Keep the Faith

The Line

Keep the Faith

The line you said and sang so many times. The words that hold together the fragments of your soul. The thing that keeps you going as you sing, night after night. The lyrics you want so desperately to see in your fans eyes. You look into their faces and you smile, using every last drop of energy you have to keep smiling, to keep convincing yourself that what you see is real, not a figment of your imagination. These are the words that make the shell surrounding you. Thin as an egg shell, they are all that stands between you and the world. Between you and harsh, harsh reality.

Because – and deep down you know this – reality states that nothing is true. As you make yourself see those words in your fans, that eggshell which protects you is getting thinner and thinner.

Every murmur that stops as soon as you come near, every raised set of eyebrows, every comment on the message boards, is a tiny hammer knocking away. You can hear the pieces of your shell shatter as they hit the floor. Faster now, you paste the words over the cracks, trying to keep up with all the gaps appearing. But there’s nothing you can do.

You smash.

They didn’t keep the faith.
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Sorry it's so short... I hope you like it