Status: Active :)

Oh Baby, I Deserve Better.


I woke up at 7 to an empty room and quiet house which was pretty unusual. I slowly got up and made my way downstairs only to find a note taped to the kitchen counter.

Morning beautiful!
Josey and I are at the grocery store because she wanted strawberry poptarts and we only had blueberry. We shouldn't be too long, call me if you need anything.
Love you- Alex

I reached over and grabbed the house phone quikly dialing Alex's cell.

"Hello?" He asked into the phone.

"Hi baby, can you pick something up for me?" I asked sweetly.

"Yeah, what do you need?" I could tell he was slightly distracted by the tone of his voice and the sound of Josey whining in the background.

"Will you pick me up a pregnancy test please?" I asked my tone so sweet it almost made me gag.

"Yeah sure I can do tha...wait what? Come on! I don't wanna get that! Its so embarrassing!!" He complained.

"Alex, come on now. You're a 22 year old male, it obviously not for you, please pick me up one so we can see if we finally achieved baby Gaskarth number 2" I pleaded.

"Uhh fine, I'll be home in half an hour" he said as he hung up the phone.

I then decided to make myself some breakfast because I was starving. I got out everything I needed and started cooking only for the smell to make me sick to my stomach. I quickly turned off the stove and ran to the bathroom to vomit.
After taking twice as long to cook my eggs than it normally would, I was finally sitting at the kitchen table enjoying my food when I heard the garage door go up signaling the arrival of Josey and Alex.

"Momma look! Daddy bought me strawberry poptarts!!!" She screamed as she ran into the kitchen waving a box of poptarts.

"Yummy! Do you want mommy to heat it up for you or do you wanna eat it cold?" I asked her.

"Just cold" she decided before handing me the box so I could get her one.

"There you go baby" I said to her as she scampered off with her poptart.

I got up to put my plate in the sink when I saw Alex walk in carrying several grocery bags.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"Naw, this is the last of them" he responded before pulling me into a hug. He lightly pecked my lips before turning to the bags and pulling a box out of one of them.

"Go take it!" He exclaimed as he handed me the pregnancy test.

I smiled at him before walking upstairs to our bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped down before opening the box and going to the toilet to pee on the test. I set it on the counter and got into the shower, I figured it would be better than just waiting 15 minutes for the test to be ready, its not like I didn't need to shower.
I was about to step out of the shower when Alex walked into the bathroom.

"Did you look at it yet?!" He asked, excitement etched into his features.

"Not yet" I stated before getting out of the shower and wrapping a fluffy towel around myself.

"What the hell?! Why not?!" He asked.

"I was showering, now we can look at it" I said, giving him a look, before I reached over to look at the test.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so I know I haven't updated in awhile and I'm very sorry!
But I'm at the point where I don't even know if people are reading this...
I'm getting maybe 5 comments and I have 88 subscribers and over 100 readers.
I need comments guys or I might just end this..
Thanks to everyone who has been commenting because you're the reason I'm updating right now.
Please comment and restore my faith in this story :)