as I did, it’s not like I had expected this.
After a moment Craig is back with me in our bedroom, I don’t let on, not to disappoint him,
I would so want to enjoy him like all the years up until now.
For some reason, it seems he’s not expecting any problems, only fun.
Naked as we are, I want him on the bed, so I can have a ride now, more then ever.
His presens made me fully aroused instantly, the moment I saw him in the room.
Every worry is simply gone within a minute, as if I never had any problems at all.
I feel how my body tingles all over, inside and out,
already feeling better then after the last sex we had together the day before today.
Somehow it seems as if he know what I want before I am about to say anything.
Seductively, he takes his place on the bed, ready for me to mount him, waiting.