Status: Done... Hope you like it ;}


Everything Ends with a Single Phrase

So, it comes down to the final stand
Here I am, nothing at my hand
I wish it was you standing by my side
I wish it was you with me on life's ride
But this will never come, it's true
There will never be "me and you"
Let darkness come to envelop my soul
Let it come; I must take my toll
But before I finally go to leave
There is one last thing you must believe
I know what I will say
Is a widely used cliche
But it sums up all my emotions
And it's wider than the oceans
I conclude, I end, I part now
But this is what I've found
Okay, okay
I shouldn't delay
So here it is, my final words
Always will I keep them in my heart
You should as well, we finally part...
Wider than the oceans, here it comes...

I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay I put them all up!!!! Tell me if you like it.