Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash


“What the hell is going on here?”

I weakly opened my eyes to see my mom standing in the doorway, eyes wide with shock and anger. Oh my God. Hugo dropped stopped kicking me and whirled around to face her.

“It’s not what it looks like, Emilia,” Hugo said, panicking.

“The fuck it isn’t, Hugo!” my mom spat, running over to me.

I smiled weakly as her horrified expression took in all my bruises, welts and cuts.

“Jack, what’s going on?” my mom asked, ignoring her husband.

“I’m b-bisexual, and Hugo didn’t like it,” I admitted, wincing as I waited for her response.

“You’re bisexual?” she asked softly, looking confused.

I just nodded, chewing my busted bottom lip. If she can’t accept me, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Hugo’s must’ve seen my mom’s hesitance because he clenched his fists.

“I found him having sex with another boy! It’s not right!” Hugo bellowed.

“Was it Alex?” my mom asked, ignoring Hugo again.

“Yeah. I love him, mom. Hugo’s been beating me all week since he found out and he made me break up with Alex today or…or he was going to hurt Alex!” I whimpered, tears filling my eyes.

My mom’s lips pressed together in a thin line, and she stood up, squaring her shoulders to Hugo. Come on mom, please defend me!

“How dare you lay a hand on my son?! So what if he’s bisexual?!” my mom hissed.

Alright! I could’ve danced in happiness, but it kinda hurts to move.

“You hated fags just as much as I do!” Hugo exclaimed.

“Jack is my son, no matter what. I don’t care whether he is attracted to girls or boys, I gave birth to him! You do not touch him!” my mom yelled.

My eyebrows raised at her fury, but I couldn’t help but smile. I knew my mom wouldn’t hate me for being bisexual! Hah, take that Hugo!

“Pack your bag and leave my house. I want a divorce,” my mom said angrily.

“You little shit! You’ve ruined everything!” Hugo roared at me.

I froze in fear as he lunged at me, but I gasped when my mom grabbed a carving knife from the side. She held it out in front of her like a sword, keeping Hugo away from both me and her. Oh dear fucking lord, my mom is the coolest mom ever!

“Stay away from my son, or I will drive this into your miserable body. Self-defence, naturally,” my mom said coldly.

Hugo was breathing heavily, a manic look in his eyes, but he saw how serious my mom was. Never come between a mother and her child. With an angry yell, Hugo stormed out the room and went upstairs. My mom immediately dropped the knife and sank to her knees, cradling my head in her arms.

“Oh Jack, why didn’t you tell me you were bisexual?” my mom sobbed, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

“I didn’t want you to freak out and hate me like Hugo does. Alex and I have been together five months and this is the first time Hugo caught us,” I said softly.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were with Alex? I would’ve understood!” my mom insisted.

“I didn’t want you to hate me,” I repeated.

“I could never hate you. Never. Has Hugo really been beating you all week?” my mom whimpered.

“Yeah. But I don’t care about that. I…I had to break up with Alex, mom! I broke his heart and now everyone will hate me,” I whined.

“Then there’s only one thing to do,” my mom said with a weak smile.

“W-What?” I choked.

“We go over to Alex’s and explain,” my mom said firmly.



My mom was in when Mike dropped me home. She took one look at my sobbing shaking frame and quickly pulled me into a hug. I clutched at her cardigan and let her rock me back and forth, needing her embrace right now.

“What happened, Lex?” my mom murmured, running her fingers through my hair.

“J-Jack’s been getting beaten all week by his step-dad for being with me, and then Jack came to the park today and broke up with me,” I sobbed.

“Oh honey,” my mom whimpered.

I just started sobbing louder. It’s like a pain is throbbing in my chest, tearing me apart. I never thought I’d get broken like this, especially not by Jack.

“Come on, baby boy, I’ll get you some cocoa,” my mom said softly.

I nodded weakly and followed her into the kitchen, only to frown when I heard someone rapidly knocking on the front door. My mom walked over to it and opened it, revealing a blonde woman. She was dressed immaculately, right down to her French manicure. The only flaw on her was her blood-shot eyes. Jack’s mom.

“W-What are you doing here?” I hiccupped.

“Do you know her, Alex?” my mom asked, confused.

“Jack and I need a place to stay for the night. I came home from a two week girls’ holiday to find him getting beaten by my husband. Jack was forced to break up with you, Alex, because Hugo threatened to hurt you if he didn’t. He was trying to protect you – Hugo is a dangerous man,” Jack’s mom explained, her voice cracking in places.

