Not Enough Mike Stories So Here's One

The Interview

“Good luck with your interview.” Dahlia says after our lunch together.
“Thanks.” I say hugging her.
“Call me after and tell me how it goes.”
“Okay.” I say feeling my nerves eating me alive.

We step out of the restaurant and head our separate ways. I get into my car and start it up to find I’m low on gas. God I hope I get this job; my savings account is running low. I drive down the familiar streets until I pass by the WFPT building then I slow down and start the aggravating task of looking for a parking space.

Suddenly, as if out of no where a frustrated woman, shouting at someone on the second story of a residential building opens a car door, gets in, and drives off. I quickly take her spot and get out in time to here the person on the second story yelling,
“I never liked you anyway!”
I’m not quite sure whether to take this as a good sign of a bad one, but I hurry my ass into the WFTP building before anything else happens.

I sit in a chair in the hallway, right next to the secretary’s desk and wait patiently to be called in for my interview.
“He’ll see you now.” A young, sort of stereotypical gay guy looking guy says holding a file folder in his hand daintily.
“Thanks.” I say getting up and heading for the metallic blue door. I open it to see a macho looking man in his forties sitting in his chair typing vigorously on his keyboard.
“Ahh, Miss Jade Sombry.” He says looking more over, I somewhat feel like he’s undressing me with his eyes.
“Hi.” I say stepping forward and shaking his hand, “Nice to meet you.”
“Good voice too.” He tilts his head to the left, “Very nice.”
“Excuse me, but you’re making me uncomfortable.” I say clearly. He jolts, as if he were coming out of a daze.
“Wha? You think. . ..oh, oh no.” he laughs, “I’m as straight as a rainbow.” I can feel myself blushing, “I’m with the guy who called you in.”
“I’m so sorry.” I say into my hand.
“Its okay, no harm done,” he chuckles, “Please sits down.” I take my seat across the desk from him and cross my legs.
“I’ve looked over your résumé, its pretty nice,” he says casually, “But I’m wondering, have you ever been an announcer.”
“No I haven’t.” I say slowly.
“Not even sitting in once and a while?” I shake my head.
“Oh.” He says carefully.
“I am here for the recording technicians position anyway.”
“Oh no.” he says slowly then chuckles a little, “Oh no, my assistant didn’t tell you, we’re not looking for a recording technician, we’re looking for a new announcer for our lunchtime rock show.”
“Well then.” I sigh, “this has been a bit awkward, so umm, thank you for your time.” I shake hands with him before heading out the door.