Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash



I woke up about half an hour before Zack did the next morning, and I spent that time just stroking his hair and appreciating the fact that I might not get to hold him in my arms like this very often. What? I might not! And his body…I mean, fuck, it’s incredible. All the working out he does really pays off, I tell you now, and I get personal access to this mouthwatering body. I just wish he felt for me how I feel for him. It kills me knowing that he’ll never return these gut-wrenching feelings, it really does.

Although, last night was different. Different than last time we slept together anyway. It was more…intense. Like we connected on a different level. I’m probably just being a sap and all, but it felt to me like making love. Obviously it wasn’t making love for Zack, but that was the best I’ve ever had, hands down.

When Zack finally woke up, all I could do was smile down at him.

“Morning,” I said softly.

I didn’t loosen my hold on him, and I don’t particularly want to. If I let go, who knows when/if he’ll come back?

“Morning,” Zack smiled back, resting his hands on my chest, his fingertips already making patterns on my flesh.

“So…last night…” I started.

“It was different,” Zack said simply.

“Yeah, I know it was,” I nodded, swallowing heavily.

What if he’s figured out that I like him? What if he’s preparing to run away?

“I, uh…”

“Martin, there’s something I need to say,” Zack interrupted.

“Okay?” I offered, frowning slightly.

I’m only frowning slightly, because Zack looks really nervous. Zack’s never nervous. Angry, yes. Nervous, no. His hesitation carried on for a fair few seconds, so I brought one of my hands up to his cheek, cupping his face lightly.

“What is it, Zack?” I encouraged, inwardly smiling at his blush.

“I-I li-like you. There, I said it. I like you,” Zack mumbled.

As those words processed in my head, I froze. No fucking way!

“Shit. God damn shit,” Zack growled, tearing out of my arms and getting out of whoever’s bed this is.

I scrambled after him, spinning him around with a hand on his shoulder.

“Wait, you didn’t let me finish,” I pleaded.

“Well you didn’t fucking start,” Zack retorted.

I rolled my eyes and slammed my lips to his in a short harsh kiss, gripping his naked body tightly with my hands before pulling away. I dropped my arms until I was just holding both his hands in my own, our faces mere inches apart.

“I like you too. I’ve liked you for years,” I said seriously, looking him in the eyes.

Zack’s jaw dropped, making me chuckle softly.

“Are you for real?” Zack asked after a slight pause.

“As real as I can get. I’ve always liked you, but I could never say anything because I didn’t think you’d like me back,” I admitted, dropping my gaze.

“Wow. We’re fucked up huh?” Zack mused.

I laughed and lifted my head back up to look at his gorgeous face.

“How many of the guys knew?” I asked, curious.

“Uh, Rian and Lex. Mike was at work when I told them. You?” Zack said.

“Jack and Bill. Paul wasn’t around then,” I replied.

As all these words came out of my mouth, I felt a huge weight lift off my chest, like a load of tension has disappeared. It’s actually quite liberating, if I’m honest.

“So what do we do now?” Zack asked, nervous again.

I bit my lip. I know what I want, but I don’t know if he’d want it too. Well, here goes nothing.

“We could try a relationship,” I said softly.

My heart warmed a little bit as the corner of Zack’s mouth curled up into a smile.

“You think?” he asked, unable to stop himself from grinning.

“Yeah I do. Will you be my boyfriend?” I asked.

“Yes!” Zack said excitedly.

I whooped and grabbed Zack’s face between my hands, molding our lips together. Zack moaned softly and slid his arms around me, kissing me eagerly in reply. There are no words to describe how it feels to know that I can hold Zack in my arms whenever I want, to kiss his lips whenever I want, to make love to him wherever I want. I can never get enough of his embrace, and now I won’t need to have enough. All of a sudden, Zack’s hands went down to my bare ass and pulled my hips firmly against his, grinding softly. Woah.

“Before we get to that, I need to go tell someone before I burst,” I grinned, breaking away from his lips.

Zack just chuckled and nodded, letting go of my hips. I glanced down and noticed that he was nearly full erect already, making me blush. Guess I just have better control than him!

“Whatever you want. Don’t be too long though,” Zack smirked, winking as he laid down on the bed.

“I won’t,” I purred, fighting not to salivate.

I ran out the room, and knocked rapidly on the door next to ours, not caring who was in there. Mike opened the door, took one look at my naked body and rolled his eyes.

“It is too early to see dick. What do you want?” he groaned.

“Zack and I are now dating, and we going to fuck for the rest of the day,” I grinned.

“Congratulations and thanks for the warning,” Mike yawned, clapping me on the shoulder.

“Mike where are you?”
“Yeah, Mike, come back to bed,”
“Don’t keep us waiting,”

Mike just smiled innocently at the three female voices. I laughed and shook my head in amusement.

“Have fun,” I winked.

“Oh I will,” Mike smirked, walking back inside his room.

I walked quickly back to mine and Zack’s, and locked the door behind me, immediately going over to the bed and straddling Zack’s hips. Fuck, this guy really is delicious.

“I warned Mike that we’re going to fuck for the rest of the day,” I whispered in Zack’s ear, kissing down his neck.

“Oh are we now?” Zack mused, his breath hitching in his throat.

I reached down and wrapped my hand around his erection, starting to stroke him, and a moan tore fromZack’s my boyfriend’s throat.

“Yes, yes we are,” he groaned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bit of a filler really, but I thought it was about time that these to got together =]
I just love them!

Comments please!