

Here we are, in the bitter cold, with no one else in sight. The train tracks that once held our home seem lonely. It’s as if you just wanted to go up to them and tell them that you’re there for them, that you care, but that would be silly. I look to my lover on the ground, laying on a blanket that is thin enough so that you could feel the snow beneath it. He lay there nearly motionless, sleeping delicately… beautifully.

The snow was cruel; my cheeks were almost numb. I sat back down next to him, looking back and forth at his fragile body and my pack of cigarettes. After a quaint snoring noise, I let myself fall back, setting the cigarettes beside the blanket before I took my lover in my arms. We were just as cold as one another; the only warmth was coming from each other’s bodies.

Softly, my lover mumbled a “hmm?” and opened his eyes to me. At my sight, he smiled. I smiled back, holding him closer; it was a hug that screamed, “Never let me go!” He held me back, just as tightly, then buried his head in-between my chest and my chin, kissing my neck ever so lightly. Giggling at the feeling, I felt a huge wave of happiness come over me. We weren’t in any safe or homely place, nor did we have any premonition that we would ever be, but it was his love that made me happy.

He kissed my neck harder, breathing over my neck and chin, sending some warm air my way, in the least. I kissed the top of his head and held him that much tighter, just so we could be warmer. There was no way we were going to die out here; no way in Hell.