Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash



It’s been two weeks since Senior year started. It’s been two weeks since Jack freaking Barakat started Barrymount. And it’s been two weeks since me, Zack, Rian and Mike have all hung out together, so that’s what we’re doing now. Seeing as me, Mike and Rian work part-time jobs we rarely all have a night off together, so straight after school the four of us got into Mike’s car and went over to Zack’s house. Mainly because his is the biggest out of this small group.

“Alright, I found some chips and mountain dew, so we’ll just have to deal with this,” Zack announced

Me and Rian were lying on our stomachs on Zack’s bed while Mike and Zack sat in bean bags on the floor. I caught the can Zack threw in my direction and nodded my thanks. Mmm Mountain Dew is good!

“I’m just glad we don’t have much work due in. My boss is kicking my ass to do more shifts,” Rian yawned

Rian works at the local Walmart 4 nights a week, as he has done for the last year. Mike works in a music shop but only on the weekends.

“Don’t take them if you can avoid it. We need to pass this year,” Mike said seriously

Mike...serious? Jeez.

“Yeah, no failing and repeating,” Zack teased our long-haired friend

“Hey, just because I was getting high instead of coming to school!” Mike retorted playfully

Mike failed his sophomore and had to repeat it, placing him in our year. Although he’s 18 and a year older than us, we get along like brothers. It’s pretty cool actually. Besides, Mike got close with William, the only other guy his age to have to repeat sophomore year, so at least Martin had another ‘rich kid’ to associate with.

“Lex, you’re daydreaming again,” Rian frowned

I snapped out of my thoughts, blushing as I realised all my friends were staring at me.

“My bad,” I mumbled

“You’ve been doing it a lot lately. You okay?” Mike asked

“Yeah, I’m fine. Got partnered with that Barakat guy in Music theory though,” I shrugged

Okay, so maybe that was a deliberate diversion. But it worked.

“I can’t see how you guys put up with that kid! All he does is look down his big nose at us!” Zack muttered angrily

“He’s never said anything against us,” Rian reminded Zack, trying to keep the peace

“Exactly! He doesn’t think we’re good enough to talk to!” Zack retorted

“I hate to agree, but Zack’s right. He is just another rich kid who’s wrapped up in mommy and daddy’s bubble-wrap,” Mike sighed

“We shouldn’t give up trying. William said he’s actually a nice guy,” I said softly

“Martin said that too, but it doesn’t mean I have to believe it. Sure, he might be a nice guy when he’s surrounded by his big house and vaults of money, but not around us,” Zack grumbled

“Let’s not fight about this, okay? He’s not here so he’s not important,” Rian said firmly

Mike and Zack sighed heavily but nodded, Zack switching on the TV so we could play video games. Despite what they think, I know that under Jack’s prejudices that there’s a warm-hearted guy underneath. And I’m not going to give up trying to find him.

“Lex...wakey wakey!” Mike said loudly

I blushed and buried my face in my hands and my friends laughed. Maybe video games would be a good distraction from my thoughts. It won’t do me any good to think about Jack Barakat for any longer than necessary, that’s for sure.



Another not-so-wonderful day at not-so-wonderful Barrymount high. I mean, I know that it’s the best that money can buy in Maryland, but that doesn’t mean I like it there. I’ve never felt more uncomfortable in a school before. William and Martin are nice enough guys, and we ride together to and from school everyday, but their friends really don’t like me. Especially Zack and Mike. Rian’s a cheerful guy and Alex is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. But they’re poor, and I can’t make friends with poor people. My step-dad would kill me if I did. William’s limo pulled up outside Martin’s house and we all got out, heading inside. My parents don’t really care where I go after school as long as I’m home by 11. And there’s no curfew on weekends.

“Dude, Lex just texted me saying they’ve just had a massive bitch fit about Jack,” William muttered to Martin

It’s a shame that I heard every word. Martin looked over his shoulder at me and smiled weakly when he realised I’d heard what William said.

“It’s okay, I know they don’t like me. I don’t even know why you like me,” I shrugged

“It’s not that they don’t like you. I think you’d actually get on really well with them if you dropped your prejudices. Why do you care so much about classes?” Martin frowned

“It’s all I’ve ever known,” I said quietly

I missed the sympathetic look that William and Martin shared as we walked in Martin’s bedroom.

“Do you want to be their friend?” William asked softly, looking directly at me as we sat down on Martin’s bed

“I don’t know if there’s a point. I never stay anywhere for longer than a year, and there would be a lot of unnecessary drama,” I explained

“Dude, you are so old-school!” Martin laughed

“You’re 18 at the end of this year, and I know your parents have set you a massive trust fund that would enable you to live away from them,” William said seriously

“I haven’t really thought about it, if I’m honest. My step-dad makes all the decisions so I don’t really have a say,”

“No offence but your step-dad’s a douche,” Martin muttered

William looked shocked and glanced at me to check that I wasn’t angry.

“I know he is,” I chuckled

If I’m honest, I don’t like my step-dad much anyway. He tries to replace my real dad wayyy too much, and we always argue. So I don’t care what these two think of him. A brief awkward silence passed over us, and I just picked at my nails. Bad habit.

“Did we get any Math homework?” William asked randomly

“Yeah, the trigonometry questions,” I nodded

“Uh, I hate trig!” William groaned, running his bony hands through his long hair

“If you turned up for your sophomore year instead of skipping, failing and having to repeat, you might actually understand it,” Martin teased

“You repeated sophomore year?” I asked, shocked

“Yeah, didn’t you know?” William chuckled

I just shook my head. I should probably have known that.

“Yeah, he’s meant to be a whole year ahead of us. That’s how Bill knows Mike so well – they both repeated their Sophomore years,” Martin added

I chewed my bottom lip. These two are so close to their other friends. I know I should make an effort to put everything I’ve ever known behind me, but it’ll be hard.

“What are your friends like?” I finally asked

“Are you asking this so you can get to know them?” William asked curiously

“Well I don’t want to look like any more of an ass than I already do. It was bad enough at Martin’s birthday last week,” I shrugged

Martin and William laughed, making me smile slightly.

“Okay, well we’ll start with Zack. I’ve been friends with Zack for years because my parents are friends with his and Alex’s mom’s. Zack and Alex’s mom’s work at the hospital, and they helped save my parents’ lives after a nasty car crash, like, 10 years ago. My parents don’t care about classes, so I was allowed to become best mates with Zack. He’s actually quite a laid back guy, but he does get aggressive if anyone has a problem with his background,” Martin started

“So I’ve noticed,” I mused, making them laugh

“Okay, I’ll say about Mike. We’re both 18, and as I said we both repeated sophomore year. I think Mike just got high all the time and obviously didn’t learn anything. Anyway, Mike’s supercool. Literally. He rarely takes anything seriously and he’s always laughing. I think you can actually hear his laugh a mile away. Mike’s my best friend, even though my parents aren’t that happy about it. I mean, my parents aren’t strict like yours on class boundaries, but they’re not as relaxed as Martin’s. And Mike runs the school paper as well as holding down a job, which is pretty awesome,” William explained

“Uh...Rian next. His real name is Robert, but he hates it so he goes by his middle name Rian. Rian’s the kindest guy you’ll ever meet. Seriously, like, everyone loves him. If you ever need advice about something, talk to Rian. And Rian’s like a big teddy bear and he gives the best hugs. Him and Alex are obsessed with Blink 182 too,” Martin grinned

“I love Blink 182,” I said, surprised

“Then you’ll have at least one thing in common!” Martin teased

I blushed lightly, making them laugh.

“What about Alex?” I asked, trying to get them to move on

“So eager to know about Alex, eh?” Martin teased

“No!” I protested

“Martin, leave him alone,” William warned

Martin rolled his eyes but nodded.

“Okay, well Alex is pretty complex. He daydreams and drifts off a lot, and he blushes a fuck load. Apparently it’s a turn-on, because, like, 3/4 of the school want him. Guys and girls. Um, he tries to stay happy most the time, even when things are shitty, but he’s gone through a lot in the past so he has his off days,”

“What do you mean?” I frowned, interrupting William

“That’s not for us to say. You’ll have to ask Alex if he feels comfortable enough to tell you,” William explained

“Oh, okay,” I nodded

I know when I’m not meant to nose about anymore.

“But Alex is a real sweetie. We’re all protective of him because he’s had his heartbroken a lot, so don’t hurt him,” William finished

“I’m not gay,” I blurted

“We didn’t say you were,” Martin snorted

I blushed heavily, hiding my face behind my fringe, only making Martin and William laugh. I don’t know why I’m blushing. I’m straight and I know it. I’ve never been into guys and I’m not now. I just want to get to know Alex – is that so much of a crime?
♠ ♠ ♠
Far too short, but I'm in a rush - packing up my house before I move back from University!!
Update will be in about a week.

Comments please!!