Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash


Two weeks later, I just wanted to curl into a ball and cease to live. The freaking jocks hadn’t stopped tormenting me at all. In fact, it’s worse, because they’re purposely beating me in places that can be hidden, like my stomach and thighs. And it’s constant. I can’t tell Jack because a) I don’t know if he’ll actually defend me and b) I don’t think he would actually win in a fight. I mean, I can hold my own when it’s one-on-one, but not when it’s five-on-one. I just have no chance.

So far none of my friends have figured anything out either. I think William is getting suspicious though. He’s far too smart for his own good, damn it. But no-one’s said anything, which is good. I can handle myself.

It’s the lesson before lunch right now, French, which I have with William, Paul, Zack and Jack. Since the broken nose incident, Zack moved to my other side, next to Jack, just to remind my boyfriend how little he trusts him. As much as I want everyone to get along and forgive Jack, which I’ve done, it is pretty funny, bless him.

Jack and Paul were held behind in the last lesson, so it’s just me, William and Zack sitting down.

“Lex, this is your textbook,” Zack mused, pulling a book out of his bag.

“Oh, my bad,” I chuckled.

Zack lightly tossed my book to me, and I yelped as it hit my stomach. Oh shit.

“I didn’t throw it that hard,” Zack frowned.

“I-I know,” I mumbled.

“Hold his arms,” William said to Zack.

Zack raised his eyebrow but did so. Tears welled in my eyes and I averted my eyes as William walked in front of me and lifted my shirt, displaying a colourful array of bruises. Zack growled and William scowled. I just whimpered.

“Has this been happening ever since the last time?” William asked with barely-concealed anger.

“And don’t you dare lie,” Zack added, releasing my arms.

“Yeah. It has,” I said miserably, hanging my head in defeat.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” William asked, lifting up my head so I would look at him.

“Because I can handle this, okay? I don’t need anyone else to fight my battles for me! I’m not some defenceless little kid!” I exasperated.

As William let out a short sigh, Zack just laughed.

“This isn’t funny,” I snapped at him.

“Sure it is. We’re your friends, Lex. We want to defend you, man,” Zack mused.


I stopped. He has a point, even though I don’t want to admit it.

“I’m guessing Jack doesn’t know?” William said softly.

“Doesn’t know what?” Jack asked cheerfully, sitting down next to me.

“Uh, what I’m getting you for your birthday!” I lied quickly, smiling.

“Lex, my birthday isn’t until June – it’s January,” Jack said, confused.

“I know, just planning ahead!” I shrugged.

“Fair enough,” Jack laughed, pressing a kiss to my temple.

“I’m not letting you lie to him,” William hissed in my ear, taking his seat next to me as Paul took the seat next to William.

“I’ll tell him at lunch,” I hissed back.

“If you don’t, I will,” William retorted.

I swallowed heavily and nodded. I know when William means business, and now is one of those times. Damnit.


French lesson ended, and I was one of the first out the room. My reason? I want to see Mike, Martin and Rian! Well, that’s the reason I’ve given anyway. Sure I love my friends, but I’m kinda just hiding from William? Don’t judge me! But as always, Lady Luck isn’t on my side.

“Hey Alex, why are you standing behind me?” Mike asked with a big smile.

I was tempted to hit him, but I couldn’t bring myself to. Thanks Mike, thanks a lot. I stepped out only to be met with the scowls of Zack and William and the worried face of Jack.

“Fine, you win Bill – Jack, there’s something you need to see,” I sighed.

I looked around to see if the football team were standing behind me, they weren’t, before lifting my shirt. I heard various gasps, but the only person I was looking at was Jack. His lips were pressed together in a thin line and his eyes looked ready to pop out of his head. Shit.

“Why haven’t you said anything to me about this?” Jack whispered.

“I didn’t want you to get hurt too,” I mumbled, tears filling my eyes.

I don’t know who started the chain reaction, but one-by-one our friends left us.