This only made tears fall from my eyes again.

“W-Where’s Jack?” I whimpered.

Jack’s mom smiled weakly and beckoned someone to come into the apartment. I shrieked as Jack’s driver walked in, carrying a barely conscious Jack in his arms. My mom gasped, her hands flying up to her mouth at the sight of my ex-boyfriend.

“Lay him down on the sofa,” my mom instructed.

Jack’s driver did so, Jack groaning at the contact.

“Thank you, Kurt. Can you go back to the house and make sure Hugo is gone by the morning?” Jack’s mom asked.

The driver nodded and left the apartment, shutting the door behind him.

“I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Emilia Lars. Well, soon to be Emilia Barakat. I’m divorcing that son of a bitch for harming my son,” Jack’s mom said fiercely.

“Lynne Gaskarth,” my mom introduced.

“You’re going back to dad’s name?” Jack asked weakly.

“Ssh, Jack, don’t speak,” his mom said sadly.

“Why didn’t you go to hospital?” I asked worriedly, running to Jack’s side.

Jack’s hand tangled in my hair when I knelt down beside him, making me tear up again.

“I had to see you first. I couldn’t leave you to wallow in a lie for the night,” Jack said with a weak smile.

“Tea?” my mom offered.

“That would be great,” Jack’s mom nodded.

I sniffed and moved closer to Jack as our mom’s walked over to the kitchen, giving us some privacy.

“I’m so sorry. If I had any other choice, you know I would’ve taken it,” Jack insisted.

“I know, Jack, I know. I just wish you would’ve talked to me! We could’ve helped you!” I cried out.

“That would’ve put you in harm, and that’s the one thing I don’t want,” Jack said firmly.

He tried to turn over to face me, but cried out in pain.

“What happened?” I asked worriedly, rubbing his sides gently to ease his pain.

“I’ll start from when Hugo and I got home from the park” Jack sighed.



I told Alex everything. All the beatings, my refusal to stop being with him, Hugo’s threat, my heartbreak, and what happened when I got back. Tears were running down both our cheeks, especially when I told him about how my mom intervened and insisted she loved me no matter what. I truly am blessed to have such an accepting mother.

“We drove here and you know the rest,” I finished.

Alex threw himself at me, burying his face in my chest as he sobbed even harder. I winced as I wrapped my arms around him, but tried not to let it show. I will not lose him, not now.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault,” Alex whimpered, lifting his head.

“What are you talking about?” I frowned.

“If I hadn’t come onto you at the New Years Eve party and turned you bisexual, then Hugo wouldn’t have ended up beating you like this,” Alex rambled.

I gritted my teeth and forced myself to sit upright, ignoring the agony in my ribs and ignoring Alex’s protests.

“Now you listen to me, okay? I don’t regret a single second of the five months we spent together, and I don’t care if you think it was your fault - nothing could be further from it, alright? I chose to be with you, I chose to turn bisexual, and I chose to stand up for myself, so stop blaming yourself when none of this is your fault!” I told him.

“I wish I could believe you,” Alex sniffed.

“Come here,” I sighed.

Alex crawled into my lap and I held him tightly, regardless of my injuries.

“I love you Alex,” I whispered in his ear.

Alex jerked his head upright in shock, staring at me. Shit.

“Y-You do?” Alex stuttered, his eyes wide.

I swallowed heavily and nodded. I can’t take back those words now.

“Yeah, I do,” I repeated, smiling down at him.

Alex squealed and grinned, making my heart flutter a bit.

“I love you too,” Alex said happily, wiping his cheeks dry from tears.

I smiled and pressed my lips to his, desperate to feel him after nearly losing him today. Alex kissed back eagerly, clutching at my t-shirt. But when he moved to press his torso against mine, I hissed in pain and pulled away.

“Sorry,” Alex said guiltily.

“Don’t worry about it. Besides, our mom’s are watching,” I mused.

Alex peeked over my shoulder to see both our mom’s standing there looking amused. Alex blushed and buried his face into my neck out of embarrassment, making me laugh.

“I’m never letting you go again,” I said softly, meaning every word.
♠ ♠ ♠

I only had them apart for a mere few hours =]
Only 5 chapters left now...
Check out my original slash, the story I'll be focussing on after I've finished this?

It's my sisters 16th birthday today. Fair enough it's only just gone midnight where I am, but just thought I'd share that with y'all!

Comments please!