Keep the Faith

Mercy Street

Keep the Faith. That's all I can think of now. I must be going crazy because I haven't eaten in forever and a day. All I can see is the words of the fans that have brought together in a small book. A girl named Isa gave me the book and she said that these are the words of fans all over the world brought together by one site: Mibba. I smiled slightly as I walked back to the bus with the other guys.

I laid on my bunk with Lyn-Z and gave her a small kiss on the cheek before telling her that I was tired and wanted to read for awhile. She walked off the bus and went back to her own bus alone. I reached under my pillow and drew out the small book. The book was black and had Keep the Faith written in white. I opened it and read the descripton inside. I bit my lip to keep from crying.

I finished the last one-shot and curled up into a ball. The tears started pouring out of my eyes and there was nothing I could do about it. I just cried myself to sleep and no one knew about these wonderful, beautiful words, because I was the only person who read it. The words stayed with me in my head as my eyelids closed and fell into a deep sleep. The last words I whispered were: "Keep the Faith whoever you wonderful people are. You are the only people I can trust."
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#2 from me.