Keep the Faith


It was a special day and three of my friends came over. Why? Like I said, it's a special day.

"So, why did you bug us out of our important schedule and drag us to your home?" Lakeisha asked, annoyed at the fact that I took her away from her boyfriend.

"Yes, Sarah, please tell us why," Lorbea mocked.

"Is it because it's Gerard's birthday?" Hanna asked. I nodded. Everyone in the room let out a disapproving sigh.

"I don't get you people," I snapped. "Whenever I'm with you guys, do I complain? Or Keisha, do I complain when you're always with Ian?" Everyone fell silent. "I thought so. Now can you guys just give me this time, this day, this moment at least without side comments."

"We have no choice," Lakeisha said.

"As Hanna guessed, it is indeed Gerard's birthday and I want to do something special," I explained. Lakeisha looked at me and had a confused look on.

"What kind of special thing?" Lorbea and Hanna asked.

"Faith," I said. "Give him faith."

"That's it!? That's the only thing you want to do? That's a fucking stu..." Lorbea smacked Keisha's arm.

"Give her the floor Keish," Lorbea said. "It's only now."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"So, what are you suppose to do?" Lakeisha asked.

"I'm telling a story - about someone," I spoke. Everyone fell silent.

"The girl is 14. She loves this band. A band that she adored. A band that everyone mocked. A band that saved her life. My Chemical Romance, yup - that was the name. She loved that band with a burning passion. She dreams day and night of meeting them, hugging them, and saying thank you to them. Her friends called her addicted, people called her stupid, she called herself a fan. But she didn't care what people called her. All she cared about was the band. The band that she loves," I said.

"That's it?" Lakeisha asked.

"No, there's more," I replied.

"Wait, is that you?" Lorbea asked. I ignored her question and continued on.

"But one day," I continued. "It all changed. This one site, called, 'Bring Back the Old Guillotine - changed her being, her thoughts, and her love for that man. She read and read, of the many accusations of the site had made, on how her beloved hero changed. How he became an asshole. How he became a self-centered brat. She was furious on the things she read. She, herself, posted on the blog, joining the army. A cause, that will soon trouble her."

"Woah, poor kid," Lorbea spoke.

"I'm not done," I said.

"Oh," Lakeisha spoke.

"She posted what she wrote on her blog. Next thing you knew, she had 38 comments on it. Some agreed, but most became furious at what she wrote. She fought about her beliefs. She fought on how her hero changed. She fought about the many lies that she thought were real. But one in the crowd of many stood out. She contradicted what she wrote. She showed that hero was still the same. But she didn't believe it. She was still believing the many lies that was fed to her by that site. For a week, she fought with that girl. But then, she finally realized, hero didn't change after all. The girl's words changed her. Almost transforming her back to her old self. The girl was Isa," I told.

"Are you done?" Lakeisha asked.

"I don't think she is," Hanna replied. "Let her continue,"

I cleared my throat. "From that day on, she became a new person. She swore to herself she will never loose her faith. Like what Isa said, Hero, is still the same, he just grew to the man he deserved to be. And she believed her. Hero was still the same, he just has different morals and beliefs. Hero was still hero. She didn't see that before, why didn't she? Maybe, she only cared about the looks or maybe she was following the trend or maybe, she lost faith in her self. But now, she's stronger than ever. Her love for the band and that man, grew even more. As Isa said, before you believe them - you have to believe in yourself first." I looked at them.

"You're done already?" Hanna asked. I shook my head and smiled.

"Not yet," I said.

"Now, there's a movement. A movement for the band and most especially Hero. Isa created the movement. A movement that is soon to be a phenomenon. And she joined it. She was inspired as to what Isa said and she was ready to back Hero up. Her faith was stronger than ever, she saw her Hero on to a new light. She had confidence in herself. She believed in herself. She was keeping the faith," I spoke.

"Keeping the faith?" Hanna asked.

"Yes, keep the faith. To the girl's opinion, it was having confidence in someone. Someone the girl admired. Someone that helped you up when no one was there to. Someone she loved with a burning passion." I explained. "That girl, she's keeping the faith."

"Who's that girl?" Lakeisha asked.

"Yeah, who is she?" Lorbea and Hanna asked.

I looked up with tears in eyes and smiled. "You're looking at her," I spoke.
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It just hit me. I had a dream about it.