Status: Completed.

Drive Fast Until We Crash



“Jack!” a deep voice barked.

I turned my head to see my step-dad standing by our limo. Shit. Alex looked up at me, frowning at my scared expression.

“I-I’d better go. I’ll see you guys later,” I whimpered.

I ran over to the limo, not even looking back over my shoulder to say goodbye.

“Those had better not be poor kids,” Hugo hissed.

I didn’t say anything and got into the back of the family limo, Hugo right behind me. He slammed the door closed and the driver sped off.

“Jack, you didn’t answer me. Were those poor kids?” my step-dad spat.

“Not me, Martin or William,” I mumbled, not looking at him.

“Look at me when you answer me, Jack,” Hugo sneered, grabbing my chin.

I winced as he forcefully turned my face to look at his, his thumb and forefinger squeezing so hard that I know there’ll be bruises tomorrow.

“I do remember saying not to hang around with kids of a lesser class...yet you completely disobey me. Why is that?” Hugo asked coldly, releasing my chin.

“They’re Martin and William’s friends, not mine!” I protested.

I hate lying, but I’m freaking out at the anger in Hugo’s eyes.

“So if they’re not your friends then you’ll have no problem staying away from them,” Hugo said simply.


“Are you interrupting me?” Hugo asked, interrupting me.

“No Sir,” I mumbled.

“Good. I don’t want to hear of you hanging around with those poor kids again, let alone see it. You’re a young man of class and wealth, I’m sure you can find associates more fitting,” Hugo said firmly.

Sure, like that jerk-off Jesse Ames.

“Yes Sir,” I sighed.

“I knew we could understand each other. Now, go to your room and do your homework. I don’t want to see you till dinner’s ready. And give me your cellphone,” Hugo ordered as the car pulled up outside our house.

I just nodded miserably as I handed over my cellphone and held onto my rucksack as I walked up the steps to my house. I can’t believe I can’t talk toAlex the guys anymore. But what Hugo says goes. And that’s final.



I was itching to get to school fast this morning to see Jack. He didn’t answer his cellphone all night so I’m worried about him. Friends are meant to worry, right? Well as soon as Mike parked his car, I scrambled out of it, scanning around for Jack. He wasn’t here.

“I’m sure he’s fine, Lex,” Rian soothed.

I sighed and nodded, waiting for Martin’s limo to arrive. But when it did, only Martin and William got out. It took all my control not to run over to them, and just waited till they reached us. William opened his mouth before I could speak.

“Jack didn’t ride with us this morning,” William told me.

“Why not?” I frowned.

“His step-dad said that he wanted to ride by himself,” William sighed.

“Bullshit,” Martin muttered.

“You really don’t like his step-dad, do you?” Zack mused.

“Not in the slightest,” Martin sighed.

“If he was gone when arrived at his then he must be in school already,” Rian said softly.

“Can we go find him?” I begged.

“He wasn’t answering your calls either, huh?” William mumbled to himself.

I ignored him and walked into school, desperate to find Jack. Where could he be? I’ll check the bathroom first, it’s worth a try. I knew my friends weren’t far behind me so I just walked right in there. And bingo, there was Jack. But he froze when he saw me.

“What’s wrong, Jack?” I asked softly.

“I don’t want to talk to you,” Jack said bluntly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Liar,” I accused.

“You know nothing, okay? Just stay away from me,” Jack muttered, heading towards the door.

He stopped as Zack and Rian stepped into the bathroom.

“Why are you doing this?” I whimpered.

Jack swallowed heavily before looking me in the eyes.

“Because people like me don’t associate with people like you,” Jack sneered.

My jaw dropped and I felt tears prick my eyes. No, he doesn’t mean that. He can’t abandon our friendship...he can’t! Zack growled at Jack, but Jack just left the bathroom. Rian pulled me into a hug as I started shaking, painful memories hitting me like bullets.

“J-Just like D-Danny,” I choked.

“Ssh, it’s okay, calm down,” Rian soothed.

“I’m going to murder that snob,” Zack spat, storming out of the bathroom.

I just whimpered, burying my face in Rian’s chest.

"H-He can't abandon me like that. He can't!" I said desperately, my words muffled by his blazer.

