Keep the Faith

They Will Always Be there, Keep The Faith.

"Don't loose faith in us." I whispered.

Its just not the same. Ever since we've changed, they've changed toward us. What did we do wrong? They always said: "We will stand by them no matter what." I've heard it everywhere. They say it all the time. But why?

"They saved my life."

"They made my life."

"They opened my eyes from depression."

"I'll stand by them. Fight for them. And even die for them." One said. It struck me, so this is how much they love us.

"I believe in you. Because I know you believed in me. In us. In all of us. No matter what happened, you kept raising our spirits."

These thoughts kept pounding into my head. These thoughts made me smile. The mere thought of it, made me happy.

"No. They suck."

"They're such fags."

"Look what they've done to the poor kid."

"They should all go into a dark place and slit themselves. Emo fags."

I stood in front of the 13 year old girl's body. Her cold, pale, lifeless body.


"We didn't! We had nothing to do with this! We save lives!" I said quietly.

"You don't! You kill people! You killed my daughter!" she screamed again. The screaming became louder and louder. Everything faded to black.

"They killed her." a voice said.

"My Chem did it."

"They don't save lives."

"They drove her to suicide."

"No! No! I don't!"






"We wanted to save her!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.


"No." I mumbled.

"Gerard! Wake the fuck up!" Someone screamed into my ear. I fell off my bed.

"I don't!" I shouted. Only to be faced by Bob and Mikey.

"What the fuck." I mumbled.

"You were shouting 'no' in your sleep Gee. I though I'd get Bob here to wake you up. Besides, we have a show to do in three hours." Mikey explained. I nodded. It was just a nightmare. It wasn't true.

"We save lives, we don't drive them to depression and suicide Gerard." Mikey said, stopping at the door. I simply stared. If it was a dream, how did he know?

"That was always your fear Gee, It always was. These kids, they look up to us. They'll never leave us. And we'll never hurt them." He said before leaving.

We don't drive them to suicide. We teach them that they shouldn't be afraid to live. Don't we? Violence is never the answer. Suicide is never the answer. They need help. And we can give it to them. We have to and we want to. They look up to us, we help save them. If they loose all hope, I hope they saw what we wanted for them. Its what we want. To save them.

We will always be here for them, even when they loose all hope and faith. We will stand by them, just as they would for us. We will save them, no matter what will happen.
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Not as good as the other one-shots, but yeah.