Status: Active :)

Oh Baby, I Deserve Better.


I was put into surgery after having twenty minutes with Alex, I was sobbing uncontrobally until they knocked me out with the drugs so they could take out the dead baby.

I felt so confused when I finally started coming too. I felt so empty but I couldn't exactly remember what happened.

"Kate?" I head Alex speak softly as he gently grabbed my hand.
All of a sudden I remembered a flash of what I had just gone through, tears instantly sprang to my eyes as my free hand moved down to rest itself on my empty stomach.

"Oh God, Alex!" I cried as I turned to look at him, his features blurred by my tears.

"It's going to be okay, baby. We'll be fine, I promise" he tried to comfort me. I could hear his voice slightly cracking as he held back his own tears.

"I'm such a failure as a mother" I mumbled as I cried harder.

"Shhh stop crying, baby. I need you to calm down and then I'm gonna go get the doctor so he can check you. I'm sure you just wanna go home so I'm gonna try and get you out of here as soon as I can" he explained as he gently kissed my hand and got up, heading out towards the hallway to get my doctor.

After about ten minutes he was back to holding my hand and trying to keep me calm.

This was the worst day of my entire life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohh haai.
This is short because I'm at my sisters office at work and she keeps cr33pin' over my shoulder/giving me weird ass looks.
Comments please??? :)
<333 you allll!