Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash

Twenty Three.


“So have you come to a decision?” Hugo asked me coldly.

He’d already woken me up with a sharp slap to the face, and was now sitting at the end of the bed. Damn it. I thought yesterday’s let’s-treat-Jack-like-a-punching-bag session was bad enough. I’m surprised I can actually move, if I’m honest, the amount of punches I got to my stomach. I know what you’re thinking – why don’t I fight back? Well, I tried. That only got me a right hook to the jaw and a busted lip. Fuck knows what I look like. But he hasn’t broken me. It’s a Friday so I’ve only got one more day till the weekend, one more day till I can escape to someone else’s house for a few days.

“Yeah, I have,” I wheezed, pushing myself upright.

“And…?” Hugo prompted, although the look in his eyes told me I’d better have made the choice he wanted.

Fuck him.

“There’s nothing you can say or do that will stop me loving Alex. I’m not breaking up with him,” I said as firmly as I could, not breaking our eye contact.

Hugo scowled and stood up. Okay, what’s he going to do?!

“I think a day without food will do you good. Don’t even think about going to school to socialize with those faggot friends of yours. And you’re grounded this weekend,” Hugo said sharply.

“You can’t do this! I’ve got to go to school!” I protested, starting to get out of bed.

Before I could move, Hugo backhanded me across the face so hard that I fell back into bed face first.

“You’d better learn fast, boy. Do as I say, or pay the consequences,” Hugo spat.

I just groaned as he left the room, feeling my face start to throb. In a way, it’s good that I’m not going to school – not only would Alex start worrying, but the guys would too. And most likely teachers – but that’s not my main problem. Alex is. I know Alex went straight to William’s house last night, so I bet by now they all know what happened to me. I can’t let anyone see me like this. I just can’t. Another groan slipped past my lips as I rolled over onto my back, and I grabbed my phone, switching it on. I jumped slightly as it came alive with dozens of missed calls and texts, mainly from Alex. Wonderful. I looked at the time, realizing that he would be going into homeroom any minute now. I’d better call him just so he isn’t worrying all day – that wouldn’t be fair to him. After two rings, he picked up. Here goes nothing.

“Lex, I…”
“Fucking hell Jack, where the fuck are you? And what the fuck happened last night?”

I sighed, running my fingers through my fringe. Alex only swears that much when he’s really stressed. Damn it.

“I’m fine, I’m just not coming in today,”
“Why? What did your step-dad do to you? If he hurt you, I swear to God…”
“Lex, I’m fine. I don’t feel so good, I think I’m coming down with something,”

I hated lying to him, but I don’t want Alex to get involved. If he starts asking around then he’ll only get into trouble with Hugo, and I don’t want that for him. Rather me than him, right?

“Baby, are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure,”

I hope I don’t sound as fake as I feel.

“I’ll skip school to take care of you then,”

I cursed silently as I blurted that, desperately thinking of something else to say.

“I, uh, don’t want you to catch what I have,”

Alex was silent for a second.

“I don’t believe you, Jack. I heard the shouting as I left, and Bill and I heard more shouts and what sounded like things being thrown last night. What happened?”
“God damn it Alex, this doesn’t concern you okay! Stop butting in where you’re not wanted!”

I felt my heart break a little when I heard Alex’s sharp intake of breath. That was way too harsh from me, but I just snapped. Maybe…maybe this way he’ll stay away from my house and from Hugo. Yeah, this is better. Even if it’s going to hurt both of us.

“I-If that’s how you feel,”
“Lex, please I…”

I heard Zack shouting something like ‘hurry up!’ in the background, making me sigh. This was not going how I planned it to.

“I get it Jack, I really do. I-If you don’t want me around then all you had to do was say,”
“No, Lex, that’s not it, I swear,”
“Well whatever it is, make your fucking mind up and stop messing me around”

My jaw dropped slightly as Alex ended the call. What the fuck?! Perfect. Just perfect. I’d better text him.

Lex, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you. I love you, don’t forget that. Can I call you after school? xo

I chewed my bottom lip as I waited for him to text me back. Come on…come on…yes! I couldn’t help but grin as I got a reply.

No, you can’t call me because you’re a douche. I love you too xo.

Okay, so not the reply I was expecting, but at least he still loves me, right? Fuck, this is all so fucked up. Not only is Hugo making my life hell, but what was good with my life (aka Alex) now wants nothing to do with me. I just hope when my mom gets back in a week or so from visiting her parents that everything will go back to normal. Everything’s got to go back to normal, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Jack :( Nothing seems to be going right for him, does it?
Uh, the next one will probably makes you guys hate me...

Comments please!

p.s. You are all amazing. So here's an adorable Jack/Alex photo for y'all to appreciate.