Keep the Faith


We are your heroes.
You never denied that, much more confirmed it.

Everyone that loved you, that had that shine in their eyes, coated your jaded aura.
Every time your stuck your hand into your heart you find us there; though our hearts lay empty on the grounds of your inconsistent love for us.

You gave us kisses of belief; you lifted us up, guided us, and delivered us words of life-changing importance.
They made us feel adequate enough, perished out loneliness, made us feel human again.

With every broken soul you fixed a part of you grew a little more. You flourished with every show you put along with four equally amazing men next to you, the ones who accompanied you in this brutal; yet, worthy journey. This quest to achieve completeness, recognition, love; ours.

Why did you appeal to us more than the others?
Simple; it's because you were like us. Real, true, and troubled.

We saw you fall down, trip, puke your guts out. We saw your parts splatter when you crash and hit rock bottom.
And we clung to that; dug our nails deep into your flailing arms. We loved you too much to let you go.

Live for us, fight for our love.

Don't turn away, stay.

For the sake of our childish tears; stay.
We're your heroes, we'll save you.

Hang on the edge of the cliff, we'll be there.
Ignore your lacerating fingertips and wait, we'll take it away. Not with pills and sedatives, but with warm smiles and standing in never ending lines whispering the verses you've written out in dark times and lonely nights on scraps of paper that never left your pocket only to be sung by chapped lips in dark filthy avenues.

We'll drug you with our remorse and pain. We'll believe you again.
Just rip your heart out and see our pictures, our smiles. We'll never leave you.

Scream again and we'll listen.

After all,
We're your heroes.