Status: Maybe.....


Chapter 2

Alex walked along the stone corridor, her eyes fixed on the wooden double-doors at its end. As she approached, the door on the left opened and emitted a young man, just a few years older than herself. His face held a hint of worry and he looked up; when their eyes met, Alex gave a raise of an eyebrow and got the slightest shake of the head in answer. So, the Elders weren't happy.

The two passed each other and Alex entered through the door that still stood ajar, pushing it shut behind her. When she heard the click of the latch, she looked up to face the counsel. Three men and a woman sat in a row behind a long, slightly curved table. The room was not large, just enough space to receive the small audiences. A chair was positioned to either side of where Alex stood, at her fullest attention as she always did, and they surveyed her over like they always did, no matter how many times she had been in their presence.

The silence lasted only a few short minutes before the woman stood from her chair, the second seat from the left. “Alexandria Tremont, you have been called before us today for your assigning of a task. Will you accept?” Alex nodded. “Please sit.” Alex sat in the chair on her right without hesitation. She knew the drill; no speaking unless asked a direct question. This would be her second task, and she was nervous to say the least, but her face showed nothing but practiced composure. The Elder sat in her seat again, as well.

There was no time wasted in getting to the point. The elder to the left of the woman spoke next, “You have no doubt heard the rumors of the Volturi's recent venture?” Again, Alex nodded. The real question was, who hadn't heard? Nearly the entire Underground had some version or another of what happened with the vamps in Washington. Everything from half-breed children to shape shifters. Of course, one should never believe everything they hear, especially from a vamp.

“Then you should know that we have reason to believe that they may be true, if only to an extent. We need to know more of these, shape shifters, to know what kind a threat they posses. Someone must be sent that can blend in, someone with experience. This is why we have chosen you.”

Alex took a moment to think through what they had said. Someone with experience. She wouldn't have gone so far as to say that. There were plenty others that had more experience than herself. Yes, she'd been set one task before (and had plenty of regular work in between), but the result was not exactly satisfying. Not to her, anyway.

Tasks were set to Hunters by the Elders either to observe the possible development of danger or to control an area that has already become a high risk. Her last had been when she was 15; young for a Hunter's first task, but with her early development of senses and her own personal determination, she had proven herself many times, already.

It was to a high risk area, where she had been ordered to 'lessen the threat' by slimming down the werewolf population. She had never been in an area with more than maybe three werewolves, and it was extremely rare, but she knew she could handle it. Her pride got in the way of her skills, and even though she had completed her task, she returned with a mark that holds as a reminder to never underestimate the enemy, and to never overestimate herself.

Alex sat through the briefing for the next twenty minutes, was excused from the chamber, and made her way back down the corridor.

In her room that night, she stood in front of her bathroom mirror, analyzing her reflection. She twisted to her left and examined the four long, once deep scars on her back. The innermost claw had just missed her spine and any nerves connected to it; if it hadn't, she may not have been standing at the moment.

She pulled on her night shirt and crawled into bed, pulling the chain that hung from her ceiling light to immerse herself in the darkness.