“We’ll save seats in the cafeteria,” Rian murmured in my ear.

I looked up at Jack, not really knowing what to say.

“Who else knew?” Jack asked coldly.

“Jack...please...” I begged, not liking his tone of voice.

“Who?” Jack repeated.

“Zack and Bill found out in last period French. That’s what Bill was asking if you knew about,” I confessed.

“So you lied to me?” Jack asked, hurt.

“Only to protect you!” I insisted.

“Well like I’m sure you’ve said, Lex, I can take care of myself,” Jack said angrily.

My jaw dropped as he started walking away, and I ran after him, stopping him with a hand on his arm.

“Where are you going?” I asked, my voice cracking.

Jack stiffened slightly, before he gave in.

“I’ve got to make a phone call. Make sure Zack doesn’t put his feet on my seat?” Jack asked softly.

I smiled weakly and nodded, sniffing my tears away.

“Good,” Jack murmured.

He pecked my lips lightly, before walking away. Who the hell is he going to call?



I swallowed heavily, before dialling the number I swore I would never dial.

“Hi, Hugo?” I said nervously.

“Jack! How’s your day going?” my step-dad asked cheerfully.

“Not so great actually. I need to ask you...for a favour,” I said hesitantly.

“What did you do?” Hugo sighed.

“I haven’t done anything. That’s the point. The Quarterback at school has been trying to run me into the ground since I got here, and it’s time I did something about it. Besides, it could help you too,” I explained.

“Spoken like a true businessman. But how could it help me?” Hugo asked, confused.

“His name is Jesse Ames,” I said simply.

I smiled at Hugo’s intake of breath.

“Of Ames Industries?” Hugo said excitedly.

“The very same. I think it’s time to pull the plug on Ames Industries like you’ve been wanting to for years,” I smirked.

“Leaving the market open for HTE Ltd to take hold of the power it deserves. And I know just how to do it,” Hugo said.

“Perfect. If you can do it in the next 5 minutes, that would be great. Make them suffer,” I said coldly.

“Gladly. I’m so proud of you, Jack,” Hugo said warmly.

“Uh, yeah. See you later,” I said quickly.

I grimaced as I ended the call. Hugo proud of me? Yuck. Taking a deep breath, I walked down the corridors and into the cafeteria. Alex and our friends looked up at me in confusion as I walked right past our table. I stopped in front of Jesse Ames and folded my arms over my chest.

“You were warned not to lay a hand on my boyfriend again, Ames,” I said simply.

“So I beat the scrawny poor kid up a bit – who cares?” Jesse snorted, high-fiving one of his friends.

“I care. You mistreat Alex, you mistreat me. That means you have hell to pay,” I growled.

“And what’s a string bean like you going to do?” Jesse scoffed.

“Why don’t you call your daddy and ask him how business is doing? I don’t think you’ll like his answer,” I smirked.

“What did you do?” Jesse snarled.

“What someone should’ve done a long time ago. You’re finished Ames. For good. Stay away from Alex,” I said firmly.

And with that, I walked back to my table. Excited whispers started up around the room, making me blush as I sat down.

“What did you do?” William smirked.

“I made a call to my step-dad. He’s been looking for an excuse to take down Ames Industries for years,” I shrugged.

I slipped my hand under the table and gripped Alex’s hand tightly, smiling down at him.

“I may not be able to fight, but I can do my own thing,” I said softly.

“Thank you,” Alex whispered.

“I didn’t think you had the balls to stand up to Ames. But you proved me wrong,” Zack said to me, smiling a little.

“I told you that you’d forgive him!” Alex said happily.

“Yeah, yeah,” Zack chuckled.

Alex just beamed up at me, so I leant my head down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

“I told you I’d never let anyone hurt you,” I grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was tempted to make this into a full-scale argument between Jack and Alex, but I just couldn't lol.
Jack saves the day! Whoop!
Party in the next one!