Rian knows about my monophobia, my fear of being alone. And Rian knows that Jack just added to that fear.

“I’ll get Bill to talk to him. Bill will find out what’s going on,” Rian said calmly.

I just lifted my head and nodded, taking a deep breath. I can’t let my fear control me. I can’t. When I was calmer I nodded so Rian let me go. We walked out of the bathroom, instantly met by our friends. Martin had a firm grip on Zack’s arm.

“Want to tell me why Jack stormed out of here and then why I had to hold Zack back from killing him?” Martin frowned.

“Jack doesn’t want to know us anymore. He said that people like him don’t associate with people like me,” I said shakily, avoiding their eyes.

Yeah, they all know about my monophobia and why it started too.

“Son of a bitch,” Mike growled.

“I’ll talk to him,” William promised, Rian not even having to ask.

“Th-Thanks. I just don’t understand. I thought we were friends!” I exasperated.

“So did I,” William frowned.



When I arrived home after school, I only took two steps up towards my house before someone grabbed me and put their hand over my mouth. My shouts of protest were muffled as I was dragged backwards and shoved in a car. The door slammed, a shot of fear passing through me and I quickly turned to see if there was anyone else in here. I frowned at the sight of William.

“Thank you Lucas, please drive,” William nodded to his driver.

“You had your driver kidnap me?” I yelped as the car pulled away from the sidewalk.

“You deserved a fright,” William said coldly.

It was then I got a flash of how powerful William really was.

“W-What do you want?” I asked nervously.

“I want to know why the fuck you said those things to Alex this morning. And don’t lie,” William said simply, looking me in the eyes as he relaxed in his seat.

“I can’t say,” I said quietly.

“Tell me or I’ll bring out a side of me I really don’t like,” William growled.

Never had I heard the quiet gentle boy in front of me so angry. I gulped and nodded.

“My step-dad pretty much threatened me not to hang out with Alex, Zack, Rian and Mike,” I admitted.

“And you listened to him because?” William scoffed.

“My step-dad is a nasty guy. You don’t know what he’s capable of,” I mumbled.

William scooted closer to me and lifted my chin, narrowing his eyes. Wonderful, he’s seen the bruises.

“Why didn’t you fight back?” William asked softly.

“Because I wouldn’t have won? Besides, he would’ve kicked me out and my mom would’ve stood by his side,” I muttered.

“How do you know she’d do that? You’re her son,” William pointed out.

“She believes everything he says, there’s no point,” I grumbled.

“I’m going to be honest with you and say that I don’t care what your step-dad says. You can’t ignore Alex. We won’t let you,” William said firmly.

“What’s so important about me not ignoring Alex?” I frowned.

William sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

“I shouldn’t be telling you this, but I think you need to know. When Alex was 8, his older brother Daniel committed suicide. Alex was so affected by it that he developed monophobia, the fear of being alone. Alex and his brother were really close, and for Daniel to just abandon him like that with no warning or reason really messed him up, especially seeing as Alex was the person that found his brother, and there was no-one in the house to help. His mom and dad moved him from England to Maryland to try and change his depression. Two years after that, his dad walked out on the family. Again, no warning and no reason. You ignoring him kicked in that monophobia. He thought you were friends and to abandon him like that almost sent him into a panic attack. You can’t abandon him like that,” William explained seriously.

I sat shocked in silence, letting William’s words process. Alex’s brother committed suicide? His dad walked out? Why didn’t he tell me? Fuck, I can’t believe I made the fear kick back in again. William watched my face, watched my flickering emotions.

“I know you’re afraid of your step-dad, but you can’t let your life be ruled by him. You’re nearly 18 – it’s time to man up and do something for yourself. I know you value your friendship with Lex,” William said softly.

“He was the only one to keep trying to be friends with me,” I agreed, laughing weakly.

William just shrugged, unashamed. I took a deep breath, running my fingers through my hair. I’d made my decision. I don’t want to be the person to send Alex into a depressed wreck. I can’t do that to him.

“I’ll talk to him,” I said simply.

“That’s all I ask,” William grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda like this side of Bill.
But poor Lex! His past and the way Jack treated him :(
And I warned you that Jack wouldn't be very nice...
Everything's gonna be alright now, right?

Comments please!!