Keep the Faith

This is My Autobiography.

If you asked me how I came into existence, I suppose my answer would go a little something like this:

I am comprised of memories, both good and bad, the kind of memories that are seared into your mind forever and not a day less. Some of these memories are the kind that you wish you could erase from your mind completely and never look back at them again, but no matter how hard you try, they will always be there, and in the end, you’re glad they are because you know deep down that you wouldn’t be the person you are today without them. Other memories are from the best days and nights of our lives. Where you saw your heroes do what all heroes do in some form or another, save lives, break down the very meaning of what life truly means and shove it on our faces with such a force that we cannot turn away. A realization comes over us that everything will be okay in the end. Those are all types of memories of which I am composed.

Agony, misery, despair, depression, punch, kicked, spit on, shoved, pulled, abused, hatred, loathing, misused, mistakes, forgetfulness, forgotten, jealousy, rage, blood, bruises, tears, envy, are all words of actions and emotions that have been lived through in order to create me, but those are the mere weakest of them, like a distant whisper on the wind.

Hope, faith, courage, joy, pure happiness, love, undying affection, adoration, belief, these are the dominant emotions of which I am composed. I feel the hearts of many that went into making me, hearts which used to be heavy, but are now light because of me and for what I stand. I am amazing in every single aspect of the word.

I could feel myself coming to life as it happened, pieces of me coming from all around the world, and the very second that all my pieces were put and bound together, I was born. But I was not yet fully alive. I was like a baby who needs a machine to control their heart beat, for although many hearts had been put into me, I did not have a heart of my own yet. I was complete, just missing a heart.

I sat and I waited for the day to come when I would have a heart, and it felt like so long, but one night, I was put into the hands of the ones of whom I was created for, and the second my chest was opened to reveal my insides, my guts, vulnerable for you to read every line, my heart was put into place with the first line that was read.

I am alive now, and I am mortal. I will live forever. I shall never die.

I live in the hearts of many and am the very air that those who believe breathe.

Who am I?

I am Keep the Faith.
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I've had this idea in my head for a while now, I just needed the time to sit down and type it out. Hope you liked it.