Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash


Today’s Halloween, and Martin’s having a party over at his penthouse suite. It’s a Saturday so I’ve been chilling at Mike’s work all day (a music store), and he’s driving me to the party tonight. Zack’s been helping Martin set up his penthouse suite, aka drinking at Martin’s all day, and Rian’s girlfriend is in town, so it’s only me and Mike going together. Martin’s dad owns a massive chain of hotels, and while his family live in one, Martin’s 18th birthday present was his own penthouse suite in another. It’s alright for some, eh?

“Where’s your new bffl Jack been spending the day?” Mike asked as he drove down towards the good part of Baltimore.

“My new biffle?” I frowned.

“Best Friend For Life? You and Jack have been spending a lot of time together recently. I mean it’s cool and all that he’s actually human and not a brain-washed robot, but I was wondering if you knew where he was,” Mike chuckled.

I blushed lightly, clearing my throat. I guess I have been spending a lot of time with Jack recently.

“Uh, I think he’s been at college applications with his mom today,” I shrugged.

“Already?!” Mike yelped.

Yeah, not many of us are going to college.

“You know what rich parents are like. Pushy pushy pushy,” I snorted.

“So glad my dad doesn’t give a shit,” Mike groaned happily.

“Hey, your dad bought us all this beer,” I grinned, indicating the stocked back seat.

“And my mom’s an alcoholic so whoo!” Mike laughed.

I’m glad that he’s so carefree about his parents’ divorce. Some kids I know take theirs really badly. But not Mike. He sees the silver lining in everything. I can’t ever be sad when Mike’s around. It didn’t take long for us to get to Martin’s hotel, and we parked in the place next to his in the lot. Luckily William and Jack had just arrived in Jack’s limo so we beckoned them over.

“Beer duty?” William sighed.

“You know it. Think you’ll be able to carry two crates, scrawny?” Mike teased Jack.

“If Little Lex can carry them then so can I,” Jack grinned, nudging me with his hip.

“Hey, I go to the gym and do weights with Zack. You don’t,” I retorted.

“You’re still little,” Jack shot back.

We all laughed and picked up two crates each, Mike locking his car before we headed into the hotel. We took the elevator to the top floor and knocked on the door till Martin opened it, Zack right behind him, arms thrown over Martin’s shoulders.

“Buddies!” Martin said excitedly.

“And when did you start drinking?” William teased, the four of us walking in.

Zack and Martin looked at each other.

“ hour after we woke up,” Martin started.

“Which was 2pm,” Zack finished.

“Jesus fuck,” I snorted.

We set the beer down and grabbed two bottle each from the top crate. Well, it saves having to move, doesn’t it! I sat down next to Rian on the sofa, with Jack on my other side and Rian’s girlfriend on Rian’s lap. There were quite a lot of people in the suite already. These were all the invited guests anyway. Martin had given strict instructions not to let any gatecrashers in to the front desk people, but this is a Martin Johnson party – there will be gatecrashers.

“So, uh, who are all these people?” Jack asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Martin, you want to do the honours?” I mused.

“Sure, why the hell not!” Martin beamed, waving his beer bottle in the air.

Rian dodged the splash of beer from Martin, making us laugh. I can’t believe Martin’s drunk already. Then again, him and Zack have been drinking all afternoon, so it’s fair enough.

“Zack did two years of middle school in Towson because he got kicked out of our middle school for fighting. Yeah, at 11 years old, Zack got kicked out of school. So his mom sent him to live with his Aunt in Towson, which is about half an hour away, and seeing as Alex and I were friends with him then, we knew his friends. That’s Victoria Asher, Caleb Turman, Kyle Burns, Alex Suarez and Matt Flyzik. And the rest of those random rich guys and girls are some kids from school that aren’t prejudiced but are too scared to admit it in public,” Martin explained to Jack, pointing people out.

“And this is my girlfriend Kara,” Rian introduced.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Jack said with a smile.

“God damn, you’re fucking polite,” Kara giggled.

Everyone laughed at Jack’s shocked face. Yeah, Kara swears like a sailor, but she’s great. She went to middle school with us but then her family moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the next state over, so Rian only gets to see her at the weekends. They alternate between Rian going to hers one weekend and Kara coming to Rian’s the next.

“I’m shots!!” Martin hollered.

The entire room cheered, so Martin nodded to one of the bartenders, who started walking round the room with a bottle of Grey Goose. Wonderful. I’m not good with Vodka. Neither is Zack, but he’s pretty far gone anyway.

“Here’s to Halloween!” William toasted.

And that’s when the real fun started.


We’re now playing Spin the Bottle. Like I said, there were gatecrashers, although we managed to kick out the rowdy ones. There are about 20 more girls and 10 more guys, so there’s now an even number of guys and girls. I think. Well, I can’t really tell, I have drunk a fair bit. Anyway, we’re playing spin the bottle, and Zack and Martin have just kissed. But they haven’t stopped and are now just making out heavily at the side of the circle. They’ve made out before at parties, so it’s nothing out of the ordinary.

“Jeez guys, get a room,” Mike teased.

My eyes went wide as Martin and Zack broke apart and grinned at each other. Oh my God, they’re actually going to a separate room! Everyone cheered and wolf-whistled as Martin dragged Zack by the hand into his bedroom and locked the door.

“Well...that should be interesting in the morning,” Rian snickered.

“I wonder who’ll top?” William asked out loud.

“I don’t want to know!”I squealed.

“Sure you don’t. And seeing as it’s meant to be Zack’s go, you can spin,” William grinned.

I laughed and put my empty beer bottle by my side, reaching for the bottle in the centre of the circle. I spun it and it landed on...Jack. Oh fuck. Jack’s eyes went wide as everyone cheered, as did mine. Taking a breath, I crawled towards him and stopped when we were in the middle of the circle, looking at William.

“Okay, your 30 seconds!” William announced.

I looked up at Jack, who looked unsure.

“Kiss Dammnit!” Kara shouted.

I chuckled and connected my lips to Jack’s softly, not wanting to scare him. This is his first Baltimore party, he’s won’t be used to any of this. I was surprised when Jack’s hands cupped my face but started moving my lips in a fluent rhythm with his, clutching at his t-shirt with my hands.

“20 seconds left,” William announced.

“I don’t see any tongue, Lexi,” Kyle teased.

I flipped the blonde boy off, making everyone laugh. Hesitantly, I ran my tongue over Jack’s bottom lip, waiting until he parted his lips slightly to slide my tongue in. Jeez, I can taste vodka, beer and whisky. Not a great mix. That explains why Jack’s so drunk. I slowly massaged his tongue with mine, getting him used to the feeling. I can’t deny that this is amazing, but I know that’s just the alcohol talking.

“10 seconds left,” William announced.

I let the alcohol take over my thoughts and kissed Jack rougher, tangling our tongues together as everyone cheered. I can’t believe this is happening, but...I’m kinda glad it is. I know I’ll regret this in the morning, but right now I don’t care. Jack and I continued to heavily make-out until William shouted ‘time is up!’

“Alright Lex!” Caleb whooped.

I laughed and wiped my mouth on the back of my hand, sitting back down next to Mike like I was before.

“That was pretty...intense, Lex,” Mike snickered as Jack spun the bottle.

“It was the alcohol fuelling it. And I think I’m slightly drunker from all the alcohol in Jack’s mouth,” I laughed.

Mike laughed too, making me grin. Jack’s bottle landed on a girl called Meghan, who’s a Junior at Barrymount, and they started making out in the middle of the circle. Then I heard a scream that made me feel nauseous.


“Well at least we know that Martin’s top,” William commented as everyone laughed.

“Someone turn the music up and pass me another beer,” I whined.

“Not comfortable with the sound of making love?” Suarez teased.

“That isn’t making love, that’s pure lustful fucking. And I’ve known them both too long for it not to feel weird hearing their sex,” I retorted.

Everyone laughed and Rian passed me a new beer as William turned the music up. As Jack broke away from Meghan, I couldn’t help but notice his eyes flash to me. Okay, I’m definitely gonna need this beer now.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I, uh, kinda love this chapter?
I'm hoping some of you will too ^_^
It's got a little bit of Zack/Martin and a little bit of Alex/Jack - what more could you ask for?
Actually, don't answer that LOL.

Hot.Mess. and I have started a new original slash co-write, called Save Me, so if you could, please check it out! We really appreciate new readers!
