Status: Maybe.....



It has been centuries since Hunters have roamed the earth, hunting those that hide in shadows. Their duty was to protect and no animal could escape their wrath; but these animals that they hunted were not mere animals, but humans as well. What few Hunters there were always sought them out- wolves could not hide from these stalkers of the night in their human forms. Their heightened senses and nearly inhuman agility made them formidable enemies, even against the supernatural. Hunters were strong in both mind and body, but they were still human. And there job was to hunt werewolves.

Then the raids came. There had always been tension between the races of vampire and werewolf, but for the most part they avoided each other. Until one old wolf decided he'd had enough of the vampire control of the underground, and so he challenged not just any vampire, but one of the Volturi. Victory was all but in his hands until he lost his focus for just one moment, but for a vampire that was more than what was needed. The werewolf fell.

However, the vampire became paranoid. After nearly loosing the battle, he feared there might be others that could, in fact, overpower not only himself, but his entire race. He ordered a hunt for the creatures he so despised; raids throughout Europe and surrounding countries ensued, leaving destruction in their wake. When the smoke cleared and the damage was assessed, nearly the entire wolf population was wiped out. What the Volturi failed to realize is that with the near destruction of this race, another was brought to its knees.

Hunters began to dissipate, their abilities faded through the next few generations, until none were left. Without the Hunters keeping them managed, werewolves began to repopulate. There were those who carried on the traditions and ways of the Hunters, but there were none born with the abilities to carry out the tasks. That is, until the mid twentieth century.

Werewolves were still far their former numbers, but enough of them existed to begin to rekindle the powers of the Hunters. And so, the Elders taught what had been passed down from generation to generation to those who possessed the abilities, and the Hunters (however few there were) began their work once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I have it started. I'm not sure when I will actually be able to update this story. The only internet I have at home is on my smart phone so I'll be writing the chapters at my parents when I get the chance.

I realize that Embry isn't so popular with the stories but I try to go along with Stephanie Meyer's plot as best as I can, so I wanted one of the guys who hadn't imprinted already. However, I may do a Paul story somewhere down the road just because I like them.

Comment please!
