Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash


I was woken up the next morning by someone prodding me. I groaned and rolled over, only to realise I’d fallen asleep on top of Jack on the large sofa. Looking up I saw a bleary eyed Mike.

“If you want a ride home, we gotta go now. I’ve got to get to work,” Mike yawned.

“Alright, yeah. What about Rian and Zack?” I nodded, standing up.

“Kara got picked up about half an hour ago so Rian’s waiting already. Zack’s...getting dressed,” Mike grimaced.

“Hah, you totally saw him and Martin naked!” I laughed.

“I’m trying to forget,” Mike grumbled.

As I slipped my shoes on, I kicked the sofa by accident, waking Jack up. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly, looking up at us.

“What time is it?” he asked, his words slurring slightly.

“9am. Are you still drunk?” Mike snorted.

“Shit, why are we awake? And yes, I think I am,” Jack nodded, making us laugh.

“You’re not the only one still drunk. Martin is too,” William commented from across the room.

I looked over to where he was nodding, and laughed along with the rest of the room at the sight of Martin stumbling and Zack limping.

“Alright buttfuckers, let’s get you home,” Mike said loudly.

Everyone groaned and clutched their heads, only making Mike laugh. That wasn’t funny. I’d forgotten how bad my Martin-Johnson-party hangovers were.

[1 hour later]

Mike had just dropped me, Rian and Zack at my apartment, and I was rooting around in my freezer for something for Zack to sit on.

“ much of last night do you remember?” Rian taunted.

“Shut up,” Zack grumbled.

“Seriously,” Rian grinned.

Zack blushed and shrugged.

“You knew exactly what was going on, didn’t you?” I mused, pulling out a bag of frozen peas.

Yeah, frozen peas will do.

“I was very drunk, but yeah, I remember everything,” Zack admitted.

“HARDER MARTIN!!” we screamed, mimicking him.

Zack blushed deeply, taking the peas from me as I sat down next to him on the sofa.

“That’s fucking embarrassing,” Zack groaned, sitting on the peas.

“That’s fucking,” Rian countered.

We all laughed at Zack’s embarrassment, including Zack.

“Things are gonna be weird between me and Martin now, aren’t they?” Zack muttered.

“Not if you don’t let them,” I shrugged.

“I guess you’re right. I mean, it was mindblowing sex...but he’s my best friend. I don’t want to lose that,” Zack sighed.

“Did you tell Martin that?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You know he was still drunk this morning, there was no point,” Zack replied, shaking his head.

“Call him. He should be sober by now,” Rian suggested.

“I might wait a little bit. Gotta think of what to say,” Zack shrugged.

“Awww is our Zachary nervous about something?” I crooned, teasing.

“Oh yeah? And how are you gonna talk to Jack about your insane make-out? Don’t think I didn’t hear about it before we left this morning,” Zack shot back.

“William,” Rian coughed.

“Dude, it was just spin the bottle,” I shrugged.

“Not for the last 10 seconds,” Rian snickered.

“Okay, so I might have made it a little rough in the last 10 seconds – that was the alcohol urges,” I pointed out.

“The famous alcohol urges!” Zack laughed.

“First you and Lisa two years ago...then you and Dominique last year...and now you and Jack!” Rian teased.

“Don’t compare Lisa and Dom to Jack,” I frowned.

“Yeah, I mean Lisa and Dom didn’t have a dick and look what happened to them!” Zack taunted.

“We’ve talked about this – I like tacos, not sausages,” I sighed dramatically.

“Worst analogy ever!” Rian laughed.

“Still, I’m straight, guys, and you know it,” I pouted.

“You can’t say you didn’t like making out with Jack though,” Rian smirked.

I thought about that for a second.

“Alright, he’s a great kisser – he’s gonna make his next girlfriend very happy,” I shrugged, unashamed.

“If he’s even into girls,” Rian added under his breath.

“Are you kidding me? Jack’s the straightest guy I know!” I scoffed.

Comparing him to me, Rian and Mike, yeah – Jack’s straight! Well I can’t compare him to William, Zack or Martin can I? Bill and Zack are both only into guys and Martin swings both ways!

“Alright, don’t get your panties in a bunch. You got any food? I’m starving,” Zack yawned.

“Yeah, I’ll see what I’ve got,” I laughed.

I wonderif Jack went through the same interrogation what the other guys are doing.



It took Martin and I a good 45 minutes to sober up, and William was starting to pick up some of the trash lying around.

“Dude, just sit down, that’s what the maids are for,” Martin groaned, swatting at William.

“Fuck you’re such a lazy rich kid,” William laughed, vaulting over the sofa and landing with a thud.

“And I have the worst mothereffing hangover known to man, so right now I don’t care,” Martin chuckled.

“I hope your bedroom isn’t as bad as this room,” I mused.

“Yeah, you and Zack were at it for hours,” William teased.

“Eurgh, don’t remind me,” Martin sighed.

“You regret it?” William frowned.

“That’s the thing – I don’t regret it at all,” Martin mumbled.

“I knew you liked him!” William gasped.

My jaw dropped as Martin didn’t say anything.

“Zack is my best friend, and I know that’s all he wants, so I’ll deal with it,” Martin said eventually.

“Have you even talked to him about it?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Dude, you know I was still drunk this morning,” Martin scoffed.

“Don't try to say that you haven't felt this way for a while. Are you going to talk to him about it?” William mused.

“Zack will probably call me at some point to talk about it, so I’ll wait till he does,” Martin shrugged.

“How do you know he’ll call you?” I asked sceptically.

“You are so new here it’s adorable. That’s how Martin and Zack work. They make-out at a party, Martin’s still drunk the next morning, Zack calls him to check he’s okay and they go on as normal. Obviously this time they fucked, but they’ll still go on as if nothing happened. That’s how Martin and Zack are,” William explained.

I looked at Martin. There was something in his eyes that told me that that wasn’t how he and Zack are.

“That’s kinda harsh, don’t you think? What if Zack doesn’t want to pretend like it didn’t happen?” I frowned.

No-one answered me.

“I guess we’ll just find out when Zack calls,” Martin sighed.

“Are you going to talk to Alex?” William asked, changing the subject.

“What about?” I asked, confused.

“Your major make-out last night?” William teased.

“It was just spin the bottle,” I chuckled, trying to hide my blush.

“It wasn’t just spin the bottle and you know it,” William grinned.

“It was just spin the bottle. Both of us are straight,” I shrugged.

“If you say so. You know we don’t care if you’re not straight. Hell, I’m bi and Bill’s dick only,” Martin smiled.

“Fuck you’re crude today,” William laughed.

“Fuck I’m hungover,” Martin shot back.

“Hate to break up the love, but can we get some food? I’m starving,” I said randomly.

“Yeah, let’s go to IHOP. I’m in the mood for pancakes,” Martin said, suddenly excited.

“I’ll call a driver. Make yourself useful and call housekeeping to clean up this shit hole,” William told Martin.

Martin grumbled but walked over to the phone attached to the wall. I just sat on the sofa holding my throbbing head in my hands. Is it wrong that I kinda liked kissing Alex? I think it’s just because I hadn’t kissed anyone in such a long time and Alex was damn good. Yeah, it’s just a build up of lust. Still, I should probably talk to Alex about it. There’s no understanding the secrets in this group, that’s for sure.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh, they both seemed to have convinced themselves their kiss meant nothing...
And Martin and Zack won't act upon their sexy time!
So frustrating!
The next update contains drama: WARNING!

Okay, I've started yet another story. This one is a Seth Clearwater story called Everybody's Losing Control, so if you're interested, please check it out!
