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Always Does Love Exist Within

Ages will pass...

Years will end...

Days slowly fade away...

But love will never leave.

Everything is fallible, this I believe

But love is no myth, it's a wonderful reality

It gives me a sliver of morality

When the day has gone wrong,

And there is no healing song

Your beautiful eyes reinvigorate hope

They give me a better, fresher, greater scope

And life is not just a cruel joke

It's a miracle...

A miracle that I've met you.

That fantastic smile can bring me sweet bliss

I never knew such a motion could exist

And it's something I will simply reminisce

But this is love, after all, where amazing things come

Love, the thing that can bring you from glum to numb

And I can never forget that kindness...

In everyone else, I just find less

Everything turns from fuzzy to clear

Love is no longer something to fear

You, the only thing I will hold dear...

Everything is better now that you're here...