Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash



I stumbled out of my bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Today was the first day of Senior year and everything was going okay. So far at least. As I was taking the orange juice out of the fridge, it was grabbed from my hands. I spun round, only to see my mom hastily pouring it into a glass.

“Sorry Lexi, but I’m running late,” my mom apologised

“Again?” I teased

It was only me and my mom, Lynne, living in this small apartment, and she works back-to-back shifts at the local hospital as a surgeon’s assistant to pay the bills. Well, she’s pretty much a glorified nurse, but my mom’s awesome. I’ve got my big brown eyes from her, and that’s pretty much it. She’s got dark pixie cut hair at the moment though, so that’s pretty cool.

“Eh, I was asked to cover someone and we need the money. Bills will be arriving next week,” My mom reminded me

“Don’t forget I got a massive tip at work, so that’ll help,” I pointed out

I work at a restaurant in the rich side of town 3 nights a week to help my mom with the bills. She didn’t want me to help but I know she appreciates it. My toast popped out of the toaster and my mom took it before I could, making me laugh. It’s hard to stay mad at her. With a quick kiss on my cheek, mom left the kitchen and headed out of the apartment, leaving me to start my breakfast all over again.

Half an hour later I heard a car horn beep twice from outside. Mike. With a grin, I grabbed my rucksack and house keys, before leaving the apartment, making sure to double lock it as I left. Can’t take any chances on this side of town. I left the apartment block and jumped into the back of Mike’s beat-up car, smiling as he pulled away from the sidewalk.

“Another year starts,” Zack whooped

“Our final year,” Mike corrected, grinning widely

“I can’t wait to leave Barrymount, I tell you now,” Rian chuckled

These are my three best friends, and we all live on the ‘poor’ part of town. Don’t get me wrong, all of us are decently above the poverty line, but we are scraping by compared to the ‘rich’ part of town. Luckily, we all managed to get into a high school on the good side of town – Barrymount High. True, we have to pay fees, just like everyone else, but Zack and I get reduced fees because of our parents jobs (his mom works with my mom at the hospital and Barrymount helps out single-parent jobs like theirs), Mike’s in Barrymount on a writing scholarship (he runs and edits the school newspaper – something a ‘poor’ kid hasn’t done in decades) and Rian’s parents work two jobs each to pay fees.

“Lex, you’re real quiet,” Rian commented, turning his brunette head from the front seat to look at me

“Just tired. Mom woke me up when she got in from her night shift,” I shrugged

“I know how you feel, brah. At least you can sleep in homeroom,” Zack laughed

I couldn’t help but smile back. Just being around my friends has eased the nerves I had about my first day back. Something just feels off this morning. Like is going to happen. I can’t tell what it is, but I know it’s gonna be big.

“Dude, you’re drifting away again,” Rian grinned, poking me in the nose

I jumped, startled, but punched him in the arm as Mike pulled up to our high school, parking in our usual spot. I got out a smiled, stretching my arms as I yawned. Yes, this was going to be a good year.



I can’t believe I was starting another high school. Each year has been in a different state. Freshman year was Atlanta, Georgia. Sophomore year was Tulsa, Oklahoma. Junior year was Lexington, Kentucky. And now Senior year is Baltimore, Maryland. I mean, my mom was married to my biological dad in Lebanon when she was travelling alone 20 years ago. 3 years into that I was born and then until I was 6 we lived in Lebanon. But then my parents split and I moved with my mom to Chicago, where she met my step-dad. They got married and we’ve been moving state every year since. I don’t mind so much. Guess I’ve kinda got used to it now. My mom and step-dad both come from trust fund families, and they’ve never worked a day in their lives. My step-dad likes to travel a lot, hence why we move around so much. Although I have to say, Maryland is looking pretty damn good.

“Master Jack, there is a young man at the door for you,” our maid, Greta, announces to me

“Uh, okay,” I frowned

I haven’t met anyone yet, so I don’t know who the ‘young man’ could be. I picked my rucksack off the floor and headed out of my bedroom and down the stairs to the front door. Standing there was a guy who looked my age with shoulder-length wavy brown hair and a wide smile. He’s wearing the same stupid school uniform as I am, so that means he must be going to Barrymount too.

“Hey, I’m William. My mom came over to meet your parents last night and she said you’re going to my high school, Barrymount. I was wondering if you needed a ride?” the guy said warmly

“Uh, it’s okay, I’ve got a driver and he’s taking me,” I shrugged

Before William could reply, my mom swept into the room. I don’t look a lot like my mom, Emilia, especially since she dyes her hair blonde. But we get on okay, I guess.

“Oh you must be William! It’s wonderful to meet you! Jack, you’ll be riding with William this morning. You know how I feel about carbon emissions,” my mom said sternly

I rolled my eyes but nodded. My mom’s latest craze was ‘saving the climate’, so I know she won’t budge on this. I kissed her cheek and followed William out of my new house and into the black limo waiting outside.

“Jack, right?” a random guy inside the limo asked

I stared at him, a bit startled. He had light brown hair that spiked all over the place, tattoos and eyeliner. Well, he must be one of the new-age wealthy kids. My parents would murder me if I dressed like that. They were angry enough when I put blonde chunks in my black hair.

“Cool it, Martin, he doesn’t speak much,” William snorted as the car started moving

“He’s probably just shy – are you shy?” Martin demanded

“No, not really. Just not used to this place yet – we only moved in three days ago,” I mumbled

“Well feel free to hang with us and our friends,” William smiled

“Are your friends getting their drivers to take them in?” I asked curiously

Martin snorted and William looked amused. What did I say?

“I guess you could say that,” Martin mused

The rest of the ride was silent. This is officially awkward. William seems like one of those quiet, intelligent types, and Martin seems like one of those serious, intense guys. Nothing like me. I wonder what their friends are like. Hopefully they won’t shut me out for being new. As the driver stopped outside a large building, Martin got out the limo first, then William, then me. I didn’t like the mischievous glance sent between the two other guys. What if they’re planning to humiliate me?

“Hey, Bill! Martin!” a voice hollered

I looked ahead to where Martin and William were walking, only to see a group of 4 guys, all in uniform that looked years old, second-hand definitely, if not third-hand. I can’t believe it – their friends are poor! Why didn’t they tell me?!

“New kid, come on!” Martin yelled over his shoulder

I reluctantly walked after them, knowing I couldn’t ditch William without my mom finding out. As I reached the group, I looked around the faces. They were all brunette, for a start. The heavily muscled guy standing next to William had short hair with a long fringe and a nose ring, as well as a chest tattoo peeking out of his loosely buttoned school shirt. Next was a guy with messy shoulder-length hair and big eyes. Next was a stocky guy with hair a bit longer than a buzz cut and a wide smile. And last was a guy with blonde chunks randomly placed in his hair and the most angelic face ever. Woah, angelic face? Where did that thought come from?

“Jack, meet Zack, Mike, Rian and Alex. Guys, meet my new neighbour Jack. He moved in three days ago,” William introduced

“So another rich kid, huh?” Rian mused

“Uh, I guess?” I said hesitantly

“Can you deal with hanging round poorer kids than you?” Mike asked with a grin

I didn’t answer. My step-dad taught me to never associate with people of a lower class, so I don’t really know what to do right now. Everyone must’ve seen the awkwardness on my face, because they laughed. Only Zack looked angry.

“You got a problem with us not having money, rich kid?” Zack growled, clenching his fists

I stepped backwards as he stepped towards me, panicking. My first day and what the fuck? Martin placed his hand on Zack’s chest and stepped in front of him.

“Calm down Zack, calm down,” Martin soothed

“He’s just another prejudiced rich kid,” Zack sneered, narrowing his eyes at me

No-one said anything. Great, so that’s what they all think of me. Already.

“Come on, I’ll take you to the main office to get your schedule,” William sighed

“See you in homeroom,” the guys chorused

I walked in silence next to William, not sure of what to say. I pretty much insulted his friends, to be fair.

“Look, Jack, I get that you’re new and all and probably have a load of prejudices like most of this school does, but if you want to hang with me and my friends then you’ll have to get rid of them fast. We don’t care about class boundaries, so if you can’t deal with that then you’re gonna have to find different people to hang with,” William said simply

I didn’t say anything again. Well what am I meant to say? I’ve been brought up with ideas completely opposite to those of William and Martin, I can’t just get rid of them that easily! William sighed again and pushed open a door labelled ‘office’. I followed him in and over to a desk. I knew agreeing to come here was a mistake. This is going to be the worst year ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lynne Gaskarth
Emilia and Hugo Barakat

Just a little introduction to both their morning routines!
So...I'm stoked for this story - I hope you are too!
Comments please?