The Archangel of a Girl Who Didn't Want to Grow Up

Flying and Questions

"Tell no secrets, live no lies, I need my archangel, in my time of demise." Rian says as she opens her eyes, only to close them again when a bright light shines down and a red haired being with majestic white wings appears.

"Demise? You know that means end or termination?" Alicia asks with a smile on her face.

"Whatever! I needed something to rhyme with lies!" Rian says, huffing as she folds her hands over her chest, but with a smile on her face none the less.

"I know, girl. But a proper word would have been despair, darkness or even sadness." Alicia says, going through the words that would work.

"My mother's pissing me off. Can we go for a fly?" Rian asks, looking at Alicia with hopeful eyes.

"Absolutely, but LEAVE A NOTE!" Alicia says with a stern tone.

"Fine…" Rian says with a sigh as she picks up a pen, and scribbles a note to her mother.


Alicia took me out flying. Be back soon!!

Love, Rian!

"Okay. Let's go then!" Alicia says with a smile once the note is written. Rian grabs Alicia's hand and they teleport outside, in front of Rian's house. "Ready?" she asks, looking at Rian.

"I was born that way." Rian says with a grin as she holds tightly onto Alicia's hand as they rise up into the air and start flying around town. Zero huddles in Rian's sweatshirt. "Thanks, Lisha. This is an awesome sensation. Just what I needed after my time of DEMISE." Rian says with a chuckle.

"How many times!?!?!?! Demise means END!!" Alicia says before throwing her arms in the air.

"Whatever you say, Alicia. Whatever you say." Rian says, her grin only growing wider. Alicia starts laughing as does Rian and Zero. "Say, Alicia? Are there other Leconians in the world?" Rian asks, looking intently at Alicia.

"There were. In the past. But, at the present time, I believe you are the only one." Alicia says with a sad look on her face.

"So, archangels are the only ones who can give Leconians to humans? Like you gave me Zero on my tenth birthday?" Rian asks, a determined look on her face.

"Yes. Only archangels can have contact with humans. Angels cannot." Alicia says, nodding her head.

"Oh. Is there a way that angels can become archangels?" Rian asks. Alicia looks at her with surprise.

"Yes, but it takes HUNDREDS of years." Alicia says with a far off smile on her face.

"Can archangels become angels?" Rian asks.

"If an archangel dies, they become an angel again." Alicia says with a sad sigh.

"Whoa! Archangels can die? ANGELS can die? Aren't they already dead?" Rian asks, her eyes growing wide as the truth finally sinks in.

"Well, yeah, but angels don't die, because they are subject to humans and an archangel dying would be called a double death. Because, yes, we've already died." Alicia says, looking at Rian with a sad look on her face.

"How do archangels die?" Rian asks in a hesitant voice.

"By injecting them with monothalamine. It is DEADLY to angels." Alicia says, her nose wrinkling at the thought of the substance.

"So if someone shot you, you wouldn't die?" Rian asks with a chuckle.

"No." Alicia says, shaking her head.

"And archangels are the only angels that can interact with humans? And there's, what, like nine of them, including you?" Rian asks, trying to remember exactly what people say.

"Yes, there's nine of us, and as for your other question…." Alicia says.

"What?" Rian asks, leaning slightly closer to get the answer.
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Here's this chapter!
RyK & KcA