Keep the Faith

Your Heart In My Hands

"Look at that... tell me he's not high. He's totally on pot or pills or something."

"I heard he's drinking again too."

"Oh my God, and he even boasted about being sober for three years. Fucking liar. That big head of his makes him such an asshole."

"Dude, you know those wedding pics? He was like... holding a beer..."

"I think it's kinda her fault too. The bitch."

"He just doesn't know how to pick them, I guess."

Every word.

Every mocking laughter.

Every downcast, disgusted gaze.

Every voice that once sang along, disowning.

Every soul who once followed and cheered, abandoning.

For every single one who called him hero,
then renounced the faith...

Watch his heart splatter on the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but I think it drives the point home.