A Ritual - The Wedding

Male Question:

While my wife was out with her friends this day, I was out with a few friends too.
After walking on the town for some time, we ended up on a local pub we like.
After a few beers, we started to discuss the other day, the day at my sermon.
The first questions were all very innocent, so that was no problem, I simply replied.
Then it happened, there came a question I just knew I could not answer.
I knew it, because I could feel how my lips sealed up tight, so I could not make a sound.
There I sat, looking like a fish on dry land, every time I tried to open my mouth.
It’s so embarrassing, even if it does feel strangely good, then I got a few strange looks.
What happened next is I still did manage to drink my beer, as if nothing had happened.
Only after a few more beers, it was too exciting to remain in the pub for me to remain.
The scene got too girley, in a way, it’s not fun, even if the excitement still was enjoyable.
This would be when I decided to go home, which I managed to explain to them.
As I got home, I was alone for a moment, before my wife came home, all excited.
I could guess what it was, as I had experienced what I was sure she was excited over.
Did not have to ask, it was plain in her face, only too obvious to me now.