Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash


My birthday was yesterday, Thursday 14th December, and today is the night that we’re going to Paul’s Uncle’s club to celebrate mine and Rian’s birthday. Rian’s birthday isn’t till the 18th, but Friday’s are always the best night at Avalon apparently, so we’re celebrating tonight. Everyone’s meeting at Paul’s, because his Uncle is travelling with us to make sure we get into the club. I’m not quite sure why his Uncle is letting 8 underage guys drink as much as they want, but I’m not complaining. It should be a fun night! Especially since Martin’s forgiven Zack for breaking his nose.

“Alright, is everyone ready?” Paul’s Uncle Thomas boomed cheerfully

Rian and I grinned at each other. This was going to be the best birthday ever! We followed Paul’s Uncle out to the limo, getting in quickly. Tonight was quite cold out, so my button-up black shirt and grey skinny jeans weren’t going to provide much warmth. As soon as the limo pulled away from the curb, Uncle Thomas turned to us.

“Alright. I’ve told all my staff working tonight that I have 8 VIPs tonight, but obviously they won’t know you so here’s your passes,” he handed them out, “And I’ll tell the security and bar staff tonight that you 8 are to have unlimited drinks all night, but you’ll have to be up in the VIP booths to get them. If there’s any trouble, Paul knows where my office is,”

“We can’t thank you enough for all of this,” Rian said gratefully

“Oh it’s no problem, especially not if any friends of my favourite nephew are celebrating their birthdays,” Uncle Thomas beamed

“I’m your only nephew,” Paul snorted

All of us laughed, Uncle Thomas rolling his eyes. It didn’t take long for us to get to the club, and I gulped at the massive queue outside. This is so stupid, we’re never going to get in! It’ll be so embarrassing, and I’ll look like an idiot and...

“Hey Lex, are you getting out or what?” Jack mused

I broke out of my trance, realising that Jack and I were the only ones left in the limo. I blushed deeply, before getting out, Jack shutting the door behind himself.

“These 8 are my VIPs tonight, including my nephew – they’re allowed anything they want,” Uncle Thomas told the security guards at the doors

The bouncers looked over our faces to memorise them, before nodding, letting us past. I could hear grumbles and complaints from the people in the queue, but I just blocked them out. We actually got in! Uncle Thomas led us up a flight of stairs and past another security guard, up to a balcony overlooking the dancefloor.

“Okay, this is the VIP section. A member of the bar staff will come up here every half an hour to ask for drink orders, so don’t bother actually going to the bar. Other than that, enjoy your night! Happy birthday Alex and Rian,” Uncle Thomas grinned

He walked back down the stairs. I turned to Paul, excitement clear on my face.

“Your Uncle is the most awesome person ever!” I squealed

“I know right?” Paul smirked


[3 hours later]

I’ve got no idea how much I’ve had to drink. I think it’s about 1am, but there’s been countless shots, beers and I think a lot of whisky. Not really sure. But what I do know is that this is probably the best night of my life! Martin, Zack and I have just got back from dancing for about half an hour, and Jack and Rian were sitting up in the VIP section drinking beers.

“Heyyyyyy!” Zack cried out happily, sliding in next to Jack

I sat next to Zack as Martin sat next to Rian.

“I think...I’m starting to forgive Paul for hogging you,” Zack said cheerfully to Martin

“I’m sure he’ll appreciate that,” Martin snickered

“We were watching you guys dance, it was pretty funny,” Rian grinned

“Especially when that girl came onto Lex and he rejected her,” Jack snorted

“She wasn’t my type,” I shrugged

“Yeah, Lexi likes ‘em muscular and aggressive, don’t you?” Zack teased, pulling me onto his lap

I squeaked as Zack ran his tongue up my neck, everyone else bursting into laughter.

“No, I don’t!” I protested, wriggling out of his grip and back onto my original seat.


“Come on Zachary, you know you’re all mine tonight,” Martin smirked

“Oh am I?” Zack mused, raising an eyebrow

“Yup, I shotgun your tongue. No-one else can have it,” Martin said triumphantly

Jack, Rian and I looked at each other before grimacing.

“Ewwww!” I squealed

“Fine, we’ll take our tongue-fun somewhere else,” Zack grinned

My eyes widened as Zack and Martin moved to the booth next to ours and immediately started making out. Okay, Zack has got to tell Martin how he feels soon!

“They’d make an odd couple,” Jack commented randomly

“Why’s that?” Rian asked curiously

“They’re...complete opposites. Zack’s laid-back and sometimes aggressive, whereas Martin’s broody and sometimes flirty. Not when they’re drunk like now obviously, but sober, yeah. And the fact they’re from different classes,” Jack shrugged

I gulped. If Jack thinks Martin and Zack would be an odd couple because Martin’s rich and Zack’s poor...then I’d never have a chance with him!

“You think that their classes matter?” I eventually managed to ask

“Kind of. I mean, obviously not to them, but the rest of Baltimore would judge a fuck load,” Jack pointed out

I frowned, and Rian noticed this. Then Paul, Mike and William walked back up the stairs.

“Come on fuckers, dance with us!” William demanded

“They’re busy and I don’t really feel like it,” I shrugged, pointing at Zack and Martin

“Typical,” Mike snorted, glancing at our embracing friends

“Me neither,” Rian replied, shaking his head

“I could do with a dance,” Jack smiled

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding as Jack walked back down the stairs with our three friends.

“You okay, Lex?” Rian asked, concerned

“Not really. Jack’s just pretty much proved that I never have a chance with him,” I muttered

“No, he said that the rest of Baltimore would be judging a rich guy with a poor guy – he didn’t say that you would never have a chance with him,” Rian pointed out

“He said it would be odd. That’s not exactly jumping for joy,” I said miserably

“Don’t take it to heart, Lex, seriously. Jack doesn’t even know that you like him, and I bet that he would change his mind about the class difference if he did know,” Rian reassured

“I highly doubt that,” I grumbled

“I hate it when you get so pessimistic,” Rian sighed

“I can’t help it. I really like Jack and it seems like there’s constantly new reasons why we’d never get together. It’s tearing me apart,” I exasperated

“You don’t know until you take a chance,” Rian said softly, staring at me

I looked at him for a few seconds, before sighing. I guess he has a point.

“Yeah, I know. I just can’t take a chance right now. It would mess everything up,” I said sadly

“Promise me you’ll take a chance soon? I don’t like it when you’re down like this,” Rian pouted

How could I resist that pout?

“Yeah, sure. Soon,” I nodded, smiling a little

“That’s the Alex I know and love. Now, how about some shots?” Rian said excitedly

“Do we really need more alcohol?” I chuckled

“It’s our birthdays! It’s not a party until we pass out,” Rian grinned

“Eh, why not. It’s not like we’ll be coming here any time soon again, is it?” I laughed

Rian whooped, making me smile. I only hope that Rian’s words are right. I don’t know until I take a chance. But is it worth risking everything for that chance?
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Jack :(
Let's hope that Alex can change his mind,right?
I think y'all might like the next one though...

Comments please